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sO I_worship_my_cat did this one and since it's a real good one I thought imma do it!!

1) Crush?
Don't have onee

2) Middle name?
Aimée (which means loved or such a schist)

3) Shoe size?
42 in European shoe sizes

4) Eye color?
Green kinda yellowish

5) Last time you cried?
Idk... probably when I was worried abt my friend or when my mom said something that made me feel guilty abt not doing enough or something... I feel guilty real fast abt basically everything

6) Biggest fear?
Losing the people I love

7) Last song you listened to?
Probably 'Savage Love' by Jason Derulo and another guy bc that's our current hip hop dance song and we were in training yesterday and I haven't listened to music since then ig

8) Last person you texted?
I sent my best friend who's in FINLAND WHICH MAKES ME SAD a snap saying
"Gm♥️ Lysfm I hope you slept well"

9) Relationship status?
Romantically literally non existent

10) Fav sports steam?
Uhmmm probably some dance groups in our dancing school

11) Best friend?
yeehaw_12345 (the one from Finland)
loui246 (my neighbor)

12) Fav celebrity?
Idk? NF?

13) Any scars?
Uhm yes?

14) Kissed someone?
No one romantically lol

15) Someone you hate?
I don't hate anyone
I think there are people that shouldn't act like they do but I don't hate them

16) Ever done drugs? (DONT DO IT KIDS)

17) Height?
Probably abt 1.7 m

18) Are you currently happy?
Nah not happy but also far from miserable so I'm rly okay

19) Do you drink?
Water? Yes. Alcohol? Never ever have before and I also don't want to in the future

20) Last thing you bought?
Uhmmm I bought some apricots, nectarines and mushrooms for my mom... for myself the last thing I bought was a blue skinny high waisted jeans, 3x3 pairs of white short Nike socks & probably something else

21) Last thing you ate?
I just had breakfast which consisted of:
1 large to medium mashed banana
Lots of oats
Milk to soak overnight
Handful of almonds
One brazil nut
Two handfuls of frozen blueberries (usually I would choose raspberries but we ran out of 'em)
And three heaped tbsp of Magerquark which is kinda like low fat greek yogurt bC I don't really eat meat anymore and I'm still trying to eat balanced and get sOmE protein in
And bc I was hungry afterwards I ate a small slice of toasted (made by myself) whole-wheat spelt bread w/ walnuts, sesame seeds & ground hazelnuts which I topped w/ abt 1tsp of olive oil and a good pinch of salt
Then I had a carrot
And I think I'm still hungry so probably gonna eat something later

22) Day or night?

23) Fav lyric?
Some of  NF's lyrics probably

24) Do you give second chances?
I give as many chances as you want bc I'm an idiot

25) Pet peeve?
I get annoyed by literally everything

26) Random fact?
I'm dumb

27) Current mood?
Weird but fine... and sleepy

28) Last book you read?
Oof well I started a book yesterday in a book shop but didn't finish it, the last one I read to the end was 'Maigret und der verstorbene Monsieur Gallet' (which translates to 'Maigret and the passed Mr. Gallet') for our German class.

29) Jealous type?

30) Birthday?
22 July 2005

31) Obsession?

32) Fav song?
How could you leave us by NF

33) Worst mistake?
Tchh tchhh dOnT wAnNa sAy bC eLsE I'm gOnNa sOuNd dEpReSsInG

34) Someone you trust?
None 100% bUt I trust my best friend in Finland the most

35) Do you believe in love?
Yikes not for me

36) Are you ok?
I am. I can confidently say I'm more mentally stable than I have been in a looooong time


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