Ten More Facts About Me

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I was tagged to do this almost a month ago by the wonderful Willowing_Whisp 

...better late than never though, right?

1. My birthday is July 30th

2. I have posters on my ceiling because I ran out of room on the walls

3. I flipped over on a sled in gym class

4. I had an asthma attack and lost a shoe in a marsh on a hiking trip for gym class

5. I got stuck under a kayak and almost drowned in gym class

6. I regret taking "outdoor adventures" as a gym class because I suck at everything we do... I guess I'm not outdoorsy or adventurous

7. I slack off in school yet I have really good grades and I'm in AP classes

8. I started liking the minions ironically but now I think I'm starting to actually like them... I've been corrupted

9. I'm starting college in the fall as an English writing major

10. I really want a pet jackalope (yes, I'm aware that they don't exist but I try not to think about that because it makes me sad... come on they're freaking adorable!)

So those facts were kind of all over the place... not even sure they all count as facts (*cough cough* my gym rant *cough cough*) but whatever, better than nothing.

Sorry if I tag you in everything, I only know so many people:






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