Virgnia's Studying Tips

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So, since it's exam week for me, I figured I would share my studying stuff with you. So, here are 8 studying tips from a freshman in highschool. If you have exams rn, good luck!

1. Quizlet is Quiz-lit (someone stop me)

Seriously though, It's so efficient, especially if you're someone who can type fast and has messy handwriting like me

2. Study everything, even if you know it

Obviously focus on the stuff you don't know more heavily, but still quickly go over the stuff you already know so it doesn't leave your brain while you're cramming new stuff.

3.  When you go over flashcards, say the question and the answer out loud.

This helps me to better remember

4. Listen to music, but not the regular stuff

This one is very optional because it can distract people but it really helps me. BUT I like to listen to instrumentals. Like, the Hamilton Instrumental soundtrack is great, I also really like The Piano Guys and Two Cellos. My all time favorite study music is the album "The Piano Guys II" (by the Piano Guys) (duh). I also really like mostly to completely instrumental jazz music, because I find it calming but fun to listen to. If you're gonna go with this, KENNY G DOES NOT WORK WELL

5. Have a study guide? DO IT.

Seriously, I don't care if it isn't for a grade. It is extra practice and you're writing stuff down, which help to remember stuff! If it's worth extra credit DEFINITELY DO IT.  Don't think you need extra credit? Doesn't matter! Cushioning when it comes to exams is wonderful because you have a little more room to mess up.

6. This is probably the last thing on flashcards, I swear

If you have a study guide, base your flashcards around that! That's the main stuff that will be on the exam, which means that's what you need to know!

7.  Take breaks

Studying can get stressful, and I always find that going for half an hour, taking a ten minute break, and going for another half an hour makes studying less stressful. During my break I usually eat a small snack and drink some water

Branching off of that

8. Drink water y'all

This isn't even really a study tip, just do it. Seriously water is vital to the human existence. If you don't drink it you feel icky and studying doesn't go great.

Ok bye now

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