Five Facts

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Hey Peeps!! So I was tagged by SuperWriter5523 (go follow her) to give 5 facts about myself I think. Sorry, I don't really get tags. Anywhozies so I have to do that and tag 14 people to do it as well so here we go :

1. I think I'd be a Gryffindor!

2. I am a daughter of Hephaestus (and I'm blessed by Athena and Aphrodite).

3. I am under the age of 25.

4. I consider marauders_4_life, 4321Awesome1234, xXThalia_GraceXx, Shreya_The_Best_1602 to be my closest online friends. And my friends Thalia, Angi (Angi is her nickname), Alice (Alice is her nickname), Alice and Jules to be my closest "real life" friends.

5. My favorite song right now is probably Take A Hint by Nightcore.
Here's this vid :

And now who I want to do this tag :
1. xXThalia_GraceXx
2. marauders_4_life
3. Shreya_The_Best_1602
3. 31PurpleFlower13
4. kathlean0295
5. Hadeschild11
6. Son_of_Tartarus
7. nerdy_fluff7
8. StarObsession
9. JewelofthePhoenix
10. Fangirlzrule-04
11. CuteArtThou
12. Dark_Demigod_Witch
13. Leo_Valdez_is_life
14. 4321Awesome1234
There u go.

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