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We're cleaning out the garage,

(More like my dad and aunt are doing all the work)

And I'm just browsing stuff on Netflix, trying to find a good nature documentary bc I love those things,

And then I hear someone say 'manga'.

Oh boy.

I literally throw down my controller (I was using our PS3)

and run into the garage and yell "MANGA?!" (God I'm such a fucking weeb)

So there's two boxes of Magna and we bring them into my room, and my aunt leaves and my dad heads to bed.

I look through the box, and I find it.

The cover was light and looked faded. The title "DESIRE" went across it.

At first I believe it's a man and a short haired woman. I was too dumb to look at the very bottom of the book.

I start reading it, and right away, my suspicions are right.

It's a Yaoi manga. A fucking BL manga. (If you'd like to keep your innocence, (if you even still have it, I mean come on, this is a fanfic website.) I'd suggest you stop right here.)

And if you don't know what that is its gay.



So at first it's ok, kinda fluffy, and then the MCs crush gets a girlfriend.

And it all goes downhill from there.

The MCs friend revels the crush told him he thinks about the MC when he....

'releases' in his GF.

And there's a picture with that.

Nothing graphic but still it's sex people.

Then it gets even worse and the crush asks the MC to fuck with him and that he thinks about him when he 'finishes'.

And at this point I'm like "WHAt THE FUcK'

So then there's a sex scene, it doesn't show their 'lower rejoins' still it's pretty graphic. (Auto correct tried to put 'good there.... Welcome to the club autocorrect...)

And then the book revels they're on a fuck schedule.

And it lowers from there...

But the MC is hesitant in the first few times and it almost looks like rape....

And this is the part that gets me the most.

Not the fact that I now own my own fucking Yaoi manga,

It's the fact that my dad and my two aunts owned it.

I want to find out, but you can't just go up to your (not to mention Christian) family holding a BL manga and say "HEY  I READ THIS YAOI MANGA SO WHICH ONE OF YOU FUCKERS IS THE ORIGINAL OWNER?"

And that's the story of how I now own a BL manga.

Kill me please.

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