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Originally posted on DA on April 18, 2018. Only sharing it here for fun.



Anyways, I was tagged by transformer333 on DA in their journal they did of it.

Now let's get to it bitches!


1. Write the rules. (Or copy and paste them, whichever you prefer.)

2. Write 13 things about yourself.

3. Answer 13 questions made by the person who tagged you, and make your own 13 questions.

4. Tag 13 deviants. Make sure they know that they are tagged.

5. Don't say, ''You're tagged if you read this." – (cuz let's be honest here – that's just not cool.)

13 Facts About Yourself:

1. I can't stand people that pick on others just because of different opinions/orientation/religion/what they identify as, etc. It just pisses me off.

2. I wear glasses, though that's basically known if you've seen my ID and icon, I'm blind as fuck without them which kind of irritating.

3. Got on the honor role in eighth grade for pretty good grades and defending my friend Isaac from these bullies........ I kind of pushed one of them down though *insert nervous icon*

4. Really wish me and my family didn't move away from Los Lunas, I really miss that place.

5. I went on some youth group camp thing in eleventh grade and I swear to fucking God that someone or something pulled my left leg in the middle of the night, couldn't walk the next day either and people thought I was faking it.

6. Found a dead dog once in this field behind the apartments that I lived at in Los Lunas, I still don't know if the dog belonged to someone since there wasn't a collar.

7. When I lived in Grants my mom and brother found a mother cat and her four kittens in our shed in the backyard. It was so cute though, one of the kittens that were all black like the mother tried walking up to us and she all put her paw in front of it like; "Oh HELL NAW! You ain't goin to no humans."

8. I'm a major shipper for a lot of otps for the fandoms I'm in. There's a lot but I won't list them.

9. It is ONE HUNDRED percent okay to note me if you're going through something tough and need someone to talk to. Doesn't matter if we barely talk, I'll help you out the best I can.

10. Romance movies/shows/books bug the shit out of me. Fanfictions are fine, don't know why I'm okay with those ones though.

11. After I got my Nook(doesn't work anymore) for my birthday in eighth grade I was a curious little fuck and decided to look up some fanfictions for transformers and ended up staying up late reading a lot of them *insert laughing Ratchet icon* ENJOY THE LAUGHING RATCHET ICON! ENJOY IT!

12. We lost our Guinea pig Jack earlier this year. I miss the little guy, he was so cute.

13. Main reason for what I said for the first fact and why I hate those types of people is because I have friends that have gotten picked on for it, I have too but I stopped caring about it in sixth grade. Was more concerned about my friends happiness than my own(still am).

transformer333's Questions

1. What do you consider your best attribute?

Nothing because I don't care about that stuff all that much. Since I have to pick though I'll just go for my creative mind. I have too many ideas that just won't leave my head.

2. What is your dream job?

For the longest time it was to be a Motorcycle mechanic but that died off in high school since I didn't have any motivation for that anymore. Now I just want to major in art and have a job that involves that because it's what I love.

3. What is one weird secret about yourself? (Don't worry--we won't judge. *insert laughing devil icon*)

Uh... heh... yeah no. Not going to answer that one publicly.

4. You can only pick one favorite character to be your favorite favorite--who is it and why?

Awww shit. Umm, I'll have to go with Sari from Transformers Animated. Reason why being that she was extremely interesting to me. She was just this intricate, kind of quirky(to me) character that most of the time didn't care what other people thought. Yeah sure, she had some quirks that weren't all that great but that's what made me love her all the more. Characters with flaws and stuff just kind of catch my attention immediately.

5. Favorite type of music (if you have one)?

Fucking shit I love Rock N' Roll, Metal, Punk, Scream-o. I do like a small bit of Country, Pop and Rap, but it isn't that much.

6. Who was your first hardcore fictional crush (if you had/have one)?

Oh god, I had a crush on Gaz and Tak from Invader Zim for a long ass time. Then I ended up crushing on my two favorite transformers for a while... I'm NOT saying who they are!

7. Favorite food?

Butter baked Cascadia(is that how it's spelt?). It's fricking delicious!

8. What is your biggest regret?

I don't know. I guess not doing a lot of things in school or something. There was some things I wanted to get involved in but didn't because there was too many people. I don't like a lot of people.

9. Do you have a fondest memory? If so what is it?

Nope. I don't really do fondest memories or things like that. Yeah sure there's memories I love but there's not one that I would pick as my fondest just yet.

10. If you could marry anybody--living, dead, real, fictional--who would it be?

Okay I know I said I wouldn't say my favorite transformers but fuck it, I'd marry either Soundwave from Prime or Blackarachnia from Animated. Reason for Soundwave being that he's mysterious and doesn't talk, except for that one time. Reason for Blackarachnia is that she was kind of damaged, I just want to take care of her. I don't know I just like the deadly and damaged characters the most. I can't really explain it all that well even if I tried to.

11. That one character that you hate more than anyone else in your fandom, why do you hate them so much?

DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED OKAY! I hate fricking Starscream, Erwin, Freddy Fazzfu-- Fazzbear, Benson, Swindle, Lockdown, Light, Matsuda, Misa etc. There's a lot more but I'm just going with those ones. I HATE THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL EITHER ANNOYING OR CONIVING ASSES!

12. If you could have one power, what would you want it to be?

Shapeshifting. Because then I could turn into a mother fucking dragon and just go mess around. Then I could also be either of my five sonas. Would be really cool to be my lithian-sona. Ah yeah that would be neat.

13. You can pick one fictional world to bring into reality, the catch is everyone else in the world has to live there, too. What world do you pick and why?


Transformers(any series) - Do I seriously even need to explain myself for this one here? The fucking Cybertronians would be REAL! I'D DIE HAPPY!

Attack On Titan - Titans. Fucking Titans. Then all of the other characters, especially Hanji I fricking love her. Plus it's the only way I'd be able to get away with murder since the titans are already killing everybody anyways. I ALSO WANNA KILL THE TITANS!

Death Note - Because one word! Shinigami! DEATH GODS AHH! AND MOTHER OF GOD IF THEY'RE BEING IN THIS WORLD THEN FUCKING BRING REM BACK! ... I get that most people in the fandom were sad about L dying and all but I fucking lost my shit and ended up crying when Rem died.

Invader Zim - Aliens. FUCKING ALIENS. Enough said.

FNAF(all games) - I love the games way too much so that's basically my only reason.... then it's also because I love Bonnie, Mangle and Springtrap just a little too much.

I could go on and on with more but I'm tired so this is it.

My Questions

1. Sports or video games? Reason why?

2. What's one of the strangest dreams you've had?

3. Romance or Horror? Reason why?

4. Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?

5. Is there anything about someone that just puts you off? Like you hate them but don't know why?

6. Anything you hate about the fandom(s) you're in?

7. Is there any type of joke that you hate and don't like? What's the reason?

8. What is your favorite show?

9. How about music? What's your favorite type of music?

10. Books or fanfictions? Reason why?

11. Do you prefer being inside or being outside?

12. Is there anything in your life that you regret doing?

13. Have you ever stayed up late thinking about things that happened a long time ago?

Now to sacrifice/tag these people~(random watchers and then some friends)

*insert the random 14 watchers from DA*


This took a while but it was worth it! It's 11:26 PM...


Again, only shared it here for fun. No one has to do it.

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