Tagged by NerdyKid101

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Originally posted on DA on March 7, 2015. Only sharing it here for fun.


His questions:
1) What's your favorite show? Any show, I mean. Not just object shows.

- FACE OFF, Defiance, Resurrection and more.

2) Least favorite show?

- Anything romantic.

3) How would you feel if I told you there's a new community that's similar to the OSC, but recently just began and has no idiots in it whatsoever?

- Just shrug and walk off, not really a concern.

4) What Vine do you prefer: 21 or The Potato Flew Around The Room?

- Both were fun to watch, but the 21 made me laugh more. I'll have to watch it again, it's been a while.

5) Now which show do you prefer out of these 2: Futurama or The Simpsons?


6) Okay, again: SpongeBob Squarepants or Powerpuff Girls?

- SpongeBob Squarepants! Powerpuff Girls was okay.. but SpongeBob is way more funny.

7) If you could choose which animatronic in the FNAF series to be stuffed in, which one would it be?

- Hmmmmm............... BONNIE! I'm fine with either XD.

8) Skip this one.

- Okay.

9) Skip this one again.

- Kay.


- Alright.

- I'm very random once I'm comfortable with a person.
- Was caught in a sandstorm with my mom when we were coming home from Arizona when I was in elementary school, can't remember the year.
- I'll be friends with anybody, just as long as they aren't a jerk or an ass to some other people I know.
- I love to make fanfics of the things I love and I make some stories that aren't really fanfics, but things that pop into my head, and since most are not okay for Deviantart I don't post them here.
- I have been bullied for a long time and when a friend of mine was bullied I stood up for the both of us.
- I like spiders and snakes.
- I pet a wolf in 8th grade in Gallup two years ago.
- Right now my family has three horses, three dogs, two genie pigs, and two birds. Here's their names in order
Horses are Buster, Fancy and Lily.
Dogs are Max, Teddy and Spike.
Genie pigs are Toby and Jack.
Birds are Charley and Marley.

My Questions:
1) What type of music do you listen to?
2) Who's you favorite Creepypasta? Why is he/she your favorite?
3) Ever have the feeling like you're being watched?
4) Do you feel like we're not alone?
5) What's your favorite scene from your favorite movie?
6) Ever commit a crime? (I don't know randomness)
7) When you were a kid, did you cause trouble for your parents or did you stay in your room most of the time?
8) Would you fight for what you believed in when the odds are stacked against you by a lot?
9) Are you gay? (thought of by my nephew Parker)
10) What's the most strangest thing you've ever thought/done?

My Tags:

Just anybody that wants to do this.


Again, only sharing it here for fun. No one has to do it. Also the amount of pets we have has changed. Lastly, the information is staying the same because I don't want to update it.

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