Forgotten Tag lol

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There's a chance I forgot this tag... ^^

Anyway, thank you @emojiperson23 for tagging me! ^~^ I believe I answer these questions then make my own? ^^

1. How old are you? I turned 14 this year :3

2. What is the scariest thing that has happened to you? Probably when I ran away from a stranger and he/she grabbed the back of my hoodie to pull me back inside but I got away just in time (I think I told you guys about this in an earlier chapter?)

3. What is the one thing you regret doing in your life? Not writing down more memories of my best friend that moved away so I'd remember her...

4. What is your zodiac? Pisces! :3

5. What is your middle name? Annette

6. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? I have a cat named Baby :3 I used to have a dog named Rio though... ;-;

7. What is your favorite TV show? Does anime count? ;3

8. What is your most beloved book? Does manga count? ;3

9. What do you like doing in your spare time? Being with Yellow_Pill and KevinMeli6 , drawing, watching anime and reading manga :3

10. What is your favorite subject in school? Meh, it depends what we have in that class. It varies between Math, Music and PE XD

Here are my 10 questions~ :3

1) What's your zodiac sign?

2) Do you like anime? If so, which one is your favorite?

3) If you got to choose whichever country to live in, which would you choose?

4) How old are you?

5) Who are your closest Wattpad friends?

6) What are your hobbies?

7) Any strange/unusual habits?

8) How tall are you?

9) What's your dream job?

10) Are you more of a pessimistic or optimistic person?

I tag:

Wattpad (of course lol)

If you don't wanna do this tag, don't do it (even though I'd be really happy if you did :3) ^^

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