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This oneshot will take place after the fourth shinobi war and the Toneri incident. (Naruto the last)

Well here's the birthday oneshot for our little cinnamon bun!


Hinata looked in the mirror, overlooking every detail making sure that everything looked right on her. Her hair was in a tight bun with her bangs still in place. She wore a lavender dress that stopped just above her knees. They complimented her eyes that made her lavender orbs pop. It hugged her curves, but still had a frilly end to the dress. She wore matching wedges to complete the outfit. She wore no accessories, for she thought it wouldn't be necessary. But she made one exception, she wanted to wear her lilac pearl necklace that her little sister, Hanabi, had gave to her on her birthday. She clipped it on, and admired the pearly orb that shone in the mirror.

"Are you done yet Hinata? We should really get going by now!" She heard TenTen shout from the other side of the door.

"I'll be out in a minute!" The girl replied taking one last look in the mirror. She looked around her room to see if anything was out of place. With a final glance, she opened the door to find Tenten patiently waiting for her. Tenten had dressed up for the occasion too, though she really didn't want to, she did it for her best friend and her boyfriend's cousin. She wore a orange dress that stopped at her mid thigh. It didn't hug her curves like Hinata's, for she wanted a flowy one that would make her comfortable. She wore orange pumps to top it off.

"You look wonderful in your dress Tenten! I've never seen you in one before!" The bluenette exclaimed.

"I could say the same thing to you. Now let's go, you can't be late to your own party!" TenTen grabbed Hinata, and headed out the front entrance of the Hyuga compound.

The two females power walked all the way to their destination, getting a few whistles and "happy birthdays" along the way. They reached the tall building that the party was being held at.

"Ok Hinata, you ready for this?" Tenten asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be!"commented Hinata. They linked arms with each other, and with that they both entered the building. The second they came in they heard a chorus of people. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

A wide grin spread on the lavender eyed beauty's face. She had no idea this much people were going to come! She saw familiar and and unfamiliar faces all around the giant room. Heck, she thought she even spotted Jiraiya, one of the legendary sanin! She could see gifts on a large table with variety of wrapping tape and sizes. But in the middle of it all, was a long table way with a giant purple cake that said, "Happy Birthday Hinata!" spelled in white icing.

In the distance, a certain whiskered young man was staring at the Byakugan Princess in admiration and in slight lust. The way her eyes glimmered in the chandeliers and how her curves were perfectly shown, almost turned him on. The blonde quickly dismissed the perverted thoughts that were fogging into his mind. 'I've been hanging out with Jiraiya way too much.'' He thought.

Just then Jiraiya sneezed suddenly. "Someone must be talking about me right now. Probably saying how sexy I am, hehe." Jiraiya sniffled/chuckled out.

"Earth to Hinata!" Tenten called out waving her hands in her face. The bluenette quickly caught attention. "I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes!"

"Oh, I'm sorry...It just that it looks so breathtaking in here!"

The two bun female sighed. "I know what you mean...but now's not the time to be gazing, it's time to cut the cake!


"Happy birthday to you!!!" Everyone sang cheerily. Hinata blew out all her 20 candles in one go. Everybody cheered and whistled as Ino and Sakura began cutting and passing out the cake.

Hinata couldn't have been more exultant in her whole life. All her friends and comrades were around her with cheerful faces, enjoying her day of birth. Everybody had came for her, and made her feel love.

What could be even better than that?

After everyone had their cake and a few drinks, (some took a bit more shots that they could handle) most people starting spilling out of the party and heading home.

Hinata scanned around to see if she could spot any out the remaining people she could socialize with. She saw Kiba at the food table with Shino. Hinata would go over there with her squad mates, but Kiba looked like he was enjoying his food a bit too much, while Shino just stood there and watched him the whole time.

The female kunoichi giggled to herself gazing at the 'unique' pair. Hinata felt her legs grow tired and her feet ache due to the fact that she was standing the whole time. She walked over to the bar and sat promptly.

Off not to far from her, was once again the hero of the leaf looking fixedly at the birthday girl.

"WHAT'CHA LOOKIN' AT?" His drunk sensai yelled startling the lovesick fellow. "NOTHING OLD MAN! NOW GO BACK TO PEEPING ON GIRLS YA PERVERT!"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PERVERT YOU LITTLE-HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" The tipsy sanin hollered. He had caught his student focusing on a certain lavender eyed girl, who was giggling at their antics.

"Do you like her or somethin'?" Jiraiya asked.

"HUH?! N-No! I mean yes. I MEAN NO! I MEAN maybe..." the knuckle head stammered out.

"No...YOU LOOOVE HER!!" Jiraiya almost screamed earning some stares from nearby people.


His master sighed. "If you have feelings for the girl, you should tell her that. You should never wait until the last minute, because by then, it'll be too late."

Naruto was star-strucked by his sensai's  sudden sober words of encouragement. "But what if she rejects me?" Naruto questioned.

"Then do as that one guy said. If you don't succeed at first, try, try again!" Jiraiya chanted.

Naruto took a moment to think about his sensai's advice. "Ok, I'll do it! Thanks for the help old man!" Naruto said as he trotted of to Hinata's direction.

"Go get er' lover boy!"

"Can I have a glass of wine?" Hinata asked the bartender. "Red or white?" Hinata peeked out to look at the bartender realizing that it was someone she knew.

"Shikamaru? You're working as the bartender?" The bluenette asked.

"Yeah I had too. It's too troublesome though. I had to take care of too many drunk heads to count." The pineapple head man complained.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck. And I would like a red wine." 

"Coming right up." The brown haired boy gave a wink and went to go fetch her adult drink.

The youthful woman sighed in loneliness as she had no one to talk to.

"You look bored. Mind if I entertain you?" The Hyuga jumped slightly in her chair immediately recognizing the hoarse voice.

"N-Naruto-Kun!" Hinata stammered blush crepting up her cheeks. She had still not recovered from the Toneri incident, when Naruto and her romantically kissed in the moonlight. (A/N: that was so fùcking cute it made me roll on the floor and squeal my àss off)

"Can if I come talk with you outside for minute?"


"So Naruto-Kun, w-what did you want to talk to me about?" Hinata  stutterdly asked. She was so anxious as to why Naruto had brought her here, to a flower garden with variety of plants planted everywhere. It was weird, because flowers aren't supposed to grow in December, but here they are, looking fresh and bloomed like it's spring!

Saying she was nervous was an understatement. She was almost fearful of what the jinchūriki might do!

"I wanted to give this to you personally, Happy Birthday Hina!" Naruto said handing her a small box. She reached for the gift and took it with their fingertips touching slightly. Blush both brushed on their cheeks. The kunoichi gasped as she opened up the present.

"These are beautiful!" Hinata exclaimed examining the lilac earrings.
"Thank you, Naruto-kun" and out of pure thankfulness, she hugged him. The blonde became flustered and shocked by the bluenette in front of him. He hesitantly hugged her back surprising the young woman. She swiftly let go, now red as a tomato.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry that just c-c-came out of nowhere!" Hinata bowed apologizing.

"I-It's okay..." Naruto replied as his face continued to tint.

An silence conjured between the two, making the atmosphere even more awkward.

"...Well, thank you for the present. I-If that's all you need than I'll be going off now..." Hinata trailed off as she began to stroll away.

"W-Wait!" Naruto called out to her earning the curious girl's attention.

Perplexed, Hinata turned back and said, "Yes, what is it?"

Naruto thought back at what his master had told him earlier that night. 'Just tell her how you feel. If you fail to succeed, try, try again!' He thought in his head.

"Hinata, I love you!" Naruto yelled out blushing madly.

"...W-What?" The Hyuga stuttered not believing her ears. She did not hear him right. Her childhood crush that she's loved for years finally loved her back? Although that would make a good birthday gift, it was too good to be true.

"I-I said I love you! I've loved you ever since the war! (A/N:I know this isn't true, but let meh dream ;-;) I love how your so determined and never give up even if you know you can't win! I love your charisma and your gentle personality! I love how your long hair flows in the wind and how your eyes shine bright with glee everyday! And how your so kind and caring to everyone makes me want to do the same. Hinata what I'm saying is...I think I might be falling for you!" Naruto took a deep breath after the jumbled rant he had said. 'I finally got that off my chest. I feel so much lighter! Now to see if she'll accept me..." the google eyed boy thought.

Silence was all he heard after that.

Hinata at the time felt like she was going to faint. By now her whole face was deep red as scarlet. (A/N: Fairy Tail reference anyone?)


Her emotions were all scrambled out. She felt flustered, shy, confused, and happy. She couldn't control the voices inside her head saying, "Believe him! Your true love has finally accepted you!" And, "Don't believe him! He might be tricking you!" All this made that troubled love struck girl's head to ache.

Not even noticing it, Naruto was just mere inches away form her now. He did something that he's done before and will never forget nor regret.

He kissed her.

He kissed her with all he had, all the love the Uzumaki cherished for her. When she didn't kiss back, he knew right away.

She didn't love him back.

Feeling discouraged, he pulled away in defeat. "Well I guess it was worth a try..." Naruto sadly whispered. He began to solemnly walk away from a dumbfounded Hinata, who is still processing what had just happened.  Then, she noticed something he said.

He thought she didn't love him.

Pain shot through the bluenette's heart as she saw him trudge away a heartbreaking look on his face.

"W-wait Naruto!" Hinata yelled out to the heartbroken jinchūriki. Naruto didn't listen and kept walking. When Hinata noticed this she became frustrated with his behavior. She marched up to him, swung him around to face her, grabbed his shoulders, and did the action the 2nd time that night.

She kissed him.

But it was no ordinary kiss, far from that. It contained all the jumbled up feelings she had been hiding from him for all those years. Every time she heard his ecstatic voice, her hear would skip a dozen beats. Every time that she would listen to his youthful laugh, it felt like she was in cloud nine. But every moment she spent with him,

She felt pure bliss.

Unexpectedly, she felt two big arms wrap around her waist and a pair of soft lips kissing hers back. Stunned at Naruto's reaction, her lavender eyes opened wide only to be met with ocean blue ones. Their colored orbs mashed together as they read the saga of their love in each other's eyes. It was as if their eyes held a story that only both of them could read, for the chronicle was made for them.

Feeling the need for air they both pulled back and took a breath still gazing into each other's eyes.

"Naruto..." Hinata started. She plastered a big smile on her face that only he could make her do.

"I love you too."

Hearing those words come out of his admirer urged him to feel like he was flying high up in the sky. He gave her his signature gleeful grin, only this time, the expression was filled with love and desire for the woman in front of him.

Naruto pulled Hinata in yet another kiss, but this time, it was filled with pure happiness. No confusion, no confessions, no nervousness.

Just pure happiness.

Extended Ending

"Haha you lost! Now pay up!" The white haired sanin cheered."

"Shhhh shut up or you'll blow our cover!" The former 5th hokage protested.

"Yeah yeah, just pay me, Tsunade!"

"That's not fair! It was totally rigged! I call best 2 out of three!" Tsunade challenged.

"Oh? And what will it be on?" Jiraiya curiously asked.

"I bet 20,000¥ that they'll do it by tomorrow!"

"Oh ho ho, Tsunade I had no idea you were so naughty! It's on! I bet they don't do it, my boy doesn't have the balls!"

The two shook hands out the deal, and continued observing (more like staking) the two new lovers and they're affectionate actions.

Phew! That was a really long oneshot! 2380 words!

Well I hope you enjoyed the Naruhina moment as much as I did writing it!

101cupcakelover I'm gonna read yours too, hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I wish a happy birthday to my favorite kunochi and Hyuga, Hinata! Hinata is truly a gem in the rough, that you don't see everyday. She does not give up easily and fights to the end, just like her husband Naruto.  She beyond question inspires me everyday to be the best that I can be to succeed!

Happy birthday Hinata Uzumaki, The daughter of the Hyuga clan, the wife of Naruto, the 7th hokage, the former member of team 8 and Kohona 12, the mother of Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki, but most importantly,

Our inspiration.

I truly do wish you a happy birthday,


This has been a very special oneshot, for a very special character from,

Dari-Sama 🐻

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