One of the More Fun Tags

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Tagged by MidnightMoonlark

1. Do you like cookies?
Of course! My favorite are snickerdoodles. The other day, I asked my mom if I could make snickerdoodles and she went to the store and bought the premade snickerdoodle mix.

2. Favorite cake type?
Gotta go with chocolate. With chocolate frosting. But I also really like red velvet with cream cheese.

3. What's your OTP?

4. Do you like pie?
Yeah! Especially if they're pie-flavored.

5. Something random
Mah achey breaky heart (achey breaky heart)

6. What you ate just now?
Eggs, rice, and pork

7. Favorite hobby?
Reading. Definitely.

8. The space unicorns are attacking. What do you do?
Try to find out why they're attacking. Then go hide somewhere with my family.

9. Siblings?
Yep. Two little sisters that periodically throw plastic bottles at me and try to beat down my door with a baseball bat.

10. Favorite movie?
Inside Out! I cried so much at the end, augh.

11. Favorite book?
Nuuu that's too hard... I'm going to have to say Cress, from The Lunar Chronicles...? (I'm sorry, Warriors!)

12. Out of ideas... Say something random.
All righty kitey

13. Favorite book quote?
I don't memorize every book I read, unlike you crazy people. *is totally not scouring bookcase for a quote* I'm probably missing so many quotes but let's just say my favorite is, "I have traveled so far and loved so much, yet I am still following the Sun Trail, heading for my new hunting grounds." ~Gray Wing, from Warriors: Dawn of the Clans; Path of Stars

14. Tag five people

My Questions Are...
1. Which is your favorite of the arts?
2. Do you consider yourself a jack-of-all-trades?
3. Favorite author?
4. Favorite letter?
5. What's your opinion on aliens?
6. Could a robot-uprising ever happen? Why?
7. Do you ever look at a tag and wished you had to do it?
8. Favorite word?
9. How fast can you type?
10. Would you rather text or call and why?
11. Month with the most friends' birthdays?
12. Song or singer?
13. Best-written character and why?
14. Opinion on fangirl/fangirling?
15. Do you hate anything because it's popular?
16. Ya like classic books? (Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Old Yeller)
17. Favorite century?
18. Do you try not to cry or just let it all out?
19. What are some things you have better than most people?
20. Tag five people.

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