I had a dream

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I had a dream. It was weird. Like really really REALLY REALLY weird. So in my dream I was sleeping. And then Captain America was like "Chanaenae you have to wake up!" (He said my real name but I'm not telling you guys my real name yet) So I'm all like:

What the heck is happening.

And Cap is just like Get up. And then I look at his face. So his face was normal but the space around him wasn't. So it was all rainbowy and wavy and weird. It was like you went to the dentist to get a tooth taken out and they give you anaesthetic or laughing gas and wake you wake up you have no clue where you are and what's going on. Like that.

And I'm still laying in my dream bed and then Coulson comes in like "Didn't you hear the man Sass? Get up. We have an emergency" (my lass name has the word sass in it so).

I get up, Cap and Coulson leaves. I'm dressed and I walk out of my room and somehow I'm in the vents. And I'm crawling and Clint is there like "Hey. Sup." And I'm like Hi. There's an emergency." And he's like "I know". And I'm looking at him.
And he's looking at me
And I'm looking at him.
And he's looking at me.
And I'm looking at him.
And he's looking at me.
And we are both looking at each other.

Then the vent falls but Clint is still there in the part of the vent that didn't fall. I'm uninjured and get up and Thor comes out of nowhere screaming "MAN OF IRON AND SON OF COUL WHERE DID YOU TAKE THE DELICIOUS TREATS THAT YOU CALL POPTARTS!"

And Nat is standing on the balcony looking all bad a**.

And I'm just standing in the middle of the floor thinking what the heck is going on.

And so Fury was standing there with his ominous black jacket and eyepatch like 'I'm just going to stand there and narrow my eye at all of you because I look super cool'

So Steve comes up to me with an eagle on his arm, drinking coffee from his American flag mug, on his youphone(if you get this reference then you are a boss. If you don't..... You are still a boss) bragging about how he got this new case with the picture of Mount Rushmore. Then he goes CAW CAW and a bigger eagle comes in with Abe Lincoln on its back singing/rapping BY THE POWER RESTING IN ME BY THIS GIANT BALD BIRD THE PRESIDENT SHALL NOT BE THE SHINIEST OF TWO TURDS! And then they both fly away. And I'm just like:

F it all.

So I run take Thor's hammer because he was too busy with a Lor'eal commercial going on and on how only he was in the commercial because he was worthy. I jump over Coulson who was pummeling Tony because he touched Lola. I take Steve's sheild and run off the balcony and Spidey shoots a web and catches me and then I woke up.

Q: What do you think my name is?
@Avadatothekedavra don't you dare say a word. To anyone. *glares at you* You promised.
I'm a weird child. Good night friends. That song has nothing to do with this story. I just really like it. DEUCES ✌✌✌✌


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