Someone save me from this madness

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I don't even know who tagged me, this time c': think ChildOfThe1TruKing and someone else. Correct me if I'm wrong, and let me know if you're the someone else XD

I'm supposed to answer these questions:


Single, taken, or crushing?

25th of May

Three budgies (plus four who need selling) and a rosy bourke. Those are solely mine, not family-pets cx

Last person you texted?
A person whose kid I babysit on Tuesdays

Last book you read?
Inkdeath (still working on it, no spoilers!)


Favourite show?
Mmm. Riders/Defenders of Berk and Doctor Who. (Totes not because those are the only TV-shows I watch.... XD)

Favourite movie?
I'm just gonna say Wonder Woman, bc it's the first thing that popped into my head.

Favourite school-subject?
Literary stuff, and DoC (Department of Conservation) courses

Least-favourite school-subject?
Probs maths. Cliché, I know

Favourite song?
'Afterlife' by Switchfoot (sidenote, it's not, but it's pretty high up-there and it was the first thing to pop into my head, so)

Favourite artist?
Josh Garrels (sidenote, he's not, but he's pretty high up-there and he was the first thing to pop into my head, so)

Favourite quote?
"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey! if it don't look like mutton again tomorrer."
- from The Hobbit

Five-foot-eight exactly

Favourite colour?
Idek anymore

Dominant hand?

~ ~

Have you ever...

Skipped class?
I'm homeschooled, but yeah, I've shirked my schoolwork... c':

Tasted wine, but not drunk-drunk cx

Gotten a tattoo?
No, but I'd like one! One day, when I trust myself to make a decision I won't regret... XD

Kissed someone?
Only relatives :p

Ditched a date?
Never dated XD

Broken-up with someone?

Stalked someone on social-media?
Yes XD

Snuck out?
Never had a reason to cx Ye-ha, I'm blessed ;D

~ ~

Morning or night?
Some people are early-birds. Some people are night-owls. I, sadly, am a crazy-chicken. Send help.

Cats or dogs?

Always busy or always free?

Messy or clean?
Well I like a good tidy-up, but they don't happen all that often XD "Am I a messy tidy-persoooon... Or am I a tidy messy-persooooon?"

Hot weather or cold weather?
Oh, hot for sure. Can't stand the cold *shudders*

I might tag... Shreya_VA, JoeRover2, and frostwingak for this one :) Feel free to do or not-do as you so wish XD

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