Banana fish poem lol

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So. Something nice and fun to know about me; I FUCKING HATE. WRITING. POETRY. because it makes me brain feel like it's melting and I always wanna cry. It is not enjoyable.

Another fact; I had both university level English and a university level writers course this year (grade 12). Both classes had a poetry unit. You can imagine how angry I was.

ANYWAYS my final poetry project was due today! We needed to write a poem! Of course! So that's what I did!

You see, I've been writing a banana fish fic for ao3 (that isn't out yet but. It will be at some point. I'm super excited for it) and I had like 5 pages of notes of like. Images I wanted to use (literal and figurative) so I took my list and I kinda.... turned some of it into a poem. About banana fish.

My teacher does not know that it is about my favourite anime of all time of course he prolly just thinks I had a girlfriend who died in the summer LMAO AHHHHHH

Anyways some of y'all said you wanna see so here you go (please don't judge me if you hate it I'm not good at poetry)

Last summer

Oh, love, how I miss you,
Ever since we had to say goodbye.

When the sun set at nine and the days were still long;
When we held hot hands and danced under the blue bird's song.

Watermelon smiles, sunscreen smothered cheeks;
How your voice dropped off like summer rain
At the end of our last weeks.

A willowy wish swished in a sultry breeze,
Sneaking by sugar-sticky fingers
And lost in the wind with the butterflies and buzzing bees.

Titling on the crumbling curbside,
Losing balance—
Alone, on you I once relied.

Tired clothes billowing on a line;
Dripping, hung out to dry;
I pray that you come home, that you give me a sign.

Honey, we were doomed from the start.
Apollo's darling Hyacinth flower,
Wretched fate; till death do us part.

You still remind me of the summer sky
And picnic blankets where we used to lie.

But, all good things must come to an end,
And though I'll likely never mend,
I'll wait for you, dear,
And hope these words will send.

Oh my,
How sweet the air was
When we last spoke;
How I ached when we had to say goodbye.

Yeah! Painful love poem! Woo!

We should place bets on what my mark will be- my teacher is a fucking dick and marks really hard and also is like. An old man. (He once got fired from a school because he threatened to stab himself in the eyes with a pair of scissors in front of his grade 9 students LMAO)

Anyways... if you read it? Thanks? I hope it wasn't bad enough to make you unfollow me :/

Love you guys!


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