A Large Tag And Some Other Stuff

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Hey all! I was tagged by the magnificent BartokTheBat and the fabulous whoreablysad. Without further ado, lets get going on the tag!!!

1. Name?


2. Relationship Status

Still a single pringle for life.

3. Crush

Yeah I have one in real life and then I get them on random male fictional characters.

4. Height

5'4" ish.

5. Birthday

One of the 365 days in a year.

6. Best girl friend/Closest girl friend

childcurly is someone I am very close to, so I am going to go with her. She is a friend in real life and on here.

7. Best Guy Friend/ Closest Guy Friend

Probably the guy I like or his best friend. I'm on good terms with both of them.

8. Last Song I listened to

Probably something from Anastasia. I'm on an Anastasia kick right now.

9. Last time I cried?


10. Last time I laughed and why?

It was either at something DaydreamShimmer wrote. Her stuff is great. Or it was probably a Psych clip. Or it could have been something Newsies related. Or it could have been at something in one of the Royal Misfits vlog. If you haven't watched that vlog, it is super fun to watch. Christy Altomore really did a great job with it.

11. Favorite color?

I am still super into purple. I really like blue and red though too.

12. Current Lockscreen?

Hasn't changed and I just posted it in the last tag I think.

13. Favorite song?

Oh goodness gracious. Really anything in Newsies. I love Newsies, although I haven't listened to it in quite awhile. King of New York is my victory song.

14. Current Homescreen?

That one's new!!! Let me see if I can find it.

Here it is!!!! I love city word art stuff like this and Chicago is a cool place so, I used it. There are New York ones out there which I have as well. I can share those on here sometime if you guys want me to.

5. Have I ever killed a guy?

Not in a story or in real life. Yet...(I mean in a story. People are going to die eventually.)

6. The name of the person I hate the most??

I don't know that I really hate anybody. Some people drive me up the wall, but I don't know that I absolutely hate anybody.

7. Do I like sushi?

Not sure. I don't think I've tried it. I would be open to trying it.

8. Name of crush

Fictional characters: All of the Newsies and for some reason, Dmitry/Dmitri from Anastasia. I have a crush more on the one from the movie. My real life crush's name is classified information for his sake.

9. Does my crush like me?

Not sure. I'm talking about the real life one here. I really don't know because he can be super confusing.

10. Do I drive?

Yep and it's fun!

11. Last YouTube Video I watched?

I think it was a Psych clip from American Duos. It's one of the episodes. Psych is great and American Duos is a great episode.

12. Last book I read?

Hmmm. On here I am in the middle of The Tale Time Has Faded which is an Anastasia story. I am currently reading Wuthering Heights for summer reading for school. I read Fahrenheit 451 awhile ago.

13. Favorite animal?

I like narwhals, cats, pandas, dogs, sloths, and red pandas.

14. Do I play an instrument and what instrument(s) do I play?

I play some hand percussion, piano, and my best instrument, the clarinet. That's the one I'm the best at.

15. Number of siblings?

I have one sibling.

16. Ten things about me.

I hate talking about myself this much. I actually have to think of things to say instead of giving answers to a question. *sigh* You guys probably find this more interesting though. Here we go.

1. I love riding bikes. (I just went on a 45 mile ride with my dad on our tandem last weekend)

2. I love big books. The bigger the book the happier I am.

3. I love learning about modern history(1890s-present day).

4. I am an avid Nancy Drew fan. I have played all but like 4 of the games.

5. I get warm easily.

6. I'm extremely ticklish.

7. I relate a lot to Burton (Gus) Guster in Psych

8. I also relate a lot to Crutchy, Mush, and Davey in Newsies.

9. My OCs all carry some sort of aspect of me. That goes for any OC that I write for.

10. I love Wonder Woman. She is amazing.

17. Title it.

The Top Ten Facts About Aisling. I know, so original.

18. Spoiler for a story?

You know, I don't always plan far enough ahead to spoil a story.  I'll do something for War Wonders even though it isn't written yet. There's a draft and a cover art and some stuff started. I'm just terrible at actually writing it. Okay, spoiler.

Steve Trevor will live.

You can cheer or cry. Whatever you wanna do. I'm cheering. I was sad for a week after I saw the movie because he died.

19. Joke?

I might try to make a Newsies joke.

Okay, I came up with a really... stupid one.

What do you call an upset Les?

Les Miserables.

You can pull out the pitchforks and torches. That one was terrible.

I'm gonna round this one out with 20 just cuz it's a nice even number. For all of my new followers since I have done this (which was sometime last year), I am about to do a prompt tag. There is no certain length necessary to your response if you so choose to do it. Just do whatever you would like to do. If you want, you can tag me and I'll read it. Haven't done one of these in awhile. Anyone is welcome to do it if they so choose. So, here we go.

20. The dead body lays at the bottom of the steps. No one knows what has happened. The young man steps down to investigate only to......

There you go. A little bit more gruesome than my last one, but have at it.

As for tagging, I am going to tag some people who I know will enjoy this and then some. I'm not gonna tag a specific number of people. If you want to respond in the comments, you can.  If you don't want to do it, that's cool too.

Also, The Big Book Of Newsies should be coming out soon. I need to write up some stuff and I need to make a cover art. I am hoping to release it soon though.

My Anastasia story is under reconstruction and I am going to prewrite that one.

War Wonders is also going to be worked on soon.

All of my other books are going to get updated at some point over this summer.

Okay, these are my peeps for this round.
































If you didn't get tagged and you want to do some of this, feel free to!!! See you all soon!!

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