Date In The Past - BTTF Marty Drabble

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A/N: I don't own any of the characters, car brands, or anything else mentioned that clearly isn't mine. All belong to their respectful owners.

A hand gently takes the book away from in front of my face. I prepare to figure out some way to get what I want without causing too much trouble when I see a pair of pretty blue eyes staring back at me. The school library is filled with tutor sessions as well as kids just trying to find somewhere to hang out in between now and whatever else they have going on.

"Hi," he says softly as I lay relaxed in my bean bag chair that I usually take up residence in on these lazy days. He drops the book and gently helps me sit up a bit straighter. I can feel my hair trying to fall out of its ponytail and I try to brush the stray strands behind my ear. He reaches over and helps me, gently cupping my cheek the last time he does.

"Hi," I say a bit sleepily in return and he chuckles at me before sitting crossed legged in front of me and taking my hands in his.

"You awake?" he asks playfully, gently interlacing our fingers and pulling our hands up to rest under his chin.

"Mhhmm. What makes you think I wouldn't be? It's just exhausting hearing Nat, Alex and even Jazz going absolutely boy crazy over these guys. You'd think they'd never been single on Valentine's Day before," I reply moodily, "I've done it for a long time."

"Can't say that this year," he says before finding one of my knuckles and placing a gentle kiss on it.

"'re going to get us kicked out," I whisper as I start to gather my things, "Can I have my book back now?"

"On one condition," Marty replies smartly as he helps me get my things together and pulls me to my feet.

"Name it," I whisper as Marty pulls me into his chest, his arm drapes around my back.

"We go on a date on Valentine's Day," he replies softly. I chuckle at his suggestion.

"You know us going on a date usually involves going somewhere relaxing and then we go watch a movie," I say as I pull away from him to finish gathering my things.

"I have something special planned," Marty says as I place the last of my school supplies in my backpack and sling it over my shoulder.

"You always have something planned," I say playfully and without a second thought, Marty leans over and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. A smile spreads across his face as the two of us walk out of the library together.

"It's going to be something that we probably shouldn't do but I want to do it for you," Marty says as we weave through the hallways to leave the school building. He holds the door to the outside open for the both of us as we walk. Once we get outside, he gently slings an arm over my shoulder.

"Marty..." I say softly looking up at him. He looks back down at me and gently squeezes my shoulder.

"We're not going to get into that much trouble," he says with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You worry me," I say as Marty starts to lean closer to me. His lips are nearly on top of mine when suddenly, a voice cries out,

"What are you two doing?"

Marty and I pull apart but he still keeps his arm around me. By the look on his face, he's frustrated that we didn't get to kiss. Not that I blame him. Nat comes running over to us looking like she just won the lottery.

"Suz! You're not gonna believe this!!! Jack Tanner just asked Jazz out to go see a movie this weekend. Robbie and I keep talking about going as more than friends and all we gotta do is get Nick to pay attention to Alex and we'll be all set," she says excitedly, trying to pull me away from Marty. Marty's arm tightens on my shoulder.

"Oh'll have to keep me informed," I say with a smile. Nat just chuckles and swats at my shoulder playfully.

"Like you don't have your own excitement. I do believe that I just saw him trying to kiss you," she accuses.

" me," Marty says, "I'm plenty of excitement for her." Nat laughs at Marty being flirty and I nudge him playfully. A car horn beeps loudly and Nat turns around to see Robbie waving at her.

"Robbie's waiting on me. So, I'll catch ya later. But I want to hear more about this development," she says gesturing to Marty and I as she runs away.

"In your dreams, Nat," I call out.

"I'll pry it out of you one way or another," Nat calls back as she gets into Robbie's car. Marty turns back to me and gently rubs my shoulder.

"Plenty of excitement?" I ask him. Marty smirks at me.

"I'll always keep you on your toes," he says as his hands move to cup my face. I weave mine back around his neck and he gently brings his lips down on mine. I kiss him back, letting my hands drape on the back of his neck as we kiss. We hold each other and pull apart a little bit.

"Now...what aren't you telling me about our date?" I ask and Marty chuckles.

"It's a're not supposed to know about it. But it's something you'll like," he says as he holds me, "But, how about we go and watch one of those 50s rom coms you like?" I chuckle as I lean into his chest and let him lead me to his truck.

Valentine's Day comes before I know it and it's on a Friday night. Marty has been trying to distract me all day and it's been working...for the most part. I'm very curious as to what we're doing this evening and the girls won't leave me alone about it. I finish putting on some light makeup just for our date. Walking down the steps, my mom quickly grabs me and walks me towards Marty, who is standing in the doorway.

"Hi!" I say.

"Hi, you ready?" Marty asks. He's wearing a nicer outfit than he normally does. I tug on my simple purple skirt and blousy shirt as we walk.

"Yep," I say. My parents say goodbye as we walk away. I let out a small gasp at the car parked on the street. "Where's the truck?" I ask softly.

"Just get in," Marty says as he walks around to the driver's side of the vehicle.

"Marty, where did you find a DeLorean?" I ask as I get in on the passenger's side, "You didn't steal it, did you?" He silences me with a kiss to my lips.

"No, I didn't steal it. It's Doc's," he says and for the first time, I notice all of the odd machinery inside. Marty punches what appears to be a date in on the keypad and then he starts driving faster and faster.

"Marty...." I say nervously and then a flash of bright light blinds me and I gasp at what I see in front of me. Marty quickly drives to a certain place...that looks what I recognize to be the old Brown mansion. He parks the car and then quickly runs up to the door and knocks on it. After a moment, he runs back to me and grabs my hand.

"Come on inside. Doc and Clara are here right now. We gotta get changed and then go," he says as he quickly pulls me inside. I hurry right alongside him. Once we're inside, Clara grins at me.

"That dress is going to look perfect on her, Marty. I'm so glad I bought it when I did," she says as she quickly pulls me into a different room from Marty, "I'll help you get ready." I turn to Marty with what must have been a very confused look on his face because he starts chuckling.

"Just go get ready. We've got somewhere to be," Marty replies.

" you couldn't have given yourselves more time," Doc says snarkily from his place in the old garage.

"Hey! You gave me a certain time to be here and so I came here at that time," Marty replies and I sneak off to Clara to leave the two of them to their bantering.

"I'm fine with the makeup I have on right now. I don't tend to wear too much of it," I say and Clara nods her head in understanding.

"I never liked to wear too much of it myself," she says softly as she arranges the outfit for me. She steps out of the room to allow me to change in private and I carefully put the simple but cute dress on. The pretty red dress looks absolutely beautiful on me and I slip my feet into the simple flats with a smile. The skirt flounces out enough to make me feel like a girl truly from the 1950s. I finger the soft fabric and look timidly up at myself in the mirror. A knock on the door sounds shortly before Clara opens the door.

"Oh!! You look absolutely gorgeous in that!" she says.

"I love it!! Thank you so much!!" I say.

"Oh, it was nothing," she says, "It looks absolutely darling on you. Marty isn't going to know what to do with you. Now would you like to do anything different with your hair?" I run my fingers over the small bun I currently am sporting as I think.

"I would love something different but maybe still something simple," I say and Clara nods her head in understanding.

"How about we do some curls and Emmet found this cute pearl pin that will look really pretty in your hair?" she suggests and I nod my head. Clara works on my hair for the next few minutes and soon the look is complete. I stand up and look in the mirror at the girl staring back at me. I smile at what I see and quickly walk out the door to see Marty and Doc waiting for us. Their conversation stops when I enter the room. Marty stares at me as if he's never seen me like this before.

"What?" I ask in slight shock at his staring. He steps closer to me and gently runs a finger through my curls.

"You look...beautiful," he says breathlessly, his hand moves from my curls to cup my cheek. His thumb gently runs over my cheek. I chuckle and oblige until I notice Doc and Clara watching.

"Thought you said we had somewhere to be," I remind him playfully and Marty blushes.

"Yeah...we uhhh we do," he says quickly before turning to Doc and Clara, "We'll see you guys later."

"Have fun, kids!" Doc calls out as we leave. We hurry out to a yellow Packard that apparently Marty has the keys to. Marty holds open the door for me and I sit down inside.

"Marty," I say innocently as he gets into the car, "Where exactly are we?" Marty doesn't answer and starts driving. A few minutes later, we pull up to something that looks like something straight out of the 1950s. Marty parks the car on the street and helps me out.

"Welcome to Hill Valley on February 14th in the year 1952," he answers me and I look around in shock at the town. The clock tower still runs and people bustle about. A small cafe that I've only heard stories about sits on the corner of the street. Marty takes my hand and walks me over to it.

"It looks absolutely wonderful. Marty, this is the best Valentine's Day gift you could have given me," I say before leaning up to gently peck his lips. He holds the door open for me and the two of us sit down at a booth. We order dinner and I of course order a peanut butter milkshake. Marty reaches across the table and interlaces his fingers with mine, his lips pursed in thought as he gives my hand a gentle squeeze. Our burgers and fries come shortly after.

"How's the milkshake?" Marty asks me as he sips on a chocolate one of his own.

"To die for," I say as I sip on it excitedly, "It's an authentic 50s diner milkshake and I honestly couldn't be more in love." We eat our burgers and fries in comfortable silence as I take the diner in.

"Taking it all in, huh?" Marty asks playfully.

"I'm surprised you aren't too. Have you been here before?" I ask. Marty chuckles at my question.

"It's a long story," he says, "But yes."

"Are you going to tell me?" I ask impatiently.

"Someday, yes," Marty replies. I watch him as I swish my straw around in my milkshake. He chuckles and takes my hand again. The lively music and the teenagers all on dates around us make me smile as I watch them interact with each other. The 50s is such a beautiful era to visit.

And it feels really weird to say that. Marty eventually pays for the food and the two of us walk back out to the car.

"Alright, we got somewhere else to be," Marty says as soon as we get settled in the car. He starts to drive on a different road out of town and I watch him as he concentrates on driving.

"Thank you for bringing me here. This really is the best idea of a date," I say as I reach for his hand on the shifter. He lets me place my hand there as he drives to a drive-in movie theater. A gasp escapes my lips as I see how big and beautiful it looks with all of the cars parked waiting for a film to start. Marty rolls down the window and speaks with the man selling tickets and I hear the name of one of my favorite romantic comedy movies come up. I sit up a little bit straighter and Marty sends a playful smirk my way. Before I can register what's happening, his lips are on mine and he's kissing me lovingly. My arms gently drape around his neck and I kiss him back, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His hands gently spread on my back and I just smile into the kiss until we hear a car horn honking as it drives past. Marty and I chuckle and pull apart. He gets out and the two of us hurry inside to go purchase some popcorn and other snacks. We make it back to the car just as the movie is starting. I snuggle up next to him with my head on his chest as the opening credits roll.

"This is our kind of date. Dinner and a movie," I say as I eat a small bite of popcorn.

"Just in a different time and place," Marty replies as his hand gently rubs my bare shoulder. He steals some of the popcorn right as I'm going for it and gently presses another kiss to my lips.

The two of us watch the movie all snuggled up and make the occasional comment or two throughout the film. Once the film ends, Marty drives us back to the Town Square where we walk around for a while with our hands intertwined. The cool night air licks at my shoulders as we walk. The clock tower chimes one more time and I feel a huge smile spread across my face. Marty and I soon stop underneath a streetlight and he gently cups my face and kisses me.

"Thank you for making this the best Valentine's Day ever," I say, "You really have no idea how much this means to me."

"I just love seeing you come out of your shell and you being happy. And besides, the 50s are kind of a fun time to come visit. Had some great rock n roll songs invented," he says and I laugh before swatting him playfully. The two of us spend the rest of our Valentine's Day night just enjoying each other and the 50s.

A/N: Ahhhh...sorry this is so late. I've been struggling to be motivated to do fun things here recently for some reason. I'm also on a lowkey Peter Pan kick...not really sure what that's about but whatevs. I finally put another one out!!! Yeah, sorry it's after Valentine's Day. I was super tired and had to work all last weekend so things didn't really work out as anticipated in the way of writing.

Also, I'm sorry I've been putting off updates. I'm currently working on something behind the scenes that I'm super into and super excited about so, that's where my writing time has mostly gone. I'm hoping to do some Newsies imagines and drabbles, write some more oneshots, put new Newsies books out and update all my old ones. Ya know the drill by this point. I'm also thinking of revisiting some of those more random books such as the Little Women Jo X Laurie book and that Peter Pan x Phantom of the Opera Crossover has been calling my name here recently. I literally think I only got as far as writing a prologue there so far. Whoops....

Newsies and Star Wars are kinda my priorities right now in the writing world so I'll be posting and updating those fandoms more frequently.

Other than that, what did you guys think? Did you like it? Isn't Marty just too cute of a character??? I can't with him...I just can't. I also tried to bring in some more aspects of the trilogy but do it in a really cute way. I hope it worked. I hope you guys thought it was cute and fun.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting or doing whatever it is you do!!! See ya around, friends!!!


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