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Thanks again to @snowdropfrabjous for tagging me. That was my first time and I am fairly new to Wattpad, so that was very sweet of you. Also shoutout to all of my followers, you guys are amazing! Now onto my plans for writing stuff:

She's the King of New York was just updated today. If you have not seen it, I would suggest checking out. A tiny summary: Basically, it is from King of New York onto the end of the strike and it is in Katherine's point of view. If that sounds like something that you would enjoy, Chapter 4 was just updated probably twentyish minutes ago.

Oneshots or Life With the Newsies was updated on Tuesday. Another one should be coming at ya this weekend sometime. It is Newsies in Neverland, because I am feeling Peter Pan and Newsies right now. There is no Jack in it, but he is mentioned. *gasp* An Aisling one shot without Jack? Yep, I know, weird. Actually, you're probably not thinking that, which is totally fine. This one basically features the Newsies, minus Jack and Crutchy, on Neverland and all of the antics that they get into. Anyways, I am open for adding people's Newsies if you would like me too and a special thanks to Santa_Fe for letting me Falcon. I look forward to implementing her soon. She may not show up in this next one shot, but she will appear soon! I am open to suggestions as well. Please note that I have the authority to not carry out a request if I deem it inappropriate or something that I am uncomfortable doing. I can also not carry out a request for any reason. Also, if I do accept your request and you don't see it right away, please don't get mad at me. I may be working on a oneshot of my own or one that has really captured my attention. You can suggest your ideas here, on the Life With the Newsies comment/chat feed, or on my conversation page on my profile wall. Once again, I may not be able to do requests right away, so please exercise some patience. I think that's all I've got for this one.

Remembering Anastasia is something that I do not have a lot of inspiration to write right now for some odd reason. If you are consistently keeping up with that story, I am so sorry. For some reason, I just have not been in the mood for it. It will hopefully get updated soon, because I feel bad leaving you guys hanging, but I don't know what to do about my lack of inspiration. I hope to come back to it and I am not by any means abandoning it. I really enjoy writing about Anastasia, I just have not been in the mood lately. So sorry about that. Chapter 3 should be along eventually. Maybe sooner than later, I don't know. I might work on it soon.

And finally...

There's A Life That's Worth the Living is probably my favorite one to write right now. I am loving that one about as much as I love my oneshots. I have so much fun every time I sit down to write it. Chapter 3 just came out last night, because I had been feeling kind of down and wanted to publish that chapter. That story still does not have an Update Day just because I do not want something to hold me to writing on a certain day. I also do not want to tell my lovely readers that something will come out on this day and then I don't finish it in time or I can't update. Yes, so sorry about that one. I hope you check it out. If you like Modern AU and murder mystery then this one is for you. I love this one and am happy to see that I have a decent amount of views on it already.

How about some shout outs to some of my followers?







And Snowdropfabjous.

Thanks for reading and I hope you like the plans that I have going on and I am always open for suggestions about any of these, except for She's the King of New York since that one is completed. I have not marked it as so yet, but it will be once I finish posting. See you around!

From the crazy life of

Aisling Kiley.

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