Late Night Coding Session - Peter Parker/Spider-Man Drabble

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A/N: Hey all! This is meant to be the Tobey Macguire Spider-Man but you can imagine it to be whichever one you want. This is my first shot at writing him so it's probably not gonna be great but I hope you enjoy regardless.

It's getting late and I'm not making any progress. I should've had this program working ages ago but no such luck. This project is due very soon and I have to finish it before it's too late to do so. I'm head down in my work, headphones hugging both sides of my head and the bass line to a Star Wars lofi track slowly bumping along in the background. My kitten rubs against my legs every once in awhile, wanting attention. I reach down and pat his head while staring at the code trying to figure out why it's not working, why it just won't do what I want it to do. Why it won't...

Suddenly, my swivel chair is turned around and I nearly let out a scream, simply gasping instead. My mouth drops open in a scream that never comes out and I gape at the sight across from me.

My husband leans against the window frame that opens up to the fire escape outside our apartment in the Lower East Side. A string of web is protruding from his left wrist and is attached to the back of my swivel chair.

I rip my headphones off, forgetting my work because I'm more surprised by his presence than anything else.

In his red and blue crime fighting spandex suit, his Spider-Man suit.

I'm somehow too shocked and surprised by his presence to really say much of anything.

"What are you still doing up?" he breaks the silence, his arms crossed over his chest and one leg crossed over the other as he uses his shoulder to prop himself up against the window. His face is a mixture of concern and disappointment with the tiniest hint of playfulness underneath. He's secretly happy that he surprised me.

"I..." I wrack my brain for an explanation that'll please him, but he sees right through it. We're too similar for me to effectively lie to him. "I'm working on some code."

"It's 4 am," he answers, and I look over at my laptop screen. It can't possibly be that late.

Sure enough, 4:02 am beams back at me from my screen. No wonder he seems a bit disappointed and concerned.

"I have to get this done," I say, "It's due soon and it's not working." He detaches the string of web from his wrist and slowly walks over to me.

"You've been at this since before I left. I think it would help you to get some sleep," he advises as he walks over to me. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, messing it up. He takes my hand from my hair and gently smooths my curls with his free gloved hand, holding onto the one in his own and intertwining our fingers. The soft fabric of his glove doesn't interfere at all with the comfort him holding my hand brings me.

"I must've not heard you leave," I say as a yawn escapes my mouth and I cover it with my free hand.

"No, you didn't," he confirms, pulling on my hand ever so gently to coax me out of my swivel chair, "I kissed you goodbye and you didn't even notice." He helps me stand up and uses his free hand to pull me close to him. I practically collapse against his shoulder, my brain struggling to remember him kissing me goodbye.

"Yeah, I didn't. You didn't kiss me on the lips cause I probably would've remembered that," I think as Peter slowly rubs circles on my back.

"I kissed you on the top of your head. I didn't have a lot of time to say goodbye. It sounded like the chase was escalating quickly through the police scanner," he explains.

"Only I would be lucky enough to marry a guy who goes out and fights crime in the middle of the night and then comes home and lectures me about staying up too late working on something," I mumble sleepily and he chuckles at the comment, continuing to rub slow and soothing circles.

"I think it's bedtime," he says gently, "You're very sleepy." He sweeps me up into his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck ever so lazily.

"Peter?" I ask him and he gently shifts me in his arms to make me a bit more comfortable.

"Hmm.." he answers, his hand splayed on my back.

"I didn't save it," I say, unwrapping an arm from around his neck and lazily extending it towards my computer. "You can put me down if you want and I'll go save it myself." He helps me back down to the ground and I save it, closing my laptop lid. I stare off into space, running the code through my brain when Peter's hands are suddenly planted on my waist and next thing I know, I'm being swept into his arms again. My arms wrap up and around his neck yet again and I sigh, "I know you're still wearing the suit but, you don't have to keep carrying me if you don't want to." Peter shifts me in his arms and purses his lips in thought.

"Does that matter?" Peter asks me, his brows furrow in thought and understanding "What if I want to carry you?" Suddenly, worry comes over his face as if he regrets saying that, "Unless you don't want to be carried."

"No no. It's just..I don't want you to feel like you have to," I answer, chuckling sleepily, "I don't have to be another damsel in distress that you feel like you have to rescue."

"You're not a damsel. You're my wife," Peter answers me, shifting me around a bit in his arm, a slightly mischievous glint in his eye.

"Yes, but Peter Parker shouldn't have to rescue his wife all the time when he's not Spider-Man," I retort as he chuckles slightly, "I'm serious!"

"Aren't those two one and the same, Mrs. Parker?" Peter asks me playfully, "Besides as your HUSBAND, it's my duty to treat you and love you like a lady no matter what or who the public knows me as at the time," He kisses the tip of my nose when he finishes that, "And as your husband suggesting this, I think it's time we go to sleep and I would like to carry you to bed." I roll my eyes at him.

"I don't need carried..." I say as I give a huge yawn and Peter raises an eyebrow, "Alright fine. I guess I need carried." I secretly relish in the warmth and comfort being in his strong arms brings me. I bury my face in his chest and I feel a soft chuckle ripple through his upper body.

"You give in so easily when you're tired," he notes as he starts to walk towards our bedroom.

"Do I?" I ask sleepily, shifting around in his arms. He isn't expecting this and my sleepy brain forgets about the door frame Peter's walking through right as I'm wiggling around.  I bump into the door frame with my shoulder. "Ow," I grumble and Peter turns so I won't miss the door only to whack his shoulder into it. Our bedroom door isn't open all the way and Peter kicks it open with his foot but it's dark. "You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he says, "My sense should've...aah!" His foot nearly gets caught in my backpack strap and he drops me onto the bed, flopping down next to me. I start giggling and Peter pushes himself up off the bed, mumbling under his breath.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing," I say, trying not to giggle quite so much as Peter shoves my backpack up against my small dresser in our room. "I'm sure you're tired too." I roll onto my back and stare up at the dark ceiling until Peter turns on the light in the room. I hold up a hand over my eyes and grumble. Peter disappears into our bathroom and I close my eyes when suddenly it opens again.

"Are you gonna sleep in your clothes again?" he asks playfully and I roll over on my side to take a peek at him through my curls that slide over my face. He's only wearing a pair of shorts and tosses his suit into the hamper in the corner of our room. I start to push myself up off the bed to go to my dresser but Peter beats me to the dresser. I flop back down on the bed in defeat and he chuckles, rifling through my top drawer. A cute wysteria colored tank top with a pair of slightly darker purple shorts land next to me on the bed.

"Thank you," I say before taking them and retreating into the bathroom. I change into them and quickly walk back out into the bedroom. Peter's shutting off the police scanner on his dresser when he looks up at me and just starts staring. "Is something wrong?" I ask, looking down my body and then back up to Peter's bright blue eyes.

"No," Peter says, walking over to me not taking his eyes off me, "No, not at all." I smile sleepily before walking over to my side of the bed and flopping down on top. Peter comes over a couple seconds later and just stares at me again.

"What?" I ask and he gets this big smile on his face before saying,

"I like those on you. That's all." He comes to my side of the bed and sits down next to me, gently running his finger tips down my arm. I enjoy the soothing feeling and start to fall asleep but see Peter starting to lean down closer to me through my half closed eyelids. I try to stay awake and lean up, meeting him halfway as our lips collide. My eyes flutter shut but I wake up as he kisses me. I kiss him back and go to sit up but he gently pushes me back down with his free hand. Strong yet so gentle. I break the kiss for air only for him to kiss me once more. Our noses nuzzle against each other's cheeks as we kiss and I feel nothing but love for him and his love for me through our kiss. Our kisses become deeper and more passionate, my lips bruising from the pressure of his lips on mine. We pull apart slightly and I press one more gentle kiss to his lips.

"I love you," I whisper on his lips and he pecks my lips before replying,

"I love you too. No matter whether or not I'm wearing the suit and no matter who's around. I will always love and protect you." I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off, "Always."

"And I'll always love you and love your protection. I just.." I start and then stop to think about what I want to say, breaking the moment. I stare up at the ceiling and then at Peter. His patient gaze meets my own and I suddenly can't think for a moment until words come back, "I don't want it to feel like I'm another civilian that you need to take care of or pay special attention to. Especially just because I'm your wife. You should feel free to be yourself when you're here. This is our home." He's quiet for a minute, pondering my words. He cocks his head slightly as he thinks, his bright blue eyes staring off in the distance. Sometimes I worry that being Spider-Man during the nighttime effects how he acts during the day more than he lets people think it does. I hear him sigh before he speaks,

"You allow me to be whoever I want to be and I love you for that. I don't feel pressured to be anyone but the guy you love day in and day out. So, don't worry about that. We'll talk about it if it ever becomes an issue. Okay?"

"Okay," I sigh, wrapping my arms around his neck. I rub gentle circles on his bare shoulder blade with my finger tips. Our foreheads lean together and Peter braces one hand on the bed and rubs the other up and down my side.

"I am always your husband no matter who anyone else thinks I am and I never want you to forget that," he says, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. I smile up at him.

"And I'm gonna be here cheering you on and loving you through it all," I answer. Peter smiles back at me and goes to move his hand from my side.

But he can't. 

His brow furrows and his eyes meet mine worriedly until he realizes what's happening.

"Oh no," he says. A dejected and yet slightly annoyed look crosses over his face.

"What?" I ask, "What's wrong?"

"I'm stuck to your side," he says and I blink up at him in disbelief and confusion. He looks confused that I don't understand what he's talking about. We just had a conversation about how much we love each other. Of course he's stuck with me.

"We're married and we just talked about how much we love each other," I say awkwardly, trying to meet his gaze as he looks down at his hand.

"No, I'm actually stuck to your side,"  he replies, "I hate it when this happens."

"When what happens?" I ask. As far as I know, I've never been around to see this so I'm not sure how dire the situation is. And I'm really confused by how he's actually stuck to my side.

"When I get tired, I have a hard time controlling some of my powers," he explains in a dejected tone, still not looking at me. "Usually I just...don't touch you but..."

"Maybe we should just go to sleep since I'm not the only one who's tired," I say and Peter finally looks up from my side or his hand and meets my gaze. He looks up at the bedroom light and frowns.

"The lights are still on," he complains, "You're gonna wake up like twelve times in the middle of the night if we leave them on."

"So will you," I answer and Peter just sighs. "Can't you use your web to shut it off?"

"I have another idea but it may not be as comfortable," Peter suggests, pushing off the bed a little bit and pulling me up with him. His hand still sticks to my side as he pulls me close to him. Using his free hand, he carries me in the crook of his arm. He awkwardly carries me across our small bedroom to the light switch and flicks it off. I still feel safe although I think it's only because he's the one who's holding me.

"Peter?" I ask, clinging to him and burying my head nervously in his shoulder.

"Yeah?" he answers.

"Would it help if I walked?" I ask. Peter shrugs.

"If it gets us to bed faster, you still have to get up to go into the office in the morning," he answers, "I can sleep in."

"Okay. Let's try it," I say and I start walking backwards to my bed.

"Wait! There's..." Peter tries to warn me, but I feel the back of my heel hook into my backpack strap and down I go. Peter manages to catch me around the waist with his free hand and I grumble,

"Sorry. I thought I knew where that was." He pulls me back into the crook of his arm and flops down on the bed. Shooting a web out and grabbing a blanket, he pulls it up over us and I snuggle in tight until I hear him detach the web and throw it on the floor. I slowly shoot him a slightly annoyed look and he chuckles.

"It's for the kitten," he says before pressing a kiss to my temple. I return one onto his cheek and nuzzle my face into his chest.

"Goodnight, Mr. Parker," I say, gently resting my cheek against his chest. Peter reaches up with his free hand and runs his fingers through my hair ever so slowly before rubbing my back.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Parker," he answers.

And just like that, we fall asleep in each other's arms, stuck together.

In the morning, I wake up and Peter's hand is resting gently against my side instead of stuck to it. I roll over and glare at my phone, signaling that it's time for me to get up and go into the office. I hit snooze and Peter gently pokes my side.

"Hey," he says and I shy away, slightly worried I'm gonna get stuck again. 

"I'm gonna go," I say, "Just...give me a minute."

"Okay," Peter says, rolling over onto his back and looking up at our ceiling, "Whatever you say, Mrs. Parker."

He's not a huge morning person and yet he can be so cheeky in the mornings. I blame it on the fact that he's just waking up and his brain isn't fully functioning yet. Neither is mine.

"It's too early for that," I say sleepily as I start rifling through my dresser to find some clothes to wear to work. I hear Peter shuffle around and get beneath the covers of the bed. I yawn as I walk to the bathroom and flip on the light switch. Peter grumbles from the bed and rolls over. I'm not sure if he's being dramatic or if he's actually that upset. I sigh and yawn again, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I start to get dressed. Code is already running through my brain as I put toothpaste on my tooth brush and I sigh as some of it splats on to the counter top. Wiping it up with a tissue, I throw it away and slip out to go eat breakfast only to run right into Peter.

"Hey," he says, his strong warm arms encircling me and pulling me into his bare chest like he was expecting this. Despite the fact that I'm married to him, I feel a blush flood my cheeks.

"Hi," I say, relishing in the comfort he brings me. After a couple minutes of hugs, I look up at him sadly. "I have to..."

"I know," he says, "I know." He presses a gentle kiss to the top of my head. I kiss his jaw and then his lips. He kisses me back, drawing out the length of the last kiss for a bit longer. I deepen it a little bit,playing with the hair near the nape of his neck and he pulls me closer to him, deeper into his chest. Eventually, we break apart.

"I gotta get to work while I still remotely want to go there," I say, giving Peter one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before I walk out the door. He chuckles as he follows me into the kitchen.

"You really wanna stay here all day?" he asks me, "It's not like anything exciting would happen." I purse my lips, thinking of something witty to say until the kitten meows at our feet. "I'll feed him," Peter says happily. I shoot him a glare and he gestures to the door, "You gotta get to the office or you're not gonna make it in time."

"You just want to be in his good graces for the rest of the day," I retort and Peter points his finger at the door, a small but mischievous smile on his face nonetheless.

"Go," he says and I just roll my eyes at him.

"Bye! Love you too!" I call out as I head for the door. Suddenly, I feel his arms around me one more time as he presses a kiss to my temple.

"Have a good day at work. I'll be here when you get back," he says, "I promise."

"Then I'll make sure I come back to you then," I answer, taking one of his hands in mine and squeezing it gently, "And hopefully, I won't see you before."

"I'll be at an event taking pictures later," Peter says, "So you might if you wind up there but...."

"That's not what I meant," I say and Peter turns me around, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He nods his head slowly in understanding.

"I'm going to protect you even if I do see you as Spider-Man later, okay?" he reassures me, gently letting his fingers linger in my hair. I nod my head and lean up, pressing one more kiss to his cheek.

"See you tonight," I say before leaning down to pet our kitten goodbye, "Don't forget about Mommy, okay? Daddy's gonna steal all your attention while I'm gone, isn't he?" I steal a glance at Peter who just rolls his eyes and points to the door. He shoots a web and opens the door with his wrist.

"Bye!" Peter calls out as I walk out the door, off to yet another day in the office.

"Bye!" I answer, steeling myself for another busy day that will hopefully be full of success.

A/N: This is my first time doing Peter so it probably isn't the best but here it is! Did I do okay? Or at least not terrible? It's gonna be a little rough cause it's my first time but I'm hoping to do more with him in the future. I watched the Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Macguire in it while I was on vacation and I'm in love with his Peter/Spider-Man right now. He's just such a sweet guy and I love him.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. I had fun writing it and I hope I balanced the flirting, the awkward, and the serious all okay. Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, or doing whatever it is you do. I appreciate it!

See you around!


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