Notes For A Lost Girl - Peter Pan Drabble

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A/N: So, if you haven't been chatting with me about my musical interests lately, I've really been relating to Ruth B. and her stuff in this season of my life. I really relate to this song because I kinda wish a Peter Pan would just come and take me away from my problems for a little while and I know Ruth sings about that too. Life can just be lonely and hard and sometimes you wish you could escape it all.

On a slightly different note (haha), there's a double meaning to the title of this drabble. See if you can catch it. Gold star for you if you can.  Anyways, hope you enjoy! I don't own Peter's Note or Lost Boy by Ruth B. Those are all hers.

I plop down in my window seat with a thick volume laying in my lap. I run my finger tips gently over the closed cover as I gaze up at the night sky. The humid summer breeze blows through my bedroom as I let my pale baby blue flowy blouse drape over the side of the maroon seat cushion. The fabric of the cushion feels soft on my legs and toes as I stretch out, trying to unwind after a long day of school.

A long day of being alone while doing school.

The world just feels like it's too big and too much. I know I'm not supposed to handle it all on my own but sometimes it feels like you have to. My long hair twirls slightly as the breeze tickles it, making me smile just the tiniest bit. I open the book and it drops on my lap to a page about the Newsboy Strike of 1899.

1899...that's close to a time when the story of Peter Pan would have happened. Unlike Peter Pan, this fascinating Newsboys Strike is much more than just a story. I start reading about the Newsboys Strike for my research paper for my American History class. I absolutely adore that class and the professor who teaches it. My toes wiggle in excitement as I read it and I pull my phone out of one of the front pockets of my shorts to alleviate the discomfort there. I snuggle back into my spot and keep reading.

Eventually, I fall asleep next to the window, my head resting on my shoulder as the cool breeze lulls me to sleep. I wake up to it still being dark outside but there's a small piece of paper resting in between the pages of the book I have open in front of me. I look around to see if one of my family members had snuck in and stuck it in there for some reason. I don't see anyone. I look out the window to see if someone is outside and I don't see anyone out there either. With a shrug, I flip it over and see writing that I thought was my tired eyes seeing something that wasn't really there.

I am Peter Pan.

Haha. Very funny. Someone knows that I like Peter Pan.

I'll never be a man.

This is true of the character but not true of real life. Someone had be to "man" or "woman" enough to write this.

If you never wanna grow up, take my hand. I'll take you to Neverland.

This has got to be a joke. Someone's taking my love of Peter Pan and putting a huge twist on it.

And yet somewhere deep down inside of me, I hope against hope that it somehow could be real, despite the fact that my brain says it isn't possible.

I decide to hide the piece of paper in a safer part of the book where it won't blow away with the breeze so I can ask someone about it later. Or maybe just so I can hold on to it.

"You're really just going to put that away? With all of those hopes and dreams you're hiding?" a voice of a young boy asks. I gasp and jump up from my spot at the sight of a boy standing in my window sill. "I thought you believed in me."

I drop my book on the floor in shock. This is a really cruel joke whoever is pulling this.

He looks exactly like I thought he might and he looks to be about my age. He steps down off the window sill and slowly comes closer to me, taking me in as he does.

"Anyhow, I believed in you to believe in me. Not many people do once they get to be your age," he comments as he continues to come closer.

"This isn't happening. I tried to hide my love of fiction because I knew someone would pity me for it," I say as the distance between us shrinks. He finally stops just a few inches apart.

"It's not just fiction. It's real and Neverland needs people like you to keep it alive," he says. His gaze never leaves mine. "Come on, you look like you could use some adventure." He holds out his hand to me and I stare at it for a long time. "Come on," he kind of whines, "You know you want to. I can tell you're curious and you want to trust me but you're not sure you should."

"I'm afraid this is all a joke," I say, "I've tried to hide things to keep jokes from being made about it. Part of the reason why I feel like the friends I spend so much time around aren't really my friends. This is just my imagination or a cruel joke or something." He grabs my hand.

"It's real and I'll prove it to you," he says, holding my hand tightly in his, "I promise. I really am Peter Pan and I'm never going to grow up. We'll go to Neverland and I will never leave you." My eyes light up at the proposition, enough so that he smiles at me when I do. I look around the room and then back to him.

"That's a big promise to keep," I remark as he looks at me. He nods his head seriously.

"I'm up for the challenge," he chirps. I chuckle at him and look down at the ground shyly.

"If you really are Peter Pan, I recall that challenges don't really exist for you," I answer as I start to walk away from him a little bit.

"Then I see taking you to Neverland with me as a challenge that I accept," he says, "Getting you to let loose and let your fantasies go is another one that I'll gladly take on. Are you ready? Do you believe it's really me?" I look him up and down and laugh lightly again.

"I mean.....I'm not going to say you're not Peter Pan but I don't really know that for sure," I reason as I gently stub my big toe into my carpet in thought.

"I'll show you something else that you're not going to be able to deny as real," he challenges me. Putting his pinkies in the corners of his mouth, he gives a shrill whistle and a small ball of light comes floating into the room.

And it's jingling.

I can hear one of my parents talking somewhere in the house, something sounding somewhat frantic. We've woken them up with our commotion.

"Come on," he says, "We can't get caught." He grabs my hand and starts pulling me to the window. "Tink, sprinkle some pixie dust on her!" The little ball of light sprinkles me in pixie dust and I instantly start to feel warm and cozy. "Just think some happy thoughts and you'll fly!" he instructs me, holding on to my hand and starting to pull me out the window.

My thoughts instantly fill with ones of him and ones of Neverland and the island. I smile as my feet leave the ground and I feel him pulling me out the window. I open my eyes and smile at the landscape beneath us. The lights of my home glow brightly as he pulls me away from it.

"This is....this is....wonderful!" I say, in shock at the fact that all of this is real. It couldn't be possible and yet here I am, flying with a boy who claims he'll never grow up. We start to fly faster and he pulls me up so I'm right next to him.

"What do you think?" he asks, leaning close to my ear so I'll hear him. His breath tickles my ear as he talks. My hair whips around in the breeze as we zip through the sky and towards the stars.

"I think I believe you now," I say with a small grin on my face as I look at him directly in the eyes. We fly up and through the star. On the other side, a bright beautiful island gleams down below. Peter pulls me down towards the island, doing his best to avoid the pirate ship lazing about in the cove below.

"We don't want Hook to know you're here," he says, "At least not until you learn how to fight." He helps me land in a meadow in the woods and he crows loudly. A group of boys all come racing out to see us.

The Lost Boys.

I smile at them as Peter starts to introduce me.

"She's going to be a Lost Girl," he finishes and the Lost Boys start cheering. I smile even bigger at the mention of that. All of my hopes and dreams are finally coming true. "And we're always going to be here for her. No matter what," he says, not breaking my gaze as he says this. I smile shyly and look down at the ground. "So boys," he says, turning back to the boys, "I thought we could maybe play some hide n seek in the woods." The boys cheer and Nibs, the boy in the rabbit suit, hops forward.

"I'm seeking. Everybody else go hide before I find you all!" he cries out loudly. The boys scatter and I run off to, not entirely sure of where I'm going. I finally decide to hide behind a tree and just hope that Nibs doesn't find me. I cross my arms and wait. It's peaceful out here and I close my eyes, listening to the birds chirp off in the distance, the breeze rustling the leaves of the trees, and just enjoying the peacefulness of the woods.

"Looks like we're gonna have to teach you how to be better at hiding," Peter's voice breaks through my musings. My eyes go wide when I hear his voice. I look up to see him with a playful smirk on his face. "Found ya!" he calls out before crowing for Nibs. I start to run to make a last ditch effort at escaping but I trip over a root and nearly fall until a pair of strong arms catch me. Peter pulls me up into his arms and I bat at his chest playfully.

"Alright, you win," I admit, "And I was stupid for trying to run away from you." Peter just chuckles and our faces lean close together. Our noses brush for the briefest instant. Peter sets me down in the clearing back where we started and I realize I'm the first person found. "Wait. Why were you seeking? I thought you were hiding."

"I found him cheating," Nibs calls over his shoulder as he leaps from a bush and into the clearing, "So now he gets to seek." Peter shoots me a wink as he sits cross legged about at the height where my shoulders are.

"You want a lift? You can seek with me," he says. I nod and his arms wrap around my middle as we start to fly away. I close my eyes with joy as I feel the breeze on my face. My hair blows about behind us as Peter helps me onto his back. I wrap my arms around him and smile as we fly, holding for dear life as he does some of his more daring flying. My guess would be that he's showing off.

We're having so much fun until a cannonball suddenly whizzes by us.

"PAN!" a voice shouts down from the ship below. Peter floats vertically and I cling to him like a koala bear clinging to a tree branch.

"What do you want, you codfish?" he shouts back. I blanch slightly at the loud noise.

"What burden have you brought with you?" Hook shouts, "I see you carrying something on your back, boy." I bury my face in the back of Peter's neck and squeeze my eyes shut.

"You'll have to catch us if you want to find out," Peter taunts and before long he zips away. We zip around the island and eventually land on a nearby shore. I cling to him tightly after we land.

" kept me safe," I say with a small smile. His lips pull back in a smile as I slide off his back. I sit down on the sand and start to sift it through my fingers, enjoying the soothing feel of it running off my fingertips and down into the sand. Peter sits down next to me crosslegged. The distance between us is not that great.

"Oh. I kept you more than safe. That old codfish is never going to know you're here because of me," he says with a small grin as he sneaks a peek at me. I keep running the sand through my fingers, looking away shyly until I chance another glance at him. The peaceful lapping of the waves and the calling of seagulls in the distance brings the whole island feel in a way I never thought it could. Peter sees me looking at him and sends a smirk in my direction.

"I thought we were looking for the other Lost Boys?" I ask, "Aren't they still hiding?" The smirk slides off his face at that realization and he rubs his chin in thought. 

"Yeah. I think they are. And I don't want to give them the satisfaction of winning," he says. I can tell the wheels in his head are turning as he considers what he should do. "You wanna get accustomed to the island?"

"I ummm... I thought I did that already," I say, as I think back to running around in the woods.

"'s different when you're looking for people," he says as he stands up and offers me a hand. I reach to take it when suddenly there's the sound of footsteps nearby. Peter takes it and pulls me to my feet, gently putting his palm flat on the small of my back before whispering in my ear, "Go find some of the other boys and go hide with them. It looks like the pirates got too curious." My mind flicks to his touch and I struggle to concentrate on what he's saying but the feeling fades after a minute as the sense of danger takes over. I nod my head as his instruction sinks in. I slowly start to run as Peter helps scoot me towards the woods. I pick up my pace when I hear a nefarious sounding voice call out,

"Get her!" I gasp as I sprint as fast as I can through the woods. I hear Peter shouting at the pirates to try and distract them. I sneak around to the edge of the woods to see him and what he could be doing.

"She's over here!"

The shout interrupts my thoughts and I start running as fast as my feet will carry me. My breathing becomes heavy as I sprint as fast as I can. I dart in and out of the trees, trying to find one of the Lost Boys. I resist the urge to call out their names to find them sooner. I dart in between the trees when I hear the voice of Captain Hook call out through the woods,

"She can run but she can't hide, boys. And that's something we'll never let her forget." I keep running, trying my hardest to get away.

"Hey! I thought I was the one you wanted so badly, you old codfish!" I hear Peter shout again. A sword suddenly is thrown in my direction and I let out a gasp and keep running, trying my best not to trip over the roots. A hand suddenly lands on my shoulder and I jump when I hear soft chuckling as the hand moves away.

"It's just me," a boy I recognize to be Slightly says, "We better run though or the pirates are gonna catch up to us real quick." I nod and follow Slightly as he leads the way to a hiding place. Not too far away, I can hear the clash of swords upon swords. "Come on!" Slightly urges, "Run. You're a Lost Girl! You've gotten to learn how to run from Hook." Slightly and I keep hurrying through the woods. I make the mistake of looking behind me and seeing that we're being followed.

"Slightly! They're gaining on us!" I exclaim as we run through the forest. Slightly looks back as well and urges me along.

"We've got to get somewhere safe!" he shouts back, "Here is not safe!" I nod my head in agreement as we run faster and faster to wherever it is he wants us to go. Suddenly, we wind up out in the open and back on the beach. Peter and Hook are nowhere to be seen and I feel myself beginning to worry. The pirate chases us and I move towards a rock, sticking out over the water. Soon, I'm all the way on the edge, wishing Peter would come and save Slightly and I. I grab a giant seashell I see on the rock and prepare to swing it at his face.

"Well hello!" a female voice cries out and suddenly, wet and clammy hands wrap around my throat....squeezing. I gasp for air and start waving the seashell around, trying to hit her with it. She manages to dodge it, to my annoyance. "Have you come to take our dear Peter away from us? Well, we simply can't have that," she continues in a sickeningly sweet tone. I continue gasping for air as her hold on my throat doesn't let up. The pirate backs away at the sight of the mermaid going for the kill.

"Hey! Let her go!" Slightly yells, throwing a significantly large pebble in her direction. It conks her in the head and she squeaks in pain. Her grip loosens and I hid her HARD on the head with the seashell. She cries out and lets go completely, swimming away from all of us. The pirate takes advantage of that and moves in towards me but I brandish the seashell in his direction again.

"I wouldn't," I say as I hold it out in between us.

"That's cute," the pirate sneers before stealing it out of my hand and slamming Slightly over the head with it. He groans as he collapses to the ground unconscious and the pirate grabs me, hitting me with the same sea shell.

I wake up to sunlight burning my eyes and a humongous headache. I'm also tied to a mast and the ropes are really starting to hurt. Slightly is tied next to me and he looks more awake than how I fell.

"So this is what Peter Pan brought back to Neverland," Hook's voice interrupts my regaining of my surroundings. His hook comes up to lift my chin ever so slightly and I try to move away at the contact.

"I'm not that exciting," I say with a small shrug. Hook and the other pirates just laugh at my saying so. Slightly looks up at me and sighs.

"The goal is to not get us killed here," he says. I nod my head in agreement.

"That's a good idea," I agree as I look around at the pirate ship that we're trapped on, "Any ideas of how to get out of here?"

"Wait for Peter to come and save us," he says, "That's my best idea. Escape doesn't seem very likely. They're looking to kill way more than they usually are." Hook laughs at our conversation.

"Escape is highly unlikely, children. It won't be long before we capture the rest of your little friends and have them here right alongside you," he continues, "Peter will also be.....incapacitated for quite some time. Besides, you two have already been unconscious for a day."

"What did you do to him?" I cry out in worry, "He didn't do anything. He just brought me here!"

"And he would've tried to save you, had he been able? But I guess he won't be able to, will he?" Hook says in between cackles. I look down at the ground and Slightly tries to nudge me through the ropes.

"It's alright," he says softly, "We'll find a way out of this."

The days stretch on and I wait...wondering what has happened to Peter. I hope he's alright and not seriously hurt, but I also feel like he would've come by now. Slightly and I talk about this from time to time but each time we talk. Our worry only grows.

At one point, we hear the pirates talking about the capture of the other Lost Boys and how they're hidden around the island.

Peter must be the only one left and who knows what they've done to him.

More days pass and Hook cuts us free one day. Slightly immediately rushes in front of me.

"Leave her alone! She doesn't deserve this!" he shouts but Hook just reaches around him and grabs me.

"Ohhhhh....but Pan brought her here and she'll learn to bring misery to me eventually," he snarls and I quickly wrestle out of his grasp while he's distracted and run for the side of the ship, counting on my swimming lessons to get me to safety.

"NO! DON'T!" Slightly shouts, reaching a hand out for me. I ignore him and leap over the edge, steeling my nerves as the water comes closer and closer. I clench my eyes shut and get ready to hold my breath. I hit the water and it is so cold and rushes over me all at once. I struggle to regain my senses and come to the surface. I finally regain my senses enough to start swimming to the surface, but it's getting to be too late. I've sunk too deep. The salt water stings my eyes and I can feel my body giving up.

Just as I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I feel a pair of warm airs wrap around me and start pulling me to the surface. We break the surface and I try to catch my breath. I'm about to speak when a finger is placed on my lips to silence me.

"Shhh," a familiar voice whispers almost soothingly, "They'll know I saved you if you talk." I open my eyes and see Peter is the one holding me. He readjusts me in his arms and pulls me close to him for warmth as the two of us are now cold and wet. We just stand there, holding each other for warmth and try to catch our breaths.

"Well your friend was very stupid," I hear Hook comment, "trying to escape like that will get you killed."

"Unless something saved her," Slightly comments.

"You're alright!" I whisper excitedly, throwing my arms around him and squeezing tightly.

"You didn't think I would be?" he whispers back, "Do you doubt the great Peter Pan?" I laugh softly and playfully thump his chest.

"No, I don't. Hook made it seem like he got the upper hand this time," I start to explain but Peter softly shushes me.

"He did and it took awhile for me to get better. I was really sick for awhile but Tink gave me this thing they give to really sick fairies and it helped me out a lot. I was better within a day," he whispers back, the distance between us small as we try to talk quietly. I can tell we're both distracted by how close we are though and it's making it hard to have a conversation.

"What's your plan?" I ask softly. Our noses brush again and I pull away from him slightly.

"Don't need one. I'm Peter Pan," he says with a soft smile, "I think we're just gonna put you in the crow's nest and you can enjoy the show." He smirks after he says the last sentence and I roll my eyes.

"You have to put on a show worth enjoying," I reply and he raises an eyebrow.

"You doubt that I, Peter Pan the Esteemed Avenger and Protector of Neverland, can take down the illustrious and villainous Captain James Hook?" Peter asks, dramatically but still quietly since we're still whispering.

"I would never doubt you and your long title," I answer him and he looks proud of himself.

"Great. Then enjoy the show!" he says and before I can do anything else, we're flying up towards the sails, sneaking around behind them and Peter sets me down in the crow's nest. He takes one of my hands and gives it a squeeze before flying down to poke Hook in the back with his dagger. Hook bellows and immediately a fierce sword fight begins. Peter lands on the ship and he and Hook exchange blows. Slightly finds some weapons and quickly races up to me in the crow's nest. He keeps a sword for himself but hands me a hammer.

"Whack anyone who tries to attack you with that, okay? You seem to be pretty good at hitting people with things," he observes. I struggle to hold the hammer but soon find that I can get a good enough grip on it to bash someone in the head with it. The pirates try to climb the crow's nest and I whack them down with my hammer. I keep watching the fight. Peter zips around Hook, poking him and managing to parry all of Hook's blows directed at him. He lands on the deck of the ship and the two continue dueling fiercely. The clang of their swords rings out over the entire ship.

I whack a pirate particularly hard as he tries to sneak up on me before going back to watching the fight. Peter drops his knife at one point and dives just in time to avoid a blow from Hook. He blocks it and twirls their blades around, eventually knocking Hook's from his own grasp. Peter holds him at dagger point, his facial expression one I've never seen or imagined from him.

"Tell me where the rest of the Lost Boys are and you and your men can go free," he says. I whack another pirate before slowly climbing down from the crow's nest. I leap to the ground and hurry over to the fight.

"Oh, Pan. What a considerate offer. What good form," he says and all I see is a brief glance before I hear a shot fired and see a bullet coming right toward me. I gasp as it zings closer and I move to duck but Peter helps me by pushing me to the ground, protecting me. His dagger is in his hand and pointed in the direction of the pirate.

"You okay?" he whispers in a breathy tone and I nod before he gets up again only to see Hook as his sword. The two duel more and more fiercely. Peter's anger erupts as he fights Hook and he delivers a solid kick to Hook's abdomen. Hook fights back, whacking Peter hard enough with his sword handle that Peter looks a bit dazed for a second but comes back quickly. The fighting grows more and more intense as they duel and I stand off to the side hoping that Peter will pull through. He eventually knocks Hook's sword away yet again and Hook is on his knees. Peter looks around and pulls me closer to him while keeping his eyes on Hook the entire time. His facial expression is of one who could kill and I quickly wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"Peter....I don't think  you want to do that. That's not merciful," I say to him and Peter's expression softens at my words, "It wouldn't be good form."

"Yes, listen to the girl," Hook says.

"I won't hesitate to kill you if you pull this a second time," Peter says coldly to Hook, "I'll be keeping an eye on you and I will free the rest of my boys." Tinkerbell zips out from him and blinds everyone except for us. Peter takes me in his arms and Tink sprinkles Slightly with pixie dust.

"I can't fly by myself?" I ask teasingly.

"Don't you think this is more fun?" he asks, with a tiny note of flirtation in his voice. I roll my eyes at him again before continuing.

"Thank you for saving me," I say, "I'm glad you were able to." Peter smiles down at me, adjusts me in his arms so he can hold me with one arm, and gently brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. I feel a slight blush grow on my cheeks as we fly away.

"Anytime. You wanna go unwind somewhere and watch the sunset from somewhere pretty?" he asks.

"That sounds wonderful. I would also love to spend some time in the mountains if we could," I request.

"I think we can make that happen," he says as he turns back to Slightly and Tink, "Why don't you two head back to the hideout and build her her own? We'll be along in a bit."

"Okay! See ya!" Slightly calls out as he and Tink fly away. Peter flies closer to a mountain range and I smile as the sun kisses the peaks of the various mountains. He hovers over a spot where we can sit and watch the sunset before gently depositing me on the side of the mountain. He lands next to me, takes his pan flute off his belt and plops it in his lap.

"This is beautiful," I say, "You really know how to pick places to watch sunsets."

"Why thank you. I really do try my best," he answers as he turns to watch the sunset with me. He soon picks up his flute and holds it to his lips. The song is a beautiful melody that reminds me There are timid pieces to it and more bold parts that remind me of Peter and I's different personalities and the differences within them. I gaze out over the sunset, enjoying the pretty music and the sights. I notice him sneaking glances over at me from time to time as he plays. The sky is lit up with a beautiful array of colors with pinks, purples, and oranges kissing the horizon of the island. It's getting colder up on the mountains and I give a small shiver while I'm watching the sunset and listening to Peter play his flute. He stops when he notices me shivering again.

"Are you cold?" he asks, a note of mischief in his voice, "Or is the song that I came up for us...I mean you just have that effect on you?" I feel my face flush again and I turn away from him to avoid his gaze.

"I'm just cold, Peter," I say innocently, knowing that that was the truth and nothing more. He puts his flute in his lap and turns to face me.

"I think I have an idea of how to warm you up," he says and before I can think anything of it, his arms are wrapped around me as he pulls me closer to him. I lean my head against his chest and I feel something warm and soft press to the top of my forehead. I feel my face flush as I realize what it is.

He just kissed me.

"Peter?" I ask as we snuggle.

"Yeah?" he asks, his tone innocent as he rubs me to keep me warm.

"Did you just kiss...I mean give me a thimble?" I ask him.

Peter is quiet for a minute.

"Peter?" I prompt, "I'm just curiou...."

I don't get to finish my sentence as his lips are on mine. He kisses me and it takes me a minute before I realize that I should kiss him back. So I do. We sit there, enraptured in each other as my arms drape around his neck as I kiss him. We break for air and Peter looks at me excitedly.

"Does that answer your question?" he asks me, putting a hand under my chin. I blush and look out over the almost set sun.

"I'd take another thimble," I say and he closes the distance between us again, allowing us to kiss again. His arm flattens my spine, bringing me closer to him. He kisses me with an ardor I never would have expected. "So," I start when we stop for air again, "you came up with that song for us?"

"Yeah," he says, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, "I knew I never wanted to leave you the moment I set eyes on you."

"I love the song and your loyalty to me," I state, "Now if only I could compliment you and you wouldn't get such a big head about it."

"Hey," Peter says, moving a hand away from my back, "You feeling any warmer now?"

"Much," I say, as the thought that Peter Pan is a great kisser flickers through my mind. I interlace our fingers and Peter lifts his flute to his lips with his other hand. I kiss his cheek just as he's about to start playing and he shoots a soft smirk from above his flute in my direction before playing again.  Listening to the sweet melodies reminds me of the even greater love I have for the boy sitting next to me. The boy who I know will never physically grow up.

"Thank you," I interrupt his song, "For all of this. You and everything here mean the world to me." He pulls apart our fingers and helps me to my feet with his free hand. That arm soon snakes around my waist as we stand there.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world," he says. I kiss him and he kisses me back once more just as the last of the sun set slips under the horizon.

A/N: What is this?

A Ruth B. Peter Pan song inspired drabble because I would love to go to Neverland to escape my life circumstances?


Would I want to do it with a Peter?

If it's like the one I wrote, then yes. I wrote him kinda soft and sweet. I hope that's okay.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this and that you also enjoyed the Easter Egg in there. :)

Also, the title. I hope you picked up on the double meaning there too. :)

That was really fun. I'm kind of a sucker for that sort of thing.

I don't know what the next non-pre written content I'm going to post is going to be.....

I'm probably just gonna work on drafts or update that books that need it. :) Write some drabbles, oneshots, and imagines here and there.

Anyways, I hope this was cute but not cheesy but was cute enough to be cute. I enjoyed writing it and found it kinda fun.

Also, I'm not really sure why but the me/reader character smashing the pirates over the head with a hammer is a mood. I could see someone just handing me a hammer here and being like "Here! It's just like Whack a Mole but with pirates!"

I would probably be terrible at it.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I hope I wrote Peter, the Lost Boys and Tink (sorry she's not in it more) okay. Thanks for reading about me sort of alluding to life circumstances and whatnot. It's been fun to write. Thanks for commenting, voting, reading, or doing whatever it is you do!! See you around, friends!


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