Tagged By @DaughterofApollo_7 and @Gryffinpuff_7

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These two lovely ladies tagged me today!! Please go check them out. Gryffinpuff_7 is new to Wattpad, so please go give her a warm welcome. DaughterofApollo_7 is very sweet, so please go check her out too. Thank you for the tag, ladies. Now to answer your questions. This is a this or that tag which I have never done before, so we'll see how it goes! I know I said I wasn't going to be active, but surprise! Here I am! I won't be active later on.

1. Catching fireflies or chasing butterflies?

Catching fireflies. I love fireflies. They look so cool at nighttime on a warm summer night.

2. Old photo album or vintage vinyl collection?

Vintage vinyl collection. I really love artists like Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, and other people from that era. I would love to own a record player someday.

3. Full moon or solar eclipse?

Solar eclipse. We don't have them that often and they are really cool to see when they happen.

4. Telescope views or kaleidoscope hues?

I would have to say telescope views. I am not huge into space stuff, but it is really fascinating to look through a telescope and see other planets thousands of miles away.

5. Fate or coincidence?

Fate. Coincidences are kind of funny, but fate sounds more exciting to me. Fate makes it seem like it is meant to be while coincidences are kind of like "Hey! That actually happened! Crazy! Didn't think it was going to!" Fate is more of an assurance thing. Sorry for the long explanation. You probably didn't want to know that.

6. Nostalgic typewriting or messy handwriting

Nostalgic typewriting, hands down. In case you have just met me and my account, I really love old things. Some of the best movies in my opinion are ones that are at least 20 years old. At least. Most of them are older than that. Except for Newsies Live!

7. Free as the wind or strong as the earth

Probably free as the wind. I would love to just whirl around the world like the wind.

8. Field of flowers or galaxy of stars?

Probably field of flowers. Then I could pick some and take them home with me.

Okay, now I tag 5 people? This is gonna be hard. Alright, here goes. I tag...






That is this tag's line up. As always, don't feel obligated to respond if you don't feel comfortable or just don't want to. Although it would be nice if you did... Anyways, have a Merry Christmas Eve, all! One last question, would you guys like it if I did an entry in this book about Newsies 1992 v.s Newsies Live!/Broadway?

Once again, Merry Christmas Eve!


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