The Last Five Years of Newsies (Mush Myers/Newsies Mini Drabble)

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I'm sitting on the couch in the Lodge typing away on my laptop, ferociously writing the next installment to a long novel about me and my boys.

I'm the only one out here, which is a rare occasion. It's a nice night out and most of the boys have either gone to Brooklyn to hang out with the boys on the beach or they're out in the city doing whatever it is they do.

I don't really ask too many questions. As long as nobody dies, I don't have much to worry about.

I'll enjoy the peace and quiet while I can take it.

Suddenly, the couch cushion next to me sinks down with the weight of another person.

I know who it is without even having to look.

"Whatcha writin'" he asks softly, scooting closer to me to see. I smile as I look over and meet the gaze of the one and only Mush Myers.

"A story," I answer as I move my laptop away playfully so he won't see. I know he wouldn't judge my somewhat cringey writing but still.

"Aww come on. You know I ain't gonna be mean even if I don't like it," he says, reaching for my computer.

"No," I squeak, trying to hide my laptop from him. I curl up into a ball and scoot myself into the arm of the couch so he can't grab me.

It works for about two seconds until I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me up into his arms.

"You.." he says, dropping a kiss on my left cheek. "Are.." a kiss to right my cheek now. "So.." a kiss to the tip of my nose. He pauses as he eyes my lips for a brief moment.

"Hmm?" I ask, trying to put my laptop down on the couch. He gently lowers me a little bit so I can and I let it sit carefully on one of the couch cushions, not placing it down on the vent so it doesn't overheat. He lifts me back up and my arms loop lazily around his neck. "Care to finish that?"

"Ridiculous," he finishes, "You know I ain't gonna judge ya for something like that. You should let me see your writing sometime. What do ya even write about?"

"The boys and I having adventures," I answers.

"I'm in the stories, right?" he asks playfully, raising an eyebrow, "I would never get over it if I wasn't." I roll my eyes and gently thump his chest. "Owwwww....easy!" he whines.

"I'm pretty sure that didn't hurt much," I reply, shooting him a wink, "You seem quite comfortable holding me." He smirks at me.

"I'm as comfortable as any hero who enjoys holding his damsel in distress," he answers with a cheeky little grin, "Especially one who's so cute." He leans in and drops a kiss on my temple as he says this. "I do that in your stories, right? Jack ain't the hero all the time, right?"

"No no," I say, "I couldn't imagine anyone else to rescue me from my perils." Mush laughs and spins the two of us around.

"How long we been doin' this?" he asks, "Ain't it an anniversary of some kind? You told me one was coming up." I screw my face up in thought.

"Well...five years ago, I met you guys and then I moved in with the other girls who live here shortly after that. It's crazy that it's been that long already," I comment as I think back to that time. Mush shakes his head and laughs lightly at my musings.

"That ain't the one I was thinking of," he says, "But ya wouldn't be here without it."

"Oh..." I say. A light blush flames my cheek. "That is today, isn't it? It feels like just yesterday we met."

"It does. But it feels like a lot longer than yesterday than when I started to having feelings for ya. I didn't want to ruin things or make ya uncomfortable," he starts, "And I didn't want to make things weird if it wasn't time yet. The friendship and love I've had for ya has been so much deeper than any other girl. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I can't see my life being perfect without ya." Our gazes meet and I see nothing but genuine love reflected back at me.

"You really mean that?" I ask and he nods.

"I've never been more honest in my life," he answers and before I know it, he's kissing me, right on the lips. I kiss him back and he holds me tighter to his chest. His hand splays on my back and gently rubs it. We pull apart and I unwind one of my arms from around his neck to run my fingers through his hair.

"We should have done this a long time ago," I comment.

"Well if I had known you would have been so excited, I would have asked and done things a lot sooner," he replies goodnaturedly, before pecking me on the lips again. I smile and lean forward again. He meets me halfway and I can't help but revel in how soft his lips feel against my own. My eyes flutter shut as I just enjoy being so close to him.

We part and he sets me down on my feet. I grab my laptop and flop down on the couch.

"Wait..." Mush says before I get too comfy. I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks a bit flustered before he continues, "I wanna hold ya and watch ya write." I smile up and move forward. He sits down and slips his arms around my waist. His head rests on my shoulder, similar to what I've seen Jack do with Katherine on the rooftop. I turn back to my computer and start typing again.

An hour or two and a couple of comments from Mush later, I'm finished with the chapter.

"You have wonderful story advice, you know that?" I say, my voice tired from the lack of use. I rub my eyes to relieve them from the pain of staring at a screen for so long.

"You sound cute when you're tired," Mush answers. I let my hands land on the keyboard and I look at him with a slightly scornful look. He chuckles and presses a kiss to my temple, "Well ya do. Have to say things like that to someone so beautiful."

"Do you ever know when to stop flirting?" I ask jokingly. Mush and I's gazes meet again and our faces start to move closer. I set my laptop down and run my hands down his muscled arms. He hums in pleasure and cups my face with his hands. I curl my legs up under my body and gently run my hands through his hair. Our faces move close enough that our foreheads are touching. I close the gap between us and Mush deepens the kiss. His thumbs gently caress my cheeks making me feel more at ease. Mush kisses me with an ardor that I never thought I would experience.

At that point, the door to the Lodge bangs open and I quickly pull away. Mush just gathers me into his arms and rubs my back.

"Well well well, what have we here?" Racetrack Higgins asks and I just hide further in Mush's chest.

"Nothing much," Mush answers nonchalantly, "We're just chilling out."

"Uh huh," Albert says, "That's what they all say."

"Everyone who wants to be cliche does," Skittery snips from his place.

"Aww, guys! Come on. We all know that this was gonna happen someday! Now give em some space!" Blink calls out. Mush's fingertips gently rub circles on my back in an effort to soothe me. I sneak a glance up at Mush and he looks down at me. The boys meander off to the kitchen to "give us some space".

I'm sure they won't.

Mush cups my face again and kisses me. I kiss him back.

That's when we hear the kitchen door creak open ever so slightly and I hear the faint sound of an iPhone camera sound effect going off.

"Dang it, Elmer!" Race hisses, "I thought you said you muted it!!!"

"Sorry, guys," Elmer says, "I just got this phone yesterday and I'm an absolute grandma when it comes to figuring these things out."

Mush and I don't care. We kiss and enjoy celebrating the last four years we've had together and the many more we'll have to come.

A/N: So, I wrote this to be interpreted one of two can choose which one.

1.) Mush and reader/me have been a couple for awhile and he just now is deciding to kiss her.

2.) Mush and reader/me have been friends for awhile and Mush just now has the confidence to make a move and tell her he likes her and start a relationship with her.

Your choice. I personally like both of them.

Anyways, this is to celebrate me being a Fansie for five years and me being on Wattpad for four years!! Thanks to all of you who have made the last four years so fun!! Here's to (hopefully) many more!! I thought some people might appreciate a little extra surprise to celebrate.

Mush has always been one of my favorite Newsies and one of the ones I've had a crush on since pretty much the beginning. He's super cute and lovable. 

I hope you all enjoyed and I have a bunch of drafts in the works and things I'm working on behind the scenes!!

If you would like little moments like this to become a part of My Life in A Bookshell, please let me know. Jules has taken her books off which it makes difficult for me to continue writing mine. I will leave those old chapters up but I would love to start something new with stuff like this!!

I hope you all enjoyed this and are having a wonderful day or night wherever you are!! Thanks for all of the love and support over the years. It's crazy how fast time flies. Thanks for commenting, reading, voting, or doing whatever it is you do. I appreciate it!!


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