Tag nº8

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I got tagged by koreansaresmexy ^-^ Thank you for tagging me! \(*-*)/


- Posting rules is a must

- Must tag 13 people

- must answer questions assigned and must come up with new questions for people to answer

- tagging back is allowed

- finish the tag in 2 weeks max

- must be creative with the tag name




The thing is...


...I'm dumb as fuck and answered the wrong questions... ;-; XD But as I only noticed that in the end, I decided to keep the questions I answered and also answer the ones I was supposed too. TTuTT XD Let's just get to the questions... TTuTT XD

Best memory?

Damn, questions with the word "memory" aren't for me TTuTT XD Sorry, I can't remember anything TTuTT

First Bias?

When I saw BTS for the first time, Jungkook and Suga got immediately my attention, but I still think it truly was Jimin *^*

Worst pet peeve?

Touching wet paper >-< Or the feeling I get when I run my fingernails through the drawings that some cups have printed on ;-;

Craziest thing you've ever done?

Getting into Kpop TTuTT XD

Favorite song?

Tablo - Hood *^*

Last thing you ate?

Cookies *Q*


Writing, watching videos and animes, listening to music, drawing, playing video games and sleeping *-* XD

If you could see any group/artist in concert for free, who would you go see?

BTS of course!!! *^* XD

Least favorite color?


Something you absolutely hate?

Seeing people trying to change other people that are somehow a little different, just for them to start being like everyone else -.-' And worse, people that actually change because of those fucking idiots -.-'

Scariest thing you ever seen?

A video where a guy got bitten by a spider and his hand started getting a huge wound and got even a hole on it as the time passed ;-; And I was like 7 years old that time when I watched it, so I immediately got traumatized ;-; (I still showed the video to my friends e.e' XD Yes, I've been a mean person that tries to mess with people's feelings since little e.e' XD)

If you're currently wearing socks, what color are they?

Black with white and pink shapes of kisses ^-^

Most annoying thing people do?

Trying to copy me -.-' And before was insulting the things I like for no good reason, but now I don't give a fuck about it :P XD

Hair color?

Dark brown but, on summer, it gets a little ginger too ^-^

And now let's get to the real questions... TTuTT XD

Favorite asian cuisine?

Chinese rice *Q* I'm still waiting for the day I will eat sushi for the first time TTuTT

Multifan? If yes, name 5. If no, name your bias group.

Of course u.u XD But as I'm always saying the same groups, I'm going to name some that I usually don't say :P Let me see... Beast, Speed, AlphaBat, N-Sonic and LC9 ^-^

Favorite animal?

Dogs :3

What is the one thing the opposite sex is/has that you envy?

In this case it's what he hasn't: period -.-'

Favorite disney movie?

I don't remember, sorry TTuTT It has been a while since the last time I watched a disney movie TTuTT

If given the chance, you would choose to be an animal? Which animal?

I don't think I would, I'm okay with how I am right now :P XD But if I had to choose an animal, it would be a eagle or any animal that can fly right high *-*

Heart over mind or mind over heart?

Damn... e.e' I don't know... e.e' I think I'm "heart over mind" most of the time without even noticing, but I always try to be "mind over heart" :P

Sports or books?

Can I choose both? ;-; XD I guess books TTuTT XD

Be a pretty boy or a handsome girl?

What the hell? XD I guess pretty boy, as I always wanted to be a boy :P

Favorite holiday?
I don't think I have one :P But I really love Easter *-*


And I'm done with the questions! \(TuT)/ XD

Now, my questions to the people I tag are the ones I wasn't supposed to do. TTuTT XD So, I tag:


Have fun. e.e' XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~),

- Danielar

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