Dam Snack Bar

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I got tagged by Buh-Bye-Princess, and God it's been so long since I've done a tag😂

1. Weird Fact About You

Um, geez, I'm weird in general. Okay, my school shoes are boots that look a hell of alot like Doc Martens and I wear them everywhere. See, I can do the 'Walk Like You've Been Sent To Kill Captain America' walk, and the 'Edgy Teen' walk, so the boots make me look even more badass when I do them. Plus, I really like the sound they make on the ground, so yeah. Idk.

2. Favourite Food

Bro it changes! Um... Enchiladas maybe?

3. First Fandom

Harry Potter, no hesitation in answering that one.

4. Best Friends

None of them use their freaking Wattpad accounts! But their names are Danielle, Zanthea and Aisha.

5. Current Lockscreen

That's the photo I use. It's an old one, but it's me and my two mates from when I lived in QLD. Middle girl is Danielle, the one on the right is one of my very good friends, Cheyenne. 😊

6. Fave OTP

God I have so many... Um... Geez. Maybe IceFlower, Argos and BumbleBee?

7. Birthday

July 4th, so soon.

8. Five Fears

Being alone
Anything bad happening to my family
Good friends hurting me

9. What you look like

Short, I haven't grown a centimetre in six months, and yes, I checked. Pale, broad shouldered, light freckles, killer cheekbones (or so I'm told), blue eyes and brown hair that currently has a pink extension and a white extension.

I have blue glasses and braces that'll be coming off in six months. Usually I wear boots, skinny jeans, a flannel and/or a hoodie.

10. Favorite Song




11. Why you made your account

Tbh it was to have an account where I wasn't friends with my friends from school and all that, so that I could write fanfics and original stories without them being all like 'Oh my God, you like [insert fandom]?' And stuff like that.

12. Favorite character ever

Valkyrie Cain, without a doubt. She's been through so much and never stopped fighting.


Valkyrie Cain has survived:

Murder, killing, kidnap, held at knife point, torture, bitten by vampires, hunted by vampires, killed and dissected before bringing herself back to life, possession, insane ancient gods, going to another world where said insane ancient gods live in order to save her best friend, being a vessel to her own power which became a god hellbent on destroying the world, getting her ear hacked off, her arm removed, her leg blasted off at the knee (which she healed from), dying, literally so much death and betrayal, wars, self imposed exile, putting her sister's soul back together, saying f*uck you to death itself and stealing part of the soul, more torture, mental torture (so much mental torture), insane serial killers, being smashed in the face with a sledge hammer, an alternate reality with an evil dictator who was dead in her own reality, 24 hours of excruciating agony from her surge, being taken over by her dark side, finding out that she is in fact descended from those insane evil gods I mentioned before, saving her sister from being kidnapped twice, having things carved onto her eyeballs, being hunted by psycopaths, and coming out to her parents.

Yeah, think that about covers it. Valkyrie Cain guys, she's a badass. (And only 25, all of this happened over 14 years).

13. 20 of your favorite accounts


Yeah that's close enough.

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