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Thanks so much Fanaticwolf for tagging me!!!

It's another tag! YAY!

1) Name?

Sorry! I'll tell u my nicknames instead.  My friends call me 'R', 'N', 'Hakyeon' , 'Hakyeonnie', 'Scorpio', 'Scorpi~Yeon' ,'Wifey' and 'Wife~Yeon'

2) Birthday?

 20th January 2001.

3) Favourite colour?

 I cannot choose. 

4) Favourite BTS member?

 Hmm..... *smug smile*



5) Last song I listened to?

"Between the devil and the deep blue sea" by XYLO. I'm in love with it! These days it's either that or "Afterlife" also by XYLO. I'm hella emo these days lol ^^

6) Last song I danced to?

"Mic Drop" ><

7) Last thing I did that was interesting?

Uploading my "Arts & Thoughts Catalogue". Thanks so much fir all the support it's getting too!!!! I love u guys so much!!!!

8) Favourite album?

I cannot answer this k-pop or otherwise. I'm sorry.

9) Picture of you?

Nope not happening. >< Sorry. I'll forever be,

10) Zodiac?


11) Last sport you did?

Archery. I'm still doing that tho ^^

12) Morning or Night?


13) Talents?

Honestly i'm only happy about drawing. That's it ^^

14) Favourite book I wrote?

Oh no no no..... choose? Between my fanfics? No no no! I can'y! I love my fanfictions too much!

And from the rest, probably my 'Tags' and 'Arts & Thoughts Catalouge'.

15) Demons or angels?

Mix of both ^^

16) Languages you speak?

I'm fluent in Sinhala and English only. 

17) Top 3 worst moments of my life?

~ When ever I get my marks.

~Before wattpad I was planning my first ever story "Angels Vs Demons" and it was originally supposed to be a manga fanfiction. There was this anime character named "Tsurugi" English name "Victor" He's still so hot! But he's 16 ><

So I had this friend who was absolutely in LOVE with my story and Victor and it was because of her support I had the courage to write and publish it too. But recently when I was talking about it the words slipped from her mouth,

"Honestly the only reason I was head over heels with 'Angels Vs Demons' was because of Victor"

Yeah...... I just hid behind a smile then. But that line repeats in my head whenever I remember my story now.

~ When I've snapped back at my closest friend ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL a few weeks ago. I've never been so bitter to a person. I said things I never thought I'd ever say.

18) Top 3 best moments of your life?

~ When I came 5th place for all island under 17 girls at the Junior Nationals for archery.

~When I changed myself into a much better person than I was 3 years ago.

~When I passed one of my most important exams will great marks!!!!

19) If I could fix one mistake in the last?

I wouldn't. Coz it's the past that brought me here and I don't wanna change it.












That's all for now! See ya in the next tag or rant!




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