Chapter Four

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Aphyra was very surprised to see the door of Seleris' study open at such a late hour. Normally her mentor returned to her living quarters before midnight, which had long since passed. There was an orange glow flickering faintly through the crack of the unlocked door, which still meant that Seleris had a candle lit. Aphyra assumed that she must be up extremely late working on an important Senior Diviner matter, perhaps concerning the visit of the Imperial Knights. 

Cautiously, trying not to disturb Seleris, Aphyra gently pushed the door open with a low creak and slipped inside the study.

The source of the orange light was indeed from a candle on Seleris' desk, which her mentor sat behind, hunched over a pile of papers. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, and she didn't even hear Aphyra enter the room. The candlelight flickered across her face, illuminating her features and turning her warm skin even more gold in color. 

"Measa?" Aphyra whispered softly, trying to get Seleris' attention. 

Seleris looked up from her work in surprise, her eyes widening. "Aphyra! What are you still doing up? It's super late!"

"I'm sorry Measa. I just needed to talk. It's kind of a long story. If you're busy with work and stuff I can leave-"

"-No, no!" Seleris interjected, "You take a seat on the sofa and tell me what this is all about. You look like you just had a nightmare." She motioned for Aphyra to sit down. Aphyra sighed with relief, falling backwards onto the loveseat. 

"Okay, talk. What's up?" Seleris asked. 

"Well..." Aphyra bit her lip, contemplating how she should explain her dream. She finally decided to cut right to the chase, "I saw a Laikani."

Seleris nodded, "Uh huh, uh huh..." She rested her chin on one hand, her eyes narrowed in contemplative thought. "You were dreaming, right?"


"And you're sure that it was a Laikani in this dream, not just any ordinary animal?" 

"He told me himself," Aphyra responded. 

"He spoke?" Seleris seemed slightly taken aback. Aphyra wasn't sure if this was a good reaction, she didn't expect Seleris to be alarmed. She nodded her head in reply anyways. 

"And what did he say?"

"It was the first Laikani I ever saw, before I even met you. The strange fire I saw near the woods that nobody else could see. He came back. He said something about watching me, and being  my guiding spirit. And he had some weird messages about the war... But he disappeared. He faded before he could finish." 

"Wow," Seleris finally breathed. 

"Did... did I do something wrong?" Aphyra stammered. 

"No, Annan, I'm just amazed. You realize how big this is, right?" 

Aphyra shook her head.

"A Laikani didn't speak to me until I became an Intermediate."

Aphyra's eyes widened. Her mentor had never told her this before. The hierarchy of Diviners in the Great Temple was very strict, and was based on skill. She knew that as a Senior Diviner, Seleris frequently communicated with the Laikani and had a stronger connection with them than most. She also knew that as trainees, Diviners saw Laikani but never spoke with them. But the fact that Seleris, a Senior, the highest level of Diviner who had to complete years of training to reach her status, didn't speak with the Laikani until she was an Intermediate Diviner? Aphyra couldn't even believe it. 

Seleris noticed the shocked expression on Aphyra's face and said, "Exactly. You're a trainee and you're already communicating. That's why this is so amazing." She got up from behind her desk and sat down again next to Aphyra on the sofa with her usual warm smile. "Can I just say how proud I am?" 

Aphyra blushed, her cheeks turning pale pink. Seleris took Aphyra's hand and laughed. 

"Not to sound cheesy or anything, but I think I had this feeling deep down all along that something like this was going to happen," She smiled, "I guess I just knew from the moment I saw that sweet little girl sitting all alone in her room. I always knew you were one special kid."

Aphyra cringed, but giggled slightly in response. Seleris' face was full of pride and joy. 

"Oh, come here, you!" Seleris laughed, and before she could even react Aphyra was wrapped up in her mentor's arms. Aphyra hugged back as a feeling of warmth flooded her body. 

"I'm so proud Annan, so proud," Seleris gushed again. 

The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, Aphyra still resting her head on Seleris's shoulder. Seleris was still glowing with happiness. 

Finally the Senior Diviner broke the quietness. "Aphyra, I think we need to let the Great Master know about this." 

"The Great Master?" Aphyra echoed, "Master Kendal?"

Seleris nodded, "Yes. I need to tell him that my trainee spoke with a spirit. It's just so rare that this happens. We have to let him know." 

"I understand," Aphyra said, "It's ok." 

"And especially becuase you said that this spirit mentioned the war. Anything concerning the war needs to be brought to Kendal." Seleris added. 

"He mentioned something about the war being the elves' fault, not the humans," Aphyra mumbled. 

"Oh," was all Seleris had to say in response. She brushed a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Aphyra asked. 

"Nothing, nothing," Seleris dismissed, her eyes downcast. "I'm just thinking, that's all." She then changed the subject, "It's very late."

Aphyra nodded. "Do you need me to leave now?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I need to finish my work-" she looked back over at her desk, "-and you need your sleep anyways. Will you meet me back here tomorrow morning so we can to talk to Kendal together about this dream of yours?" 

"Yes measa," Aphyra replied as they both stood up from the sofa. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sleep well," Seleris called out as Aphyra left, closing the study door behind her. 

Seleris retuned to her desk, back to her papers. She mumbled to herself as she resumed her work. Kendal had tasked her earlier that day with considering candidates to bring on the mission to Livadia, which was a very important job. The Imperial Knights sought only the most skilled of the Diviners, but the majority of the Seniors would need to stay back at the Great Temple with their trainees. That meant that the only Diviners that could leave the temple to assist the army would  be the Intermediates. She sighed as she shuffled the papers, flipping from one candidate's files to the next. 

Even as she worked, Aphyra was still on the back of the Senior Diviner's mind. Since the arrival of the Imperial Knights at the temple, something had changed about her trainee. Aphyra had always been a nervous and quiet girl ever since Seleris had first met her, yet she had always been very skilled and extremely bright. It was unlike her to fail a healing spell in training, or to seem so distant and closed off. Seleris had become worried. 

Stressed?  A voice echoed through Seleris' mind. 

She looked up from her work to see a familiar spirit. Laikani often visited her when she was alone in her study, and this spirit, which took the form of a soft, gentle bear with pale blue fur, made frequent appearances. 

"Hello, Kuran" Seleris dipped her head in respect, the way all Diviners were taught from a young age when addressing the Laikani. 

Kuran appeared to smile. I was waiting for your trainee to leave. I wanted to speak to you alone. She's a smart one though, that Aphyra. The bear spirit paced around the study as she spoke. 

Seleris agreed, "Yes, she is. For my first trainee as a Senior, I think she's turning out ok."

You still have doubts?  Kuran asked.

"Sometimes," Seleris sighed. "I'm the closest thing she has to a role model and I worry about her." Anxiously, she shuffled the papers on her desk again. 

Nonsense, Seleris, the Laikani laughed, although it sounded more like a bark. You need more self-confidence. And I'm sure Aphyra is ok. Just focus on your work right now, and see how she feels tomorrow. You're talking with the Great Master, yes?

Seleris nodded. "It's about Aphyra. She talked with a Laikani for the first time. In a dream, but it was talking none the less." 

Kuran responded, So I heard. She shuffled on her paws, her dark eyes looking straight back at Seleris. She received a message. I have one for you as well.

"A message?" 

About Aphyra. That's why I waited until you were alone. It may bring some relief to you and all of your worries. 

"What is it?" Seleris asked. 

There are two of them. Two of the Tainted. Chosen ones. Aphyra is one of them. She knows the second. 

"Teherrin," Seleris mumbled under her breath.

Two of the Tainted. Two born of both human and elven blood, destined to help save our world. They have the power to mend the past. They have the ability to prevent the future. Her eyes seemed to bore straight into Seleris' soul as she delivered her cryptic lines. That is all I have to say. 

"Thank you, Kuran," Seleris said. 

You're  welcome, the bear spirit nodded her gentle head, then faded away. Right where the Laikani stood just a few seconds ago, there was only empty space and the orange glow of the candlelight. 

Seleris rested her chin on her hands and looked back down at her desk. So much had happened since the arrival of the Imperial Knights. There was so much work to do. And now, she had been given a message from the Laikani. 

The issue that Seleris now faced was whether or not to tell poor Aphyra about Kuran's words. The trainee had already been through so much, and she had received a message of her own. Was she ready to know that a Laikani had just spoken some sort of prophecy about her? 

The Senior Diviner decided against it. She couldn't burden Aphyra any more. She had enough on her plate already. Eventually Seleris would tell her, but not right away. But she knew that even if she wasn't going to tell Aphyra, she had to tell Kendal. The Great Master needed to be aware. Of all of the Diviners in the Great Temple, he would also be able to interpret Kuran's message better than she could. 

She looked out her window at the inky black sky, which was beginning to become tinged with gray. Work could wait until later. She needed some sleep. She stood up from her desk and blew out the candle, casting the study in darkness. Tomorrow, she decided, she would tell Kendal everything. 

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