Chapter 24: Y o u c a n b e a h e r o

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"I am here," All Might announced as he entered the Bakugo household.

The family was sitting on a couch with Katsuki being flanked by his parents. He looked incredibly disgruntled.

"Is this the notice for throwing him out?" Mitsuki asked, pushing Katsuki's head down before he attempted to snap.

All Might's eyes widened as if she had asked where he had come to murder Katsuki.

"No......young Bakugo's certainly a unique one......No one has ever heard of a Quirkless hero," he swallowed, unpleasant flashbacks coming forth, "But that doesn't mean that he cannot be the first one!!"

"What?" the entire family chorused.

"I mean, if he wants to, of course. He had great potential, and could be a great hero, Quirk or otherwise. Having a Quirk is not the factor, having the potential to be one is needed. Especially in these dire times," All Might spoke with his ever present smile.

"Oh, you are talking about the Midoriya and Todoroki kids?" Mitsuki spoke, "Well, it IS Katsuki's fault to begin with."

"Huh?" All Might was confused. The conversation had spun out of control. Aizawa had said something about the Quirklessness being some kind of personal and petty revenge, but he wasn't smart enough to actually listen to him.

"Well, yeah, if he hadn't bullied the Midoriya kid for being Quirkless then he wouldn't have ended up in this useless position having his Quirk taken away. Well, I suppose not as useless if he can still be in the Hero Course, but after all there is so much a Quirkless hero can do," she went on.

" dear ma'am—" All Might tried to intervene seeing the stormy look on the teen's face, but he got overridden.

"I HAD ENOUGH," Katsuki snapped and went off to his room before he could be stopped. All Might really couldn't blame him.


"I DON'T CARE, NOW SHUT THE HELL UP," was the shout that answered her.

"Um—," All Might began, wondering what Aizawa would do in this case. They might not get along well but he couldn't deny that the man had a gift for making the class shut up even with his low profile and messy looks. And the fact that he was a better debator and teacher than him. A tough pill to swallow for the Number one hero, but it would be foolish to deny it.

Broken pencils and pens were scattered on the desk of the angry boy.

Irritated with everything, he punched the wall, splitting his knuckles. His rage felt hollow, even to himself, and perhaps, belatedly into the night he realised that he didn't know how to deal with his emotions without shouting and beating up people.

If the pillow had been a person's head, they would have been dead with the amount of punches that were thrown onto it.

So long, he had aspired to be the best.

So long he had assumed that Deku would never beat him.

Or cast a shadow in his sunny path ever again.

So long he had assumed that he would have his Quirk with him.

All his assumptions had been proven wrong.

The neighborhood kids ignored him now, because he didn't have an amazing Quirk anymore.

Belatedly he felt what Deku had faced for years.

And no one was even breaking his bones for being Quirkless.

Maybe for the first time in his life, Katsuki Bakugo felt regret.

"Y'all are cute, but seriously Izuku you will make me jealous," Tomura grumbled as Izuku laid on Todoroki's lap who was reading a novel.

"Well, I guess it is a shame that no one likes your allegedly handsome face," Izuku shot back, "Just don't tell me that you are crushing on him."

"That's too low, even for you," Tomura grumbled as the "Game Over" screen popped up. Beaten thrice in a row by the computer, he disintegrated the console, having nothing much to do with his fingers, other than to scratch idly at his neck after the dust settled.

"Your brotherly bond is real cute," Todoroki droned, "But I would have to freeze your mouths shut if you don't let me read in peace."

"How very romantic," Izuku began, only for ice to actually appear on his lips.

"That wasn't an option," a steely look from the irritated teen made it clear that disturbing him further would bring forth the ice manacles.

Satisfied, Todoroki began reading in peace as Izuku tried to get the ice off.

Seeing Izuku's state, Tomura didn't make any further sound, silently going to badger Kurogiri about buying a new console.

Kurogiri, the long suffering soul complied, and Tomura sulked off to his bed to stare at the ceiling for no particular reason.

Disturbing thoughts tried to pry their way through. Images of sunshine and a river made him choke as did the one followed by the dog. He got up, shaking his head. It was no good trying to think alone in this way. He picked up the hands. They made him feel nauseous, like he was about to throw up, but at the same time they made him feel at peace, like his family was still there with him.

The burning itch only increased when he put them on, however, and the nails on his fingers just abused his own neck further, until the blood actually started dripping down it.

Irritated because the itch wouldn't go away, he got up and went to the bar, deciding to go out. The barely noticeable twitch in his spidery fingers were there. The people outside just irritated him, as he ground his teeth.

Everything did. Except his companions and Sensei.

Everything except them annoyed him.

Then why not destroy stuff that annoyed him?

Sensei had precisely told him to do so.

But then, what, what were those chains which were stopping him, stopping him from killing them with a touch of his hand?

What were those invisible shackles holding him back from letting himself loose?

What did those faded memories, barely present, telling him?

What was wrong with him?

"Tomura-kun, are you okay?" 

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