Chapter 52: Toga really missed a fine sight

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"These are the Big Three of UA," Aizawa announced. Bakugo looked at them. One was a bulky and blond boy, looking like that character—Tintin—, from the comics Shinso had borrowed from Monoma. Another was a girl, blue hair curling around her, and another was a really socially awkward boy with short dark blue hair. He looked incredibly socially anxious and gave up trying to speak after introducing himself and turned his head to the blackboard.

The Tintin boy's name was apparently Mirio Togata, the girl's name was Nejire, the other's name was Amajiki Tamaki. Shinso was almost nodding off again, only the force of Aizawa's presence was keeping him awake. That too, barely. He isn't technically better but then again, his habit of going to bed early helps a little even if he wakes up shaking in the middle of the night.

He snaps back when Nejire is excitedly bouncing in front of him, asking about....what? He zones her out before he gets consumed by the urge to break someone's neck. Shinso gives her a glare even though she isn't waiting for his answer. A few more exchanges happen after which Mirio invites them to spar with him.

Shinso rubs his eyes and gives him a look, likely asking, "What the hell is going on?" He shrugs as they are asked to get up and go to Ground Beta.

He already has a bad feeling when Mirio strips off and the girls scream. It intensifies when half of the class is down in a heartbeat.

"Yo," Shinso begins, "Your Quirk is pretty cool. What's it's name?"

"Yo," Mirio begins as he tries to punch him. But he goes dead still.

Shinso wipes his face, looking amused. Aizawa was feeling rather proud of him.

"I mean, hasn't he watched the Sports Festival?" Bakugo asked, disbelievingly.

"I think he forgot," Shinso shrugged non-committally.

"How could he forget you—," Bakugo begins and catches Kirishima smirking our of the corner of his eye. Damn him. Should have killed him when he had the chance to.

"I am easily forgettable, I guess," Shinso said, making Mirio do a tap dance for fun. In his defense, half of his classmates just got taken down by him and he could afford to have a bit of fun before Aizawa calls it off.

And he does, a few minutes later. Though, Shinso swears that he saw his lips twitch slightly.

Izuku just goes back to his "creepy" notetaking to put up an appearance. Toga begins an obsessive discussion of blood with anyone near to her, and Chisaki pretty much thinks that Shigaraki sent a Mimir and Hoenir to his place. Except that he probably keeps them around, mostly because he wants to somehow make most of Izuku's Quirk, None For All.

Which is perfectly fine as long as he can gain access to the child's room. Chisaki wouldn't let him in, not yet, and the process of getting to convince him is difficult, but not entirely impossible. Chisaki is the kind of people Izuku hates the most, those who exploit others' Quirks. Tomura was improving slightly with Todoroki haunting him, and Izuku really hopes that he could get the toxic presence of All For One from them.

The thing is, he had been thinking of reprogramming Kurogiri. There wasn't anything wrong with how he was, but he is still controlled by the Doctor in the absence of All For One. He has to somehow make it so that he break it. Whatever it takes to grant safety to the first person to make him feel safe.

To any normal person, they would look like a crazed uncle and a bored nephew. Certainly that façade worked for Todoroki and Stain.

"I swear to all the powers, Akaguro, ruin this evening walk, and I will make you regret being born."

Stain's face twitches.

"Don't worry, I have learnt self restraint."

"Thank Izuku for that."

"Oh, so now you are on first name terms suddenly?"

Todoroki paused long enough to gave him a glare. Any lesser man would have turned tail and run, but this was Stain. And the Hero Killer(the killings had almost slowed down and Todoroki was convinced that Izuku was some divine entity) wasn't someone who cared much for death glares.

"Everything in life is sudden," Todoroki says dryly, "And with your observational skills, you could have done a good job with the police. So could have Tomura and Izuku, but that's that."

Stain shrugged.

"Well, there's no going back to it. But the idea of opening a restaurant so that the kid," and Todoroki perfectly knows he is talking about Tomura, "Eats something and so do many more is certainly more tempting than trying to wheedle information out of people."

"So noble, almost heroic. And you are supposed to be the Hero Killer."

Stain rolls his eyes. Or tries to anyways, and it's still amusing.

"I aspired to a Hero too, but I think you know that. And don't sell yourself short, your steady head is the best for executing hard operations. Shigaraki would have thrown a hissy fit in the middle of it."

"His mental instability isn't his fault."

"It still exists all the same."

They walked in silence for the rest of it. Only later would Todoroki realise how unused people are used to seeing Stain in casual wear, when Dabi gawks and Spinner stares at them speechlessly. Tomura's facial expression isn't entirely visible behind his hand, but he doesn't need to see that to know he is shocked too.

It's not everyday that the Hero Killer puts on a t-shirt and sweat pants and ties his hair and resembles a normal human being. Almost.

"What?" He asks self consciously when no one says a word.

"Nothing," Tomura replies, his voice sounding like he is desperately trying not to laugh.

Stain looks at Todoroki who shrugs. He is technically used to Stain joining him for walks, but after the time when Stain pretty much abandoned him, he had holed gone alone. So he is technically used to this.

But the rest......Well.

Kurogiri's formal, "Good evening, Stain-san," in the middle of the confusion is finally what causes him to start laughing, desperately wishing that he had a camera with him.

Stain gives him a betrayed look before disappearing.

"Toga missed a fine sight," Dabi says, before Shigaraki smacks him over with a remote.

Dabi turns to look at him.

"What, are you jealous of Stain now?"

The answer would be yes, Todoroki thinks, but not for the reason Dabi says.

Mr. Compress walks in next, without his mask and Dabi says, "Not you too. Next thing we will see is Twice taking his off."

"Won't be happening for a long time," Twice says miserably, "I need therapy to take it off."

"I wonder whose idea was to give you a Venom themed Spider man costume," Todoroki says, sitting down and looking at him.

"Whoever wrote our story, probably," Shigaraki answers, "I just pray that they have decided to not make me suffer further. Or the rest of us."

"I heard authors like torturing their characters," Todoroki says, picking his book up. It was Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. "A lot, just look at Snape."

Shigaraki gives him a mournful look before dramatically lying down on the bed. Dabi gave a long suffering sigh and moved away to the couch.

"Oi, no, I call dibs on it," Todoroki shoved him out of the way. He got a death glare in return.

"I am older."

"I am younger, so what?"

"I am sitting on the couch, whether you like it or not."

"Well, I ain't moving."

They missed Shigaraki's almost nostalgic glance as he looked at them.

They all did. 

A/N: I don't mean any offense whatsoever to Horikoshi, it's a joke, I repeat, it's a joke, no offense has been made, please don't murder me. 

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