Chapter 58: Hawks

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Shinso was taken in fairly quick and pretty easily. He could only assume that the wreckage that Bakugo had caused in his office had made him think twice before starting a match in the office with his friend. Besides, it might be because Nighteye was really wary of his Quirk, a thing that was starting to annoy him, and he might have hired him before he got brainwashed into that action. Shinso wasn't really amused but he didn't argue, and hi fived Bakugo on the way out.

He turned to Bubble Girl who was looking slightly relieved.

"Why do you let him do that?" he asked bluntly.

"Do what?" she frowned in confusion.

"Put you in that tickling machine and torture you."

Bubble Girl looked taken aback. Shinso internally groaned as he realised that no one had ever thought of pointing that out.

"Well.....I am his I suppose he can?" her answer was hesitant and it was evident that she hadn't really thought of it that way. "I mean, he had a really good heart and all, it's just that he likes laughter—"

"Do you enjoy being tickled like that?" he cut in, throwing a sideways look at Mirio who had stiffened ever so slightly.

Bubble Girl gulped.


"Then why do you let him do that?"

"....I don't know...I suppose because I am supposed to put up with him?"

It appeared that Bakugo had reached the end of his tether.

"If you don't fucking like what he does to you, then why the fuck don't you protest? It's not like you don't possess a fucking mouth and if you are a fucking hero, then you must be able to hold him off if crap does hit the fan. His "heart" sounds like it is based on a deep-seated longing for fucking All Might's company and now unable to have him with him, he has adopted horrid coping mechanisms. If you don't like something, you protest, kay? Take the matter to suitable authorities, because what he is doing is bullying and that ain't funny."

A long and tense silence followed this.

"I....I'll see," Bubble Girl said quietly, before rushing to wherever she had to.

"She better do something about that fucker, because he looks like an ominous soothsayer with a torture kink."

Shinso and Mirio simultaneously choked but Bakugo ignored them and turned to the exit.

"Y'all planning to return to UA or not?" he asked, jolting them out of their shock.

"Why...of course," Shinso said quietly, jogging up to catch up to him.

Mirio seemed to regain some of his bravado and went to lead them back to the school.

Hawks really hated excessive responsibility. He had been training like crazy ever since he was five, wanting to be a hero like his idol, Endeavor. Well, with the recent things that had been uncovered about the man, he was really starting to doubt his judgement. All Might had retired and Endeavor had been killed and now he was the Number One hero.

He wanted to sob, really, as the interviewer asked him the same question for the millionth time.

"How does it feel to be the Number One hero?"

He gave her his best easy grin and answered.

"Like I am Atlas and carrying the sky on my shoulders. See ya."

And with that, he flew off, before the urge to punch someone in the face became too much for him to handle. He perched himself on the top of a building, trying to regulate his breathing even as he sent a few feathers to do some minor jobs.

He needed some strong coffee and a bucket of chicken nuggets after dealing with this crap. He wasn't being paid enough for this. Even though the Commission which was supposed to "train" him had been worse, the press was starting to really get on his nerves.

Besides, feathers wouldn't help if a Nomu barraged through out of nowhere. They didn't have any leads to the League of Villains, which was giving him more anxiety than warranted. The League was led by someone called Tomura Shigaraki and his sidekicks appeared to be Kurogiri, whose mystery still bewildered them, Izuku Midoriya, who had legally disappeared off the face of the earth when he was ten and Shoto Todoroki, who had been pronounced dead at the age of seven, apparently his insane mother had attempted to burn half of his face off and then he had been kidnapped by villains who had killed him when Endeavor showed up.

Now, however, he was pretty sure that the man just didn't care about his child enough to keep searching for him. He had given the case up as hopeless and his sudden feverish hero work after that day made sense now.

In all honesty, however, he wasn't expecting to run into a member of said League while slinking into the alley to avoid public attention.

Nor was he expecting to run into the Hero Killer in a jogging suit at the same time.

"Stain, he is all clear, calm down," the carefully controlled voice of Shoto Todoroki called out.

"Please don't blame me when you get arrested," Stain shot back, never once dropping the knives in his hands.

"You can always run, right?" Shoto returned, raising an eyebrow at Hawks.

And before the hero could react, a blast of ice and fire shot out at him and the two of them disappeared somewhere.

He dodged and flew up, gritting his teeth in frustration. What kind of hero let villains go by this easily? What would the Commission say?

He closed his eyes, trying to focus on the heat signatures before giving up in annoyance. There were too many heat signatures to keep track of. No doubt the kid had lit up a few places to throw him off his scent.

Begrudgingly, he had to admit that he was more smart than they gave him credit for.

The reports had called him the brawn of the operation, but he definitely didn't lack any brains. If trained properly, he could become a good hero, but he WAS a villain and villains don't really change their villainous ways that easily.

However, he was interested in the kid now. 

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