Chapter 62: Angry Pomerian plays Chess with dead inside cat

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You wouldn't take Katsuki Bakugo as an intelligent person. In fact, most would definitely classify him under a violent hooligan.

After mellowing out slightly, his peers acknowledged that, he was, in fact, intelligent.

However, Shinso hadn't really expected him to flop down in front of him with a,

"Wanna play chess, Purple Hair?"

Shinso blinked slowly and deliberately, an ineloquent, "Huh?" escaping his lips before he could think the better of it.

Now Bakugo was beginning to look concerned.

Well, more like frustrated.

"You do know how to fucking play chess, right?"

Shinso blankly stared at him before his brain clicked onto the reality he was obligated to reside him, instead of the cat infested one he had been daydreaming about.

"Hm?" He asked again, trying to make certain that he had heard the blond properly.

And one of the things Bakugo was well know for was his awful temper.

"CHESS!!!" He yelled, curling his hands up out of habit. No explosions would spark on them now so that significantly decreased the threat level.

It was a testament to how much their entire class was used to the oddity of these interactions that they didn't choose to comment, instead carrying on like nothing had happened.

Which, relatively speaking, was true.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, I gotchu—, you know how to play it?" Shinso had, admittedly, a very difficult time picturing the blond sitting down at a table in such a game of concentration without blowing the pieces up in seconds.

Now Bakugo positively looked like he was going to strangle Shinso.

"Why tf wouldn't I?" He snapped, getting more and more offended by the second, "Do YOU know how to play it?"

"Yeah, I do—."

"So, it's decided, then."


Shinso's reply was cut off by Bakugo slamming down a chess board on the table in front of him. He swore he could hear Kaminari giggling.

"Black or white?" Bakugo spoke, more like shouted softly, bringing Shinso back to what he was to do. He blinked again.

"Nice of you to be so considerate—"

"I am serious."

"I thought you were Bakugo?"

"Listen up, you little fucker—"

"Okay, okay, got it, white."

"Thank fucking goodness. Thought you would never answer."

Bakugo had noticed Shinso dissociating himself from his environment way too often, especially today. He kept zoning out half the things the teachers said, and looked like he wasn't getting enough sleep. Which was to be expected, considering he had heard him yell at some movie at 3 in the fucking morning.

At odds to what to do to get some attention and make the boy look a little livelier, he had come up with the offer of chess.

Effectively, chess helped with his anger management a lot at times, so that was that.

Shinso moved the pawn in front of the knight which was beside the bishop which governed the white vertical lines front, a specific opening move he used. He liked it, if the opponent was dumb enough, he would be able to cancel the rook by the bishop when he moved it in the vacant space left by the pawn.

Bakugo began by forwarding the pawn in front of the queen, using the "direct" method as his father had said once. He was mildly pleased to see a lively spark in Shinso's eyes as they played.

So this fucker liked something other than cats and Eraserhead. Good enough.

Ochaco was trying to teach a few martial arts moves to Momo. Momo was picking it up fast, and in the time they came inside to catch a breather, they found those two attentively playing chess.

"Never would have taken him one for board games," Ochaco mumbled, frank as always.

"Well, Bakugo-kun continues to surprise us, eh?" Momo said, smiling.

A few moves later, Shinso was yelling, face slightly flushed.


Bakugo began laughing. He had cornered Shinso's King in a family check including the queen, with his Knight. The other boy flailed his hands mournfully.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!!!" He moaned, tugging at his hair.

"And I thought that you were a good sport," he answered, clutching his stomach from laughing too much at his antics.

"I am, but—, THE QUEEN—"

"Imagine if I had done this when you cancelled my rook."


Bakugo gave an amused shrug as Shinso desperately scoured the board for an option to save both the pieces. Bakugo had made sure that there were none, and it was incredibly amusing to see how desperate he kept getting with every glance he threw around the board.

Even more amusing was him shifting the king out of danger's way and immediately slumping back into his seat like a puppet with all strings cut, covering his eyes as if he couldn't bear to see the death of his most prized possession, the Queen.

Bakugo gave an evil laugh as he swiped that piece off the board.

"You sound like Lord Voldemort.....," Shinso mumbled, going to move the rook to try to attack Bakugo's knight.

"I believe that I possess a fucking nose, mf," came the reply as he moved the knight to a safer position.

"I fucked no mothers," Shinso shot back, trying to attack Bakugo's queen with his Knight.

Which effectively left Bakugo with the huge opportunity to checkmate the king with his bishop.

Shinso let out a defeated groan and fell back into the couch.

"Rematch?" Bakugo asked cheerfully, going to rearrange the pieces.

"You will win, again," Shinso mumbled, eyes still shut.

"Well I will, but you are just being a pussy now."

"What, relish in my defeat?"


One eye popped open.

"I hate you."

Bakugo laughed.

Kirishima could swear that the sound was too unnatural and terrifying for some reason. He hugged his comforter tighter, trying to banish the chills from it.

"You look dead inside."

"So do you, mophead. And name one time, I don't."

"Good question."

Tomura was trying to feed Sushi and Soba. Keyword being "trying". He had opened a packet of treats, which he had bought against the word of Shoto, earning him a death glare from the boy as he slurped his soba.

And no sooner had he done so, his fingers almost got mauled by the feral beasts. Yelping, he had thrown it on the ground, to protect both his fingers and the animals from the effects of accidentally consuming a finger which could decay.

And thus, after mournfully bandaging his poor fingers, he sat sulking on a tool, a glass of whiskey in his hand. Kurogiri was currently trying to teach Shoto how to make an omelette.

Shoto nearly burnt himself thrice from the oil splatters, but he finally got the hang of it, enough to make a half decent one.

Or so Izuku claimed after trying to swallow the entirely burnt egg.

Keyword, trying.

Shoto gave the frying pan a death glare as if it was the second bane of his existence after the godforsaken tea kettle.

If looks could kill, it would have melted then and there.

Izuku gave him a pat before going to wash his mouth, causing him to return to hiding behind a book. This time it was the second volume of Hunter X Hunter, and considering that he held it upside down and never turned the pages, Dabi could see that he wasn't reading it, instead probably beating himself up over the fact that he had failed to cook a simple egg.

Well, that was none of his business anyways, he told himself as he went to sit beside Tomura.

Whose immediate words were,

"You look dead inside."

Dabi countered it as usual.

"So do you, mophead." Because that perfectly described Shigaraki. "And name one time I don't." Because that was, true as well.

"Good question," Tomura hummed thoughtfully, setting the glass down.

Out of pure gut feeling, Dabi backed away as he spun in his chair to look at him. He didn't know what he was thinking, but if he had to guess he wouldn't be much comfortable with that.

"Well I suppose there are those times when you have a feral glint in your eyes, like a fucking cat, mostly when you are trying to murder me," Tomura concluded finally.

"You see everyone as cats, Shigaraki...," Dabi said, tiredly.

"Because. Everyone. Is. A. Cat," Tomura spoke cheerfully, leaning forward.

Shoto's ears heard a lot of things after that, but none of which he was interested to decode currently.

Nor was he interested to explain to Kurogiri why Dabi's right hand was covered in raw half cooked egg and why Tomura looked like a drenched cat.

"Plus Chaos, right?" Toga said cheerfully on one of her rounds around the hideout.

Shoto cast his eyes heavenward.

Plus Chaos indeed

A/N: Me, trying to fucking sleep(it's past one in the morning now—): 

My brain: Bakugo and Shinso. Chess. Dabi and Tomura. Egg. Shoto.

Me: Ofc master. *Proceeds to write* 

And then...there is the usual manga depression......... 

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