Chapter 66: Where RSD is a bitch

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Izuku Midoriya was back at work again.

No, nothing legal, but it was work nevertheless, and the League respected that.

Well, most of them atleast.

There had to be one who would love to disrupt said work and cause chaos.

Today it came in the form of one Tomura Shigaraki whining about the game he had lost to Dabi.

One eye twitching from the building headache due to lack of sleep and Kurogiri (he had disappeared somewhere and wasn't returning anytime soon. Izuku had an inkling that this would lead to worse trouble and he feared that he might not be enough to solve matters.), Izuku turned towards him. 

"Tomura-kun," he began, trying to keep his voice patient, "You could always go for a rematch with him and prove who is superior?"


Mentally, Izuku said, "One problem hasn't been solved and now another one arises."

Verbally, he said, "Is he doing this randomly or—."


"...right. No wonder you both get along well."

His mind flashed to Tomura method of decaying things (and people) for "stress relief" and he mentally added another point in his, "Why Tomura and Dabi would make a destructive couple because they were too alike." It had something like hundred points or so now. Probably more. He needed to check with Shoto.


"Nothing, Tomura-kun, absolutely nothing," Izuku said in a monotone.

Tomura just continued to look more murderous.

"Why don't you go and play with someone else?" Izuku suggested.


".....right. So go find him???"


", a hopeless simp."

Tomura's mouth snapped shut and then opened, looking ready to tear Izuku's head off like a rabid animal.


"........I mean, it's kind of obvious, isn't it?"

".......fuck off."

And with that, Tomura stormed off to God knows where.

Izuku sighed and went back to his work.

Only to find himself staring at a blank screen. He had been compiling the Hero analysis, and he was perfectly sure that he had written a lot, sure that he wasn't dreaming.

In confusion, he pressed Ctrl+Z a couple of times but it didn't work. The computer seemed to have been wiped of all data. It was as if, it was new and fresh and no work had been done on it previously.

Worried now, he logged in the backup, waiting for the information to load in.

It did.

Only to get deleted a second later.

He swallowed.

A virus had invaded their devices and it probably had tracked down their location as well.


What else had it tracked down? Their conversations? Their images?

His eyes felt moist as he started feeling lightheaded.

Taking out a gun, he shot at the computer and all other electrical devices he could find in sight.

Shoto, who happened to be the only other one in the hideout at that time came running down, a book still clutched in his hands.

Lord of the Rings.

"Are the computers the newest means for target practice?"

"No, Shoto-kun, we got a hacker after us."

Shoto dropped the book in horror. It landed with a loud sound at his feet.

Izuku began tearing at his hair, wondering where he had gone wrong, wondering why he was so incompetent.


"Worthless Deku, you can't do anything. You can't even save yourself, much less anyone else. Pathetic."

His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, as if all coherent thoughts had ceased. The world was spinning in front of him.

A sharp pain in his knees made him realise that he had fallen to the floor, shaking.

Useless Deku, can't even think properly when people need help. Is words on paper the best you can do?


"We need to move." His voice was robotic and he made no motion to get up. He just said it, something they both knew, but it wasn't feasible, not without gathering the rest of the members. They would return to an empty hideout and probably think that they had gone out for fun, not knowing the danger that awaited them.


"Yes, yes, I know, we need to move." His voice was starting to crack as he frantically grasped at the remnants of his braincells to formulate a feasible plan.

Shoto saw the boy in front of him curl into himself, shaking. With fear. And self loathing.

His replies were monotonous and appeared to have been wrung out of him on autopilot.

He knew the results of attempting to initiate physical contact when one was in such a state perfectly well, the walls of the bedroom at their old hideout bore scorch marks in proof of that.

He walked around to sit down in front of him, his heart twisting at the tear stained face he saw.

"Izuku, can you hear me?"

"I am sorry."

.... what.


"I am sorry, I know I am useless. Please don't hurt me."

Izuku sounded terrified, and curled more into himself.

It looked as if he was somewhere else, seeing demons only he could see, the ones which haunted him till this day.

Shoto's felt a lump forming at the back of his throat.

He is looking more and more like him as time passes by.

Shaking his head, he tried again.

"What's wrong?"

Whatever reply Izuku would have tried to give was muffled by his crying.

And the tears refused to stop.

Helplessly, Shoto reached out, anticipating the flinch but still feeling a stab at his heart nevertheless, and a growing hatred of those who had caused him to be this way.

"Izuku, Izuku, it's me.......Shoto."

His voice never reached him.

With all the gunshots and the loud crying, Tomura had come down as well, only to witness the sight of Izuku sobbing his heart out and an increasingly helplessly Shoto Todoroki.

Who, on seeing his murderous gaze raised both hands.

It was an unspoken rule between the three of them that if someone hurt one, the other two would never let them live.

Silently he stood there, watching, because close proximity could cause feelings of suffocation and lead to worse reactions.

Shoto tried to signal the situation to him with increasingly complicated hand gestures.

Tomura's face went on whole another level of bitter when he was informed that they had been hacked into. One hand reached up to scratch his abused neck, digging deep enough to draw blood.

There was a chill in the room, the chill of being watched, the chill of a storm approaching them.

Blue flames danced in the palms of a twenty year old with burn scars covering most of his body. His eyes of the same shade spoke of incredible hatred against the one standing in front of him.

Said person sported a smirk and a pair of red wings.

"My, my, running off without telling your leader of the situation....speak of ineffective teamwork, hey?"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

The flames continued to burn brighter.


"Tomorrow we will be initiating the operation of arresting Chisaki Kai, also known as Overhaul. Kindly be prepared."

With this announcement in his mind, the interns found it difficult to find rest.

Bakugo punched a bag in the gym until it broke under the onslaught.

Shinso immersed himself in a psychology volume.

Ochaco practiced her moves in another corner of the gym, and no one else dared to enter the place.

Kirishima proceeded to break all the hard things he could find in front of him.

Nejire practiced her dance moves while Tsuyu chose to jump about.

Mirio became a living ghost.

Tamaki professed his love to his bed.

A/N: In my defense, I was extremely high while writing this particular chapter and well....ehm. (To think that I should be studying...) But eh...I apologise for the long wait! Also, I changed a few things to suit this story. (Also, I am no expert on psychology so if I did get the title reference wrong, then kindly notify me) Until next time then—

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