Chapter 68: Gigantomachia

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The cool wind blew the dust right into their faces, making many of them sneeze.

Izuku rubbed at his eyes, which were bloodshot from crying so much.

Shoto had an indifferent look about him, calmly surveying the surroundings around them.

Tomura's hands found their way to his neck again in irritation.

In front of them was a manor falling to ruins, inhabited by some cult members, who were rather discriminatory towards those with mutant Quirks. Not an amusing thing, in all honesty.  They burst in and made quick work of the pests, before settling down. Tomura, being Tomura got the couch, while Shoto claimed the rather uncomfortable wire cot.

The place, predictably was falling to pieces.

Mr. Compress and Twice went to see if they could salvage anything from it.

When they had used Kurogiri to teleport off, they hadn't been able to collect Dabi, who they were hoping was safe. They hadn't heard of him since the morning, which was rather odd, however it was also true that Dabi had been spending less time with them ever since he found a "friend" of sorts, but it was evident that he didn't exactly trust him.

While they rested, Izuku wondered whether it was the friend in question that had driven them out of their hideout. It seemed rather likely since the friend was apparently a hero, and Izuku had kept surveillance on Eraserhead—, no way he would be able to pull such an underhanded trick upon them thus.

He wondered who that hero in question was.


Dabi was so not having a good time.

The moment he rounded upon Hawks, the other heroes came.

Evidently they had been prepared for him, since two water heroes continuously kept drenching him in water as he felt the familiar clap of the Quirk suppressing handcuffs around his wrists and then it was colder than before, the warmth of his Quirk gone and the freezing water drenching him.

He pursed his lips, as Hawks flew above and prepared to lead him to prison. He assumed that it was Tartarus, since that was where he was supposed to end up in, without any trial. The public would be more than happy to see such a dangerous villain behind bars and the questionable hero justice would be wrapped up again.

He supposed Shigaraki would be able to pursue it, along with Shoto and the others.

The thought of it left a bitter taste on his tongue.

Here he was, being led to permanent confinement and his fellow villains were walking free, just because he had made a single mistakes. They could have been captured too, however Hawks would have said something about it. And since they were heading to the interrogation room of Tartarus first, he assumed that they were going to interrogate him on their location.

They really thought it was all that simple, huh?

Well, he wasn't raised to be a pussy (disregarding the question of whether he had been raised at all).

He picked at the locks, Mr. Compress had been teaching all of them to, and found that they were surprisingly easy to to unlock. His disappointment in the Heroes merely grew along with a rage at being underestimated.

He let them hang on his wrists until they were quite near to the prison and then called Hawks.

"Hey, chicken, want to see a trick?"

He smirked as Hawks's half turned around, his eyes widening as he probably realised what was going to happen.

He snapped his fingers and the handcuffs fell off just as a huge flame of blue erupted from his form.

Some heroes had probably died, but he wasn't particularly worried on that.

He turned tail and fled, burning whoever attempted to capture him.

The streets were wreathed in blue in his fiery wake.


Dabi's fire had reached into the upper chambers of the Tartarus prison.

All For One felt it before he heard of it.

He looked at the restraints binding him as a new plan formed in his head, for many of his Quirks were active all the time and couldn't be suppressed voluntarily.

Besides he didn't need them either, as he understood that the upper parts of the prison had been thrown into chaos and he snuck a look at the person that had snuck into his cell in the confusion. He was a rather trusted subordinate of him, and would surely pass along his message to the League and above all—, Tomura Shigaraki.

A smile formed on his face imagining how freeing it would be to occupy a proper body and be able to exert himself physically and independently once again, no longer restricted by the tubes keeping him alive.

Spinner and Tomura had gotten into an argument once again. Typical really, since their opinions were a lot different.  Stain had broken them up and taken him and Toga out for something.

What that something was, Izuku wasn't interested to know.

Twice and Mr. Compress were talking to each other, possibly plans of renovation.

Tomura was positively moping.

Shoto attempted to strike up a conversation with him.

"Do you want some cold soba?"

Tomura looked at the bowl Shoto was holding, rather sheepishly and shook his head.

Kurogiri had disappeared sometime, presumably to collect some "allies", whoever they may be. Izuku had an idea of who they could be, however he chose not to comment, instead wishing to see how it would turn out. The initial shock at having been found out had faded and he was putting all he had into not being found out by the heroes. One close call had been more than enough.

He looked to see Tomura glaring at nothing in particular as Shoto quietly finished the soba in question. He had offered it to everyone in the room. Stain had muttered something about true heroes and gone off, Toga had taken half and the rest had most politely refused it.

Izuku had been in the aforementioned rest along with Tomura.

So, as a fellow comrade in refusing Shoto's most kind offer, he went and sat beside him, half expecting to get shoved off.

When he didn't, he chose to open his mouth.

What he wanted to say, he didn't know, but he hoped he would find the words to put to the worry gnawing away at his heart.

However, he was cut off by the cold soba bowl crashing to the ground and Shoto's exasperated groan as a giant who resembled a moving mountain more than a human came into view.

He was naked and a radio hung from his neck.

Kurogiri drifted beside him, looking troubled as he surveyed the destruction.

Tomura sprang up, as did the rest.

"Is this the ally you talked about, Kurogiri?"

He got a nod.

"Meet him....his name is Gigantomachia."

A/N: Sorry for the super late update—, the appearance of Bakugo in the latest MHA chapter really gave me the much needed motivation to write.

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