Chapter 8: Quirkless

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"How does it feel to be Quirkless, Kacchan?"

Bakugo felt time stop in those few words. He was suffocating, this couldn't be possible. Deku, yes, Deku was supposed to be the Quirkless one, he was Katsuki Bakugo, prodigy and the one and only candidate for the position of the number one hero, he would surpass even All Might himself.

"None for All, like it?"

Deku's voice seemed to blast and echo around him. Miserably, he tried to get up and do something, but his body wouldn't obey him. Dizzily, he saw the blood pooling around him and strength sapping out of him. The world was blurring around him. No, this wasn't possible, Deku couldn't beat him.

"Who is useless now?"

The world went black.

Izuku had left him a long time ago and was standing observing Todoroki and Aizawa fight, taking notes in the notebook he had whipped out of nowhere. Todoroki has improved a lot in hand to hand combat otherwise he would have been taken out with a few of Eraserhead's punches.

Aizawa knew that he was weakening rapidly, the pain in his back was making a comeback as the adrenaline rush decreased. Colours were blurring together, and it was all he could do to dodge the attacks thrown in his way. His eyes were itching from keeping them open for so long and his moves became slower and slower, until he blinked and ice shot out at him again.

Izuku pursed his lips, resolutely ignoring Tomura throwing a tantrum beside him, only reaching out to stop him from scratching his neck too much. Kurogiri had split the students up with the thugs.

Most of the thugs had been taken out already, due to Aizawa and the class's efforts. A few were crawling here and there but they were taken out relatively quick.

Uraraka threw up as she reached her limit. Miserably, she looked at Aizawa who looked ready to faint any moment. Blood had soaked his shirt and binding cloth and his goggles had been broken.

The main two two people essential for the success of his mission were Todoroki and the Nomu. Todoroki could easily create a barrier for people to not intervene in the fight between Nomu and All Might.

But Eraserhead was giving them more trouble than they had assumed he would give. Of course Izuku had notes on most of the heroes and he had charted Eraserhead's weaknesses, which were many considering that he basically fought Quirkless in a battle after demoting the opponent to the same rank, except for heteromorphic types.

Aizawa rubbed off the blood dripping into his eyes. Todoroki's Quirk had been Erased again and he lunged at him with his binding cloth. His opponent was starting to show signs of weakness as well, and had a natural inclination towards his ice which was a good thing because if he went for fire first, Aizawa would have been incinerated at the beginning of the fight.

Todoroki dodged, leaving Aizawa an opening to Izuku who had been patiently taking notes until he noticed the white cloth reaching out towards him. He nimbly dodged it and put the notebook back in his pocket.

"Leaving him all to me, huh? Thou hast betrayed me, my dear friend."

"Shut up, drama queen," Todoroki grumbled, panting.

"You sure you aren't saying that to Tomura?" Izuku said as he kept dodging Aizawa's attacks.

"Oi," Tomura said, snapping out of his tantrum.

"Please decay this lovely teacher for me, Tomura-kun," Izuku said sweetly as Aizawa shot out at him again.

Tomura gave him a glare which basically said, "Deal with it."

Izuku rolled his eyes and went for a punch in an opening which had been provided by the rapidly tiring pro hero.

Aizawa dodged it at the last moment, falling to his knees for a moment and coughing out blood. He had noticed the teamwork of those three. Todoroki was mostly the front lines, Tomura Shigaraki would step in if he was having too much of a trouble while Izuku just....took notes?

"How did you get into this?" he coughed out as he gripped his binding cloth tighter and jumped back. Spots danced in his visions.

"This? As in what? The suit?" Izuku said lightly, as the Nomu appeared behind Aizawa, "Oh well, I had said that full black would be best for undercover work, but Tomura-kun said that green would make me stand out. He said something else too, what was it again, Tomura-kun?"

"It gives you personality," Tomura said dispassionately as the Nomu grabbed Aizawa and broke both of his arms, causing the man to cry in pain.

"Ah yes, that. I don't know, but Todoroki-kun doesn't think that I need a suit for my personality to be enticing, right?"

"No flirting during fighting, Midoriya, stop breaking the rules," Kurogiri said as he watched the battle going around him. Virtually his only work was to prevent fights when at the bar and outside it, it was to aid Tomura Shigaraki in fights. And the other two as well, when required.

Aizawa was clinging onto the last vestiges of his consciousness as he heard the completely pointless talking going around him. What had happened to these teens, for they were the same age as Aizawa's own students, that they had resorted to villainy? It wasn't the Queen Bee incident again, because they were clearly acting on their own terms, however he was worried.

If things like this kept happening, how long before upset teens joined this cause like people joined clubs?

"I will say one thing to you though, pro hero Eraserhead."

Aizawa was dimly aware of Izuku speaking as the Nomu brought his head up again. He felt like it was attempting to wrench it off his neck.

He also saw Tomura Shigaraki trying to disintegrate on of his students as Izuku was writing down notes still. He erased his Quirk to avoid the catastrophe.

Tomura realised it and paused as the Nomu brought his head down again and smashed it into the concrete.

However those few seconds had allowed her to escape. The world started going black as he heard Shigaraki's last words.


Oh look, he had a fan now.

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