Chaos Reigns

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Here's the next chapter......
A much needed update........

Sook Eun's grandfather at the time, who was the emperor at the time as well, when he was young, had always been cruel, even when Sook Eun was small, the tyrannical emperor often beat Sook Eun, even whipping him with whips, as Soon Eun's father watched, his grandfather claiming that Sook Eun was not his blood kin born from Sook Eun's father's very loins, yet the royal concubine that was Sook Eun's mother, never strayed from his father, the Crown Prince at the time.
The beatings lasted for years, that is until Sook Eun himself slayed his own grandfather; the emperor, with his own sword, due to the madness within Sook Eun overruled his judgement, and he slayed the other concubines of his grandfather, and father, and their children they conceived with his grandfather and father, leaving him covered in blood from his face to his toes, and the blood upon his jade welded sword, dripped onto the wooden flooring.
Only Sook Eun could take the throne as the Crown Prince then, and he did so, and word spread he committed severe fratricide upon his grandfather, his grandfather's concubines, and his father's concubines, as well as the concubine's sons, and daughters, that were children or teens, or even adults, it did not matter, but the people knew Sook Eun was to be feared, and angering him met their doom, hence he was called The Demon Prince.
Yet the only concubine that was spared was his very own mother, nobody else.

He was known as the well renowned bloodthirstiest Crown Prince, and though he now rules with an iron fist upon the throne title of Crown Prince, nobody dares talk about him committing such fratricide in his presence, not even the nobles that he has meetings with, that try to dictate how he should rule, and he has slain a few that annoyed him, the bloodthirstiest ruler of the Hwan Empire.
Yet rumors flowed that his father is out for revenge, yet Sook Eun never believed the stories.

For so long Sook Eun was lonely, bored, and nothing filled the dark void within his chest, not even booze, let alone women, that is until he met the blonde chubby servant of that one household, the Yuun household, which in the end, he took her to bed by force, and though he did so, the girl never hated him, never spat insults at him, her only calling him her savior, which is idiotic at best, but with a big warm smile upon her round face, she never spat at him, never was feral towards him, never feared him like others have.
And that smile did things to him, made him feel nearly human again, that is until he tasted her body over and over, and eventually his desire for her took over himself, to where when she was abused in the palace by others, he retaliated worth a passion upon anyone who harmed her.
Those who harmed her will meet a cruel fate worse than death, and though she is a servant, he cannot help his feelings growing inside himself for her.
Feelings he do not entirely understand himself, yet he cannot deny them.

These warm feelings he felt when he held her in the sheets, were passionate, yet strange kind of feelings he never felt before, and he did not want to lose such feelings, and yet he realizes if something were to happen to her, he would in fact lose his sanity, and he would go mad, and slay anyone that did severely harm her with his sword, and gladly do so with a wicked shit eating, vile, foul grin plastered upon his face, and relish in slaughtering them in his bloodthirsty, unquenchable, wrath.

Her flowing golden hair, that shined like beautiful gems in the faintest light, ever so miraculous, her plump round cheeks that showed dimples when she smiled widely and warmly upon him, her amber eyes that reminded him of a feline, that always looked upon him with tenderness, and her large bosom that bounced in her clothing when she walked around him, that made him stare at her in lust, as well as her chubby kidney areas, and thick chubby thighs, that all jiggled when he made love to her, were all beautiful to him, and he doesn't want any man to touch her, because she belonged to him, and him alone, his possessiveness showed.
He cannot remember her name, and now whilst he's in the darkness of his mind, him chained to the wall, and seeing her form smiling before him, he feels agony as he reaches out to her, shouting nonetheless with an aching heart.
"What is your name?!
Tell me your name!"
But when he shouted this, she started fading away out of existence, resulting in him feeling utterly lonely, since she always cured is neverending loneliness.
You must tell me your name damn you!!"
He shouts more, in agony and despair, he bows his head low, his long wild hair drapping over his shoulders.
"I need to know your name."
He mutters to himself in utter horrid agony, tears going down his cheeks.
"Do not leave me!"


A week went by, and she hasn't left his side.
Master Bochan thought to himself as he brought the servant girl a meal, him feeling sympathy for her, since she seemed to feel utterly guilty that his Majesty was in the condition he is in, and she looked up at him with worried amber eyes.

"Is General Yami almost done getting the antidote?"
I ask Master Bochan, giving him a hopeful look, me wanting General Yami to return soon with the antidote to cure the Crown Prince, so I can enjoy tending to him at his beck and call, tend to his every need, and want like before.

"Yes, I got a letter from him.
He should be here by the time of sunset."
Master Bochan says to me.
"But it's best you stay here milady, since you are in danger of being harmed."

I look to Bochan, me asking him, me also  confused why I could be harmed, but he did mention there could be attempts at the Crown Prince's life before, so maybe this was an attempt to murder him by whoever poisoned my food and medicine.
"By who?"

"The princess, though the Crown Prince told me to have her escorted home, it seems now that the Crown Prince is poisoned, and we cannot escort her home."
Bochan tells me.

"My sister?!
So it's her fault that his Majesty is like this?!"
I ask him, as tears went down my round cheeks, me upset by that, and enraged by it, but instead of showing my anger I was crying in sadness over it.

Bochan kneeled on his knees, him kowtowing to me, him saying to me.
"I'm sorry, but yes it's her fault.
I caught her servant in the act of poisoning your food.
I believe she may try other methods to kill you, and since it's possible, that you could carry the Crown Prince's child soon, I fear she may be a lethal serpent when you do become with his child."

Yet the princess is not the only person you will need to fear soon, but Emperor Lo Dang himself, since he's very prejudiced towards servants, and royalty being involved with each other in the way you two have.
He may have you killed if you become with child, and that will cause the Crown Prince to want to kill his own father the Emperor, since the Crown Prince has committed fratricide before, and with how ruthless he has been towards anyone, who has ever harmed you; I fear he may just slaughter anyone without mercy who harms you in the future.
Bochan thought to himself, him petrified that could happen, him watching her cry tears for the Crown Prince, him swallowing hard at his thoughts.

"All my life I was treated like utter shit because of my father and my half-sister, born an invalid, because my father messed around with my mother, and I was born.
Beaten, berated, spat upon, yet the Crown Prince was the only one who looked my way, and never spat at me like others have upon me, he never treated me like I'm filth.
He may be cold hearted, yet I see the warmth within him, and yet I don't deserve his kind hand, don't deserve anything he does for me, which I only deserve being treated like filth, nothing more."
I say to Bochan, tears still dripping from my chin, and onto the Crown Prince's clothes.

"Milady, I truly think the Crown Prince cares about you, and he would never let anyone else hurt you."
Bochan says to me, giving me a serious look.

I ask him and he nods furiously.
I wipe my eyes of tears.
"You don't have to kneel for me, truly I'm not worthy of it."

"But I must, because you are important to his Majesty!
And anyone he cherishes; I shall kowtow to, even if you are a servant born of low birth."
Bochan says honestly to me, him giving me a serious look.

"I'm not that important, only a plaything."
I retort back to him sadly.

"No; I believe his highness loves you, but he has not realized it himself."
He says to me, his honesty was clear as day, him still giving me a serious look.

"He doesn't love me."
I retort back, shaking my head at his foolishness.

"I have been his retainer since he was small, and seen him grow into a man, yet I never seen him dote on anyone as much he does you, so do not question how much he cares for you."
Bochan says to me, and I look to the Crown Prince, me biting my lower plump lip, me hardly believing the Crown Prince cares for me that much, because how I was often treated in the Yuun household, told I was worthless, that I am a dirty halfbreed.

The Crown Prince then mumbled in his slumber, with a pained look upon his face.
"Tell me your name."

"Seems he's having a nightmare."
I say to Bochan.

"The poison is known to cause hallucinations and horrid nightmares, causing the one poisoned to die a fearful death."
Bochan says to me, and I felt my heart shatter to pieces at that.

"He can't die that way!"
I say in a desperate way to Bochan.

"General Yami should return soon, so do not worry."
Bochan says to me, him patting my shoulder in reassurance.
"Until then do not leave his Majesty's room."
Bochan stands up, then left the room.

I don't think I can anyways.
I can't tear myself away from him, since it's my fault he's poisoned.
I thought to myself, me feeling severe guilt that he was poisoned because of me, because of my half-sister's extreme jealousy and wrath.


General Yami flicked the reigns of his steed, the horse's hooves clomping harshly upon the dirt road, kicking up clumps of dirt with it's hooves, as some bandits were following him, trying to steal the Azlan Flower, that General Yami, which he had the Azlan Flower tucked away in a small pouch upon his left hip, and he was trying to outrun the bandits, but it seemed they were slowly gaining on him, that is until General Yami rode over a wooden bridge, and he pulled his sword upon his hip, from his sheath, and as he crossed over the bridge, he cut the ropes to the bridge down, and the bandits that tried to ride across, fell to their untimely horrid deaths.

General Yami sheathed his sword, and rode onward, he was nearly to the palace, him taking a shortcut, when those bandits got in his way, and now he's hurrying along to get the Azlan Flower to the royal doctor, so the royal doctor can concoct an antidote for the Crown Prince.
He eventually after another hour, rode across the Crown Prince's palace's stone bridge, the horse's hooves clacking loudly, and erratically across the stone bridge as he shouts loudly as an order.
"Open the palace gates!"

The gate's guards immediately opened the gate, allowing General Yami to ride through them, and soon pull his steed to a halt by the front entrance of the Crown Prince's palace, in which his horse was taken by the stable boy, and escorted away once he hopped off his steed, and Bochan stepped out of the Crown Prince's palace's frontal door, asking General Yami.
"Do you have it?"

"Yes, but I nearly had it stolen from me.
The flower is worth more than you know by bandits."
General Yami handed the blue and gold silked pouch to Bochan.

"At least you got here in time.
You were gone awhile.
And his Majesty's taken a turn for the worse, having the nightmares from the poison."
Bochan says to General Yami.

"It starts with nightmares first, then hallucinations, the hallucinations are what kill the victim."
General Yami says to Bochan, him having a serious look to his face.

"I already fetched the royal doctor, but news of how the Crown Prince treats a lowly servant has already reached the Emperor, and the Emperor is utterly furious with the Crown Prince, and may visit soon, so we best cure his highness immediately."
Bochan guides General Yami to the Crown Prince's bedroom, and the two entered the bedroom, finding the royal doctor checking the Crown Prince's pulse, and Ohana was sitting next to the royal doctor, a worried look upon her round face.

Bochan handed the royal doctor the blue and gold silked pouch.
"The antidote is in here, which you must make it immediately."
Bochan orders the royal doctor.

The royal doctor nods, and went to work in making the antidote, and it took another hour to do so, and the liquid in the bowl was blood red, and he fed the antidote to the Crown Prince immediately after the antidote was made.
Once the Crown Prince was fed the antidote, the royal doctor says to Bochan.
"Give it time to work.
He should wake soon."

"Thank you Royal Doctor Soong."
Bochan nods to the royal doctor, then the royal doctor left the room.

"Ohana; he will be fine soon, so do not worry your pretty little head."
General Yami says to me, him giving me a warm big shit eating grin.

"General Yami, you and I must discuss about a new visitor that will arrive soon, so let us leave her here with his Majesty."
Bochan says to General Yami, and motioned General Yami out of the room, and General Yami nods, leaving the room with Bochan.

The two walked down the hallway.
"We must prepare for the Emperor to arrive, including we must keep the rumors about the servant girl quiet, for if he hears them himself, he shall try to harm her, which will cause his Majesty to fly into a rage, and commit brutal fratricide once again, this time upon his father, and not his grandfather this time."
Bochan warns General Yami, giving the General a serious look.
"So I suggest you threaten each and every servant to keep their lips sealed about his infatuation with this servant girl."

"I understand.
I will do so immediately, so excuse me."
General Yami walked away from Bochan, and Bochan watched him go, then turned to look at the doorway of the Crown Prince's bedroom.

"Let's hope the Emperor does not kill the woman, for if he does, then his Majesty will go mad, and slaughter the Emperor, taking the throne.
Including butchering anyone who is loyal to the Emperor in his wake."
Bochan mutters to himself.


To be continued.......

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