Chapter 15: You Get What You Give

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"I'm telling you, he'll shit his pants."

"I will not!"

"Yeah, you fucking will."

"Stop it, you'll make the baby cry."

"I'm not a baby! I'm a fucking adult."

"Aw, look at that. The little shit swears now."

"That's hella cute."

"Fuck you, assholes."

We all burst out laughing at Frisco's pouting baby face on the screen. Oz and Connie grinned, while Kurt was clutching his stomach as he continued to laugh.

Since neither of us went home for Thanksgiving anymore, the crew made it our new tradition to video call before dinner. It was the only time we could catch up with each other's busy lives.

My laptop was propped on my desk, while I lounged comfortably on my chair. I had a grin on my face as I watched some of my favorite people on earth act like little shits through the screen.

"Don't let Lilian see that face or she might realize her boyfriend's a swearing toddler," Connie said.

Almost instantly, Frisco blinked and recollected himself. "Is she there?"

Connie grinned. "No, she's at the library."

I still couldn't believe Frisco had a living and breathing girlfriend. I mean, it only took him about two years to finally make a move on her. I honestly thought he wouldn't grow balls big enough to ask her out.

But to his defense, that long-distance shit was hard.

"Am I the only one still living the bachelor life?" Kurt asked, looking smug. "Dayum, last one standing."

"Wait, what?" Connie demanded, sitting straight and looking at the camera. "Alfie has a girlfriend?"

"Technically, she's not my girlfriend yet," I replied, scratching the side of my head. "We're still at the dating stage."

"He's wooing her," Oz added.

There were collective gasps and scoffs.

Damn it, Oz. Thanks a fucking lot.

I told him that in complete confidence, asking for goddamn advice because I knew jackshit about pleasing girls outside the bedroom.

Frisco was the first one to laugh. "Did Arisa tell you to do that?"

I didn't answer and just stared at him.

"She has you by the fucking balls, man," Kurt commented, looking at me like I'd grown three penises on my forehead and he didn't know whether to laugh or be disgusted.

"Don't I know it?" I muttered.

"Holy shit, I wanna meet this girl," Connie declared, sounding awe-struck.

"You met her in passing last year at the hospital," I reminded her, referring to that time when she and Oz visited me in Boston when I got into a car accident. Arisa was on her way out just when Oz and Connie arrived.

"That was her?"

"Yeah." I paused, as I remembered something. "Ah, she's also that hacker who helped you out a few years ago. She won't tell me with what, though."

Connie frowned. "What? But that was Frisco's friend from San Francisco."

"Remember," Frisco started, "I told you I had to track her down? She wasn't in California that time. She was in Massachusetts."

Oz whistled. "Small world."

Connie's eyes turned round and her jaw dropped in the realization. I'd never seen her so shocked before. Keeping my face straight, I leaned forward and took a screenshot. I'd use this as ammo in the future.

"Oh, my God," she gasped. "I need to meet her again."

"Why am I always the last one to know shit?" Kurt complained.

"'Cause you're the only one living the bachelor life," I countered.

"Ain't gonna give that up anytime soon."

"You need a girlfriend, K-man," I told him.

Kurt pulled away and shook his head. "Too much work."

"That's what Alfie said before," Oz pointed out, smirking. "Look at him now, wooing someone."

I snorted. "Like you didn't grovel at Halo's feet."

"No shame in a man in love."

"I'm not in love."

My best friend's crooked smile widened. "Didn't say you were."

"Yeah, you only cook for her," Frisco said.

There was silence. Nobody moved.

Then, like a lion's roar, Kurt's laugh boomed through our speakers. It was so loud that it literally echoed.

Ha, I'm gonna kill Frisco.

"You... cooked... for a girl?" Oz asked, like he was trying to convince himself that he heard it right.

I sighed. "Geez, don't make a big deal out of it."

"Not a big deal?!" Connie screeched. "You never even cooked for me, you ungrateful shithead." She raised her hands and shook her head. "Right, that's it. I'm booking a flight right now. I gotta meet this girl."

Kurt laughed. "Next thing ya know, he's going grocery shopping with her."

I didn't speak.

"Oh, shit. You already have!" Kurt doubled over in another round of laughter, almost falling off his chair.

The others were laughing now, too.

"It's not⁠—I mean, we weren't⁠—Fuck you."

"And you gave me shit for doing the same thing," Oz accused, shaking his head. "You fucking hypocrite."

Connie had her hands on each side of her head, her eyes wide and her mouth in an open smile. "I can't believe the day finally came⁠—Alfie stepped foot inside a grocery store."

"We should build a monument," Oz suggested.

"I'll throw the party," Kurt offered, raising a hand.

Frisco opened his mouth, but I beat him to it.

"Say another fucking word, and I will end you."

He looked skeptical. "Threatened by the guy who's pussy whipped."

I smiled. "Said by the asshat who got dick slapped."

Yet again, there was another round of laughter. This time, they all came from Oz, Kurt, and Connie while Frisco groaned.

"Fuck, I forgot about that," Kurt said, wiping tears in his eyes from laughing too much.

Oz chuckled. "Man, that shit was hilarious."

Before I could reply, there was suddenly a knock on my door.

I turned around and called out, "Yeah?"

My bedroom door opened and Arisa appeared.

She cleaned up well for Thanksgiving, wearing a white spaghetti strap dress that reached her knees in that flowy way. While I only put on a white button-up shirt and dark jeans, and I already called this putting an effort.

"Dinner's ready," she said, standing on the doorway.

This year, none of us in the circle went home because we were too busy with school – and football, in my case. So we decided to just have a little dinner of our own. Byron, Gwen, and Arisa prepared Thanksgiving dinner while Yash and I were tasked to do the dishes after.

"Yash?" I asked Arisa.

"Arrived fifteen minutes ago."

I nodded. "I'll come down in a bit."

"We'll wait for you."

She was about to step back and close the door when Kurt started shouting at the top of his lungs.


Arisa stopped in her tracks and peeked at my laptop screen, then pointed a finger to herself in question.

"Yeah, you. Come closer." Kurt waved a hand to her.

Arisa looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I sighed and nodded. She walked over until she was beside me on the screen.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to sit on my lap, so she wouldn't get tired from leaning over. She made a little squeak of surprise, which made the corner of my lips lift up and I hugged her tighter.

Damn, she was cute.

"Ah, so you're the famous pussy."

Arisa blinked, taken aback. "Excuse me?"

"He means 'girl,'" I explained, discreetly flashing Kurt a warning glare. "He has a problem using proper words."

Pulling out my phone, I quickly texted him.

I'll fucking bash your face in, motherfucker. Mind your manners.

I watched him check his phone through the screen, to which he only laughed and stuck his tongue out.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Frisco greeted, with a grin.

"Hey, David." Arisa smiled, starting to relax against me.

I kissed her shoulder, before resting my chin there. "Assholes, this is Arisa. Arisa, meet the assholes."

Kurt flipped me the bird, as if it was already a habit. I swear, no matter what I did, people gave me the finger. It was like a super power.

"Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!" She smiled, eyeing the people on screen. "Uh, you must be the crew?"

Oz nodded. "Yeah, good to see—"

"Back up, who's David?" Kurt asked, totally confused.

"That's Frisco, dimwit," Connie answered.

"We've been friends for almost a decade," I pointed out. "How the fuck do you still not know?"

"What's his last name, then?" Kurt challenged.

I scoffed. "I'm not telling you."

"Yeah, 'cause you don't know."

"No, I just don't wanna."

"Hi, Arisa," Connie interjected, before neither Kurt nor I could say more shit. "I'm Connie. I don't know if you remember, but thanks for helping me with my sorority problem. I still owe you for that."

"Don't worry about it." Arisa shook her head, and waved a hand dismissively. "I hate girls who bring other girls down."

"Are you ever gonna let us in on what you're talking about?" Oz asked.

"It's her story," Arisa said, pointing to Connie.

"Girl shit," Connie merely said.

"Frisco knows, though," I muttered.

It wasn't rocket science. He connected them both. He must have had a clue what went down that Connie would need a fucking hacker.

Arisa appeared to have heard me, because she patted my hand that was on her hip – as if silently comforting me.

"That's Oz," Connie introduced. "And the big turd with no filter is Kurt."

Arisa grinned and waved a hand.

"Anyway," Connie continued, "we've heard a lot about you."

Arisa glanced at me. "Nothing bad, I hope."

"Nah," Oz denied. "Just that Alfie cooked for you."

Kurt snickered. "And did groceries with you."

"And wooed you," Frisco added.


"You know what, we better get down," I said, getting to my feet with Arisa. "The food's getting cold."

"But I wanna hear more, Alfred," Arisa protested, trying to pout but failing. Instead, she had a very amused smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah, Alfred," Kurt urged. "She wants to hear more."

I barked a laugh. "Shut your face and eat your Thanksgiving dinner."

The crew only chortled in turn.

"See y'all soon," I added.

"Nice meeting you," Arisa said, waving a hand at them.

There was a long ass round of goodbyes and talk-to-you-laters. When Arisa's back was turned, I mouthed a 'fuck you' to the camera.

I hung up in the middle of the crew's laughter.

"Now I understand," Arisa said, nodding as she stared up at me.


"The reason why it's hard for you to let go of them."

"You got that in five minutes?" I asked, as I closed my laptop. When I faced her again, she flashed me a sad smile.

"Five minutes was enough for me to see how you were with them."

With that, she headed out of my room and started climbing down the stairs. I followed her, pondering what she said.

"How was I?"

She tilted her head. "Like a kid during summer, out with his friends."

I snorted. "Okay, I'll bite. What's your theory?"

"My theory is that you don't wanna grow up," she stated playfully. "Holding on to them is your way of holding on to your childhood. It's the kid in you."

"That's one hell of an analysis, Doctor."

"Am I right?"

I gave it a second before answering, "Maybe."

"That means I'm right."

I grinned, knowing I'd never win against her.

She walked past the living room and headed straight to the dining area. The scene that greeted us immobilized me. It was as if I stepped into Holiday fucking Wonderland. Our damn apartment was transformed from being a cozy bachelor's pad into this homey family setting.

There were flowers on the island counter. The dining table was set up with candles in the middle, and every food imaginable filling up every inch of it.

Holy shit.

"That makes five!" Gwen exclaimed, holding a huge plate of roasted turkey – exactly like a mom would in those family movies. "Let's eat!"

"I made mac and cheese," Byron whispered, patting me on the back like he knew I needed something easy and familiar.

I chuckled. "Thanks, man."

Turkey with mac and cheese? I could get with that.

"Say grace first," Gwen reminded us, when we were all settled down around the table. "Only Yash is exempted."

"I'm an atheist," I confessed.

Arisa looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I guess it never came up. I mean, I didn't go around telling people I didn't believe in any higher being.

"Fine," Gwen said. "But don't eat yet until we're finished saying grace."

Yash and I waited quietly while Gwen said her prayers with Arisa and Byron bowing their heads. When they were done, we began eating.

Gwen released a satisfied sigh, "Aren't you guys thankful that we're having Thanksgiving dinner together like this?"

"I am," Byron agreed.

Arisa smiled. "Me, too."

"I guess," Yash said.

"What about you, Alfie?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "It's been a while since I spent Thanksgiving with people." Or any holiday, for that matter.

Gwen looked curious. "When was the last time?"

I had to think about it. "Around four years ago?" I spent it at Connie's house with her, her brother, and her dad.

They all stared at me. Arisa frowned in concern, Byron looked kinda sad, and Yash had a blank look on his face.

Gwen's jaw, on the other hand, dropped in horror. "Why are we only finding out about this now?"

"'Cause it's not a big deal," I said simply.

Gwen shook her head, looking like she did when she was determined to drag Yash out of the lab and force him to unwind with us.

"No, that won't do. We're making a pact right here, right now."

The rest of us looked at her, intrigued.

"As long as all of us live in the same state," she went on, "we'll be having Thanksgiving together."

That was at least another couple of years for me and Byron in law school, plus one more for taking the Bar. It was a few more years for Yash, since he was planning to take his fellowship in Boston. Gwen would take just as long because she wanted to take her PhD here, too. Arisa told me she was aiming to work on a research project while taking her Master's in MIT.

All of this meant Gwen's statement could very well go on several years from now. This was too much of a commitment. I couldn't let them agree to this.

"Don't," I said. "I know y'all usually go home at this time of year."

"There's still Christmas," Arisa reasoned.

"It's a pain to fly home in the middle of a semester, anyway," Byron added.

"As long as I don't have to cook," Yash muttered, pouring himself a glass of red wine.

"You don't even know how," Gwen scoffed.

"Your point is?" he asked tonelessly, as he grabbed Gwen's glass and poured her some wine as well.

"My point is, you're too lazy."

"Not in the area that matters."

Gwen opened her mouth to say something, but then she shook her head as if deciding against it. She clapped her hands instead and turned back to me with a beaming expression.

"Alright! That's settled, then."


She gave me a warm smile. "You're not gonna be alone for Thanksgiving anymore. Not as long as we're here."

I blinked, staring at her.

What the hell was happening? Something was squeezing the fuck outta my heart, and I suddenly found it hard to breathe.

Getting my goddamn self together, I forced myself to let out a small laugh.

"Aw, you love me that much?" I said, trying to make light of things because I couldn't handle this overflowing shit of emotions.

"We value you that much," Byron corrected seriously.

I stopped, the smile on my face slowly melting.

"Aw, are you gonna cry?" Arisa teased, mimicking my earlier tone.

All four pairs of eyes were on me now. Without any word, Yash handed me a box of tissues. That shit woke me up.

I cleared my throat. "Who's up for a movie marathon after dinner?"

"Ooh, there's this new series about..." That did the trick because Gwen raged on about the new show on Netflix she thought we'd like.

"Hey." Arisa leaned closer to me, before whispering, "Are you okay?"

"Never better."

She studied me. "You adapt well."

I cocked my head to the side, waiting for her to continue.

She pursed her lips, reaching up a hand and brushing her knuckles gently against my jaw. "Just so you know, I like both the kid Alfie and this Alfie."

"Did you just admit to liking me?" I noted.

She grinned and nodded. "Hard not to like someone who finished watching a Kdrama with me."

God, I wanted to kiss her so bad right now.

"What are you two whispering about?" Gwen asked.

"We're plotting how to get Yash to cook," Arisa replied smoothly.

Byron looked skeptical but didn't say anything. I faintly wondered how many times Arisa was able to divert attention like this and get away with it.

Gwen's eyes twinkled. "Oh, yes. I like this idea."

"That's a form of torture," Yash said, shaking his head.

"Alfie was able to learn."

"He's easily manipulated."

I sat up, and defended, "Hey, that was a deal."

"One that I'm not stupid enough to make."

I pouted, looking at Arisa. "I'm not stupid."

"Of course, you're not." She bit her bottom lip and tried not to laugh at my face. Making her laugh was the goal, though. Always.

"What will make you do it?" Byron asked Yash.


"Everything has a price."

"Not everyone."

Byron tilted his head. "Debatable."

"Fine," Yash breathed out. "Give me the Eiffel tower."

"That's just unreasonable."

"That's my price."

Byron's eyes stayed on Yash for what felt like fucking forever, before he said, "How about a cadaver?"

Yash paused, his fork stopping midway in the air as my roommate's words sunk in. He turned to Byron and lowered his hand.

Damn, shit just got real.

We all knew Yash was a little over obsessed with cadavers because it was the most realistic way for him to practice his surgical skills on. There was no way he was gonna turn that down.

Still, we waited in suspense for Yash's reply.

"In the name of science?" he asked.

"Of course."

"Five bodies," Yash negotiated.



"Three—and that's my final offer."


The four of us cheered and laughed, while Yash shook his head as he picked up his glass of wine. Gwen clapped and hugged Byron, kissing him on the cheek. Arisa wore the biggest grin as she listed off a variety of dishes for Yash to try.

I didn't realize I had a smile on my face as I watched them.

I always thought that my friendship with these people here around this table wasn't the same solid shit I had with the crew. The kind of friendship I'd always known was hard-edged and unbreakable.

This, though, was warm and soft – even way too fucking wholesome at times. But then, it was also solid in a way that it was comforting.

Maybe both friendships weren't meant to be the same.

I just knew that this was different.

And that was good.


Next update: Next weekend!

Coming up next..... Chapter 16: Legend
A little more action, a little more drama.

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