Chapter 18: Iris (present)

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It was as if my fucking past literally came back from the dead to haunt me.

But it just wasn't possible. Mauri died in my arms.

I fucking watched him die.

If anything, this only confirmed the fact that the threats had something to do with his death. Like I suspected, someone didn't want me to forget.

But who? Who the hell had so much time in their goddamn hands?

I dragged a hand down my face. This had been on my mind these past couple of weeks. It even almost messed up my performance when one of the professors cold called me last week in class.

I shook my head and got out of the car. This wasn't the time to think about it. Tonight, I was taking Arisa out on our first 'real date.'

We've had dates before, but those mostly included staying in and watching a movie or studying. We were too busy with school for anything else and we didn't want to be cramped with too many people.

But since the semester was practically over and winter break was around the corner, I insisted on taking her out on a fancy date.

Let's just say I charmed her into saying yes.

I rang the doorbell to her apartment and waited, while I adjusted my black tie and fixed my suit. For good measure, I rearranged my scarf and thick trench coat as well. When the front door opened, I stopped and just stared at the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

Her dark brown hair was fixed in loose curls that perfectly framed her face, and she was wearing a simple black dress. I'd seen her face bare so many times that seeing it with sparkly make-up made her look like a fucking goddess.

My heartbeat pounded at the thought that she was mine.

Fuck me.

There was a smile on her face when she walked up to me and pretended to wipe something on the corner of my mouth. God, she was even prettier up close.

"You're drooling, Alfred."

"Arisa Emilia..." The corner of my lips lifted up, before putting my hands on her waist and leaning in to kiss her cheek. "You take my breath away."

Her smile widened into a grin, her cheeks growing flushed.

"Perfect line."

I brought up her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles, before whispering, "Only for the perfect girl."

She let out a small laugh, before softly shoving my face away. "Is it from the perfect gentleman?"

"It could be."

"Yeah, right." She chuckled, grabbing her coat from the rack. Then, I helped her put it on. "Let's go."

I pouted. "No 'You look handsome, Alfie'?"

"Why would I say something you already know?" she replied, shrugging.

Without waiting for me, she began to climb down the steps. I followed after her, wearing a huge grin in my face. God, I loved our banter.

I placed my hand on the small of her back and led her to my car. I opened the passenger's door for her like the perfect gentleman that I really was.

I made sure she was safely inside before I closed the door and jogged over to the driver's side. Couldn't let my girl wait too long. Also, it was cold as fuck.

"Where are we going?" she asked, when I settled in the driver's seat.



I revved the engine, and glanced at her. "Did the suit not give it away?"

"I thought you were just roleplaying," she replied.

"Hmm, I've always wanted to be James Bond."

"I'll be the sexy villain."

I laughed, pulling out of the parking spot and onto the road. "Hate to break it to you, but you don't have the face of a villain. Maybe the nerdy best friend."

"Because I'm Asian?" she scoffed, crossing her arms. "How very white male of you. Oh, did I forget 'privileged?'"

"So what? I'm the privileged white male best friend who knows how to have fun. We'll end up together because nobody would see it coming, which is the cliché in itself. Say it isn't true."

"Please don't ever be a writer."

I chuckled. "You know it'll sell."

"Only because it'll be written by a white man."

I barked a laugh. "What do you have against me being white?"

"Nothing," she admitted, laughing now as she shook her head. "I just like teasing you. You get defensive and cute."

A slow grin creeped up to my lips. "I'm cute, huh?"

"Why do you think I agreed to go out with you?"

"Here I thought you liked me because I'm sexy."

She burst out laughing. I liked hearing her laugh.

"What, no comeback?" I asked. "Must be true."

"Maybe," she muttered, chuckling.

"Damn, girl. You're killing me."

She only shook her head in amusement.

Several minutes later, we arrived in Boston.

It was pretty busy this time of year in the city, with the holiday season going on. I was fucking lucky enough to even find a parking spot along the side of the road. Staying true, I was the perfect gentleman, opening the passenger's door for Arisa, and leading her to the world-renowned five-star restaurant.

It was packed.

"Good evening," the usher greeted us, with a bow.

I nodded. "G'evening."

We removed our coats and scarves before handing them to the waiting staff in the foyer, then we faced the usher again. He looked like a butler, with his body stiff as a board and one who didn't smile often – or at all.

"Under whose reservation, sir?"

"Alfie O'neal."

The usher scanned over the screen of the iPad he was holding. After a few seconds, he nodded in confirmation and looked up to me. I smiled, but he didn't return it. Instead, he gestured a hand towards the arched doorway.

"Right this way please."

Bit rude, but I guessed he was a no-nonsense kind of guy.

We followed him to a round table right beside the window, overlooking the street. We could watch people passing by, like that time in the ice cream shop.

This was perfect.

I pulled out the chair for Arisa, before taking the seat across from her. Not a second later, our waiter arrived. We were handed the menus for the day, featuring different meal courses. There were choices for vegan and meat lovers.

I was going for the steak.

"Set A for me—skip the appetizer," I told the waiter, giving him back the menu. I nodded to him, and added, "Thanks, man."

"I'll have the same," Arisa said. "Thank you."

The waiter gave her a shy smile, before leaving to get our orders. That was when I noticed the damn dipshits from the nearby table looking at Arisa like they wanted to eat her up, like I wasn't even here.

Yeah, not fucking happening.

"Keep staring and see what happens. I dare you."

All their eyes switched to me. I cocked my head and waited for them to make their move. One by one, they dropped their gazes.

Chicken shits.

"Wow, you totally showed them who has the bigger balls," Arisa mocked me, clapping.

I shrugged, grabbing the glass of water. "I didn't like how they were looking at you."

"You mean like how you always look at me?"

I laughed, almost spitting my water. "Not always."

"Does 'always' mean ninety percent of the time?"

"Please." I snorted. "It's ninety-five."

She burst out laughing at that. Her phone suddenly lit up, making her glance at it. When she read the notification, her laughter was replaced by a sigh.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My group partner messed up a code and he can't figure out how to fix it. Now, the app we're working on crashed and won't come back live."

"Do you need to go?" I was about to raise my hand to cancel our order when she shook her head.

"No, it's okay. I'll check on it tomorrow."

I lowered my hand and put it on my chest. "Aw, are you prioritizing me?"

She blinked innocently. "I could just go and leave you here, you know."

"Go ahead." I smirked, leaning back on my chair. "I'll just chase your ass down and drag you back here."

The corner of her lips quirked up, her eyes lighting up at the challenge. "You never give up, do you?"

"Nah, not when you're involved."


Our food arrived and we began eating, halting our conversation. Damn, this was fucking delicious. I was glad we skipped the appetizers and went straight to the climax of dinner. I was halfway done with my steak when Arisa spoke again.

"I'm wondering about something," she said.

I raised my head and looked at her.

"You want to become a lawyer," she continued thoughtfully, "but why not go pro in football? From what I understand, you're exceptionally good."

"Football is fun until it isn't," I replied, leaning back on my chair.

She pursed her lips, considering it. "Isn't there a saying that if you 'choose a job you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life?'"

"Yeah, not for me." I shook my head, putting down my fork and knife. "Do I love the game? Sure. Do I win championships? Fuck yeah. But just because I have the talent doesn't mean I have the dream."

Football was my release. It had been my release for years. It was a way for me to let out my frustrations without getting in trouble for it.

It was legalized fucking violence.

If I mixed business with pleasure, the latter would eventually ebb away until there was only pressure – to perform well, to do the impossible, and to be the fucking best. Anything less would be considered a disappointment.

In the end, I wouldn't be doing it for myself anymore.

And then, what would be the point?

Arisa nodded, letting my words sink in. "That's fair."

"How about you?"

She looked at me. "You already know my dream."

She told me once that she wanted to help advance technology and be a part of building the next industrial revolution.

"Yeah," I said slowly. "But when are you gonna tell your dad about it?"

"He already knows. He just won't accept it."

"Does he?" I asked, trying to recall what she told me before – back when we were drunk in my living room. "Or did you only tell him that you don't wanna go to law school?"

Her eyes narrowed at me. Bingo.

"Did you explain to him exactly what you wanted to do?" I pointed out.

She frowned, thinking about it.

"Look, your dad sounds like a tough guy – the kind that doesn't admit when he understands nothing. And come on, boomers know jackshit about twenty-first century technology."

I caught a ghost of a smile playing on her lips, causing me to grin.

"So you know, when you have that talk with him again," I went on, "maybe try to explain it in a language he'll understand."

She stared at me in wonder. "You're really getting better at this."

I blinked. "At what?"

"Making sense."

I laughed. "Call me summa cum laude."

After winking at her, I resumed cutting my steak and eating.

"Thanks," she said quietly.

I raised an eyebrow at her and waited for her to continue, lowkey wondering if she was being sarcastic.

"Thanks for making me feel better."

A slow smile spread on my face.

"Anything for you."

* * * * *

Boston looked fucking magical.

There were Christmas lights and decorations covering each shop, little tents that sold vintage shit in flea markets on empty parking lots, and cobble-stoned streets filled with snow.

It was hella cold, but I didn't want to take Arisa home yet. I wanted to spend more time with her outside like this.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

She smiled warmly at me and nodded. "Sure."

Before I could do or say anything, she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. Damn, she was taking initiative. My ass would be fucking lying if I said I didn't like it.

"Isn't this nice?" she breathed out, looking down the street as we started to walk. "I love Christmas."

I looked around, before admitting, "I never really appreciated it until now."

She stared at me. "When was the last time you celebrated it?"

I thought about it, remembering that one and only time I spent Christmas with Oz and his siblings. But I wouldn't really call it a 'celebration.' They had a fancy dinner and exchanged gifts, with snide remarks. That was it.

After that, I decided not to bother anymore.

"High school?" I guessed.

Arisa frowned. "But that's..."

"My life," I finished for her.

I'd accepted this fact a long time ago. I wouldn't start crying about it now. It was what it was. I learned to live with it.

"It shouldn't be," she said.

My lips twitched, daring to show a smile.

"You know when I started to really like you?" I asked.

"This summer, when I made you pancit canton?"

God, she was cute.

"No, that's when I started to love you."

She gasped, looking horrified as fucking hell. It made me laugh out loud, and I lightly flicked her forehead.

"Kidding." Kinda.

She clutched her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, before saying, "Good, I thought I'd have to reject you already."

I whipped my head and studied her face to check if she was shitting me. She gotta be pulling my dick.

She gave me a smirk. "See? It's not fun to play jokes."

I shook my head and licked my bottom lips, before grinning.

"Now," she added, "when did you realize you liked me?"

I let a beat or two pass before I answered her.

"After the accident, when you slapped me back into reality." I sighed. "I was drowning, and you taught me how to swim."

"You taught yourself how to swim," she corrected.

"Even if I did, you were there, swimming with me."

It was tough love, the kind I never thought I needed.

She let me get back on my own two feet by myself, but she had always been there to support me. She sent over cooked meals to the apartment, she went back to the hospital even though she didn't talk to me, and she studied with me.

She was always there, cheering me on until I reached the finish line.

Arisa was quiet for a moment, only staring at me with a thoughtful look on her face. I wanted to know so fucking bad what she was thinking right now, but I remained silent.

All of a sudden, it started to snow.

I stopped walking and looked up at the night sky. This was one of the things I loved about Massachusetts. It snowed back in Mount Valley, but there was just something about the snow in Boston.

It was calming.

"I didn't want to leave you alone."

I turned my head and looked at Arisa.

"I... I wanted you to know that you're not alone."

Fuck, my heart felt like it was being squeezed.

I gazed into Arisa's pretty brown eyes, gently lifting up her chin while my thumb caressed her cheek. I was so crazy for this girl that I'd do fucking anything for her. And in that moment, it dawned on me.

I was fucking falling for her.

The realization didn't hit me hard like a ton of bricks. It was smooth like a quicksand, confirming something I've suspected for a while now.

Why else would I let her blackmail me into cooking for her? Why else would I make time in my hectic schedule to woo her? Why else would my world light up when she was around?

Holy shit.

"Are you gonna kill me if I kiss you right now?"

She smiled. "No."

Before she could change her mind, I crashed my lips against hers. My right hand reached up and cupped her face, as I swung her around until her back was against a light post.

As she wrapped her arms around my neck, she tilted her head to deepen our kiss. I almost groaned at the feel of her tongue playing with mine.

She better hold on to me tight, because there was no fucking way I'd ever let her go.


Next update: Tomorrow! :)

Coming up next..... Chapter 19: Boston
This one will come with a trigger warning. Prepare your hearts, mind, and soul. This chapter was the one that got me in a dark place because I had to dip into that part of Alfie that... You'll see.

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