[01] ↠ fangtastic

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[ 01. CHAPTER ONE : FANGTASTIC : wolves and girls. both have sharp teeth. ]


Killing people was a very natural thing to Alexis Bane. For 141 years, she had been killing to survive. With each life she took, she lost pieces of her soul. Having been thrown into prison 14 years prior, her soul was slowly piecing itself back together. They wouldn't allow her to take any lives whilst serving her decuple life sentence.

She hated that rule. Her appearance had faded over the days that passed since killing would keep her healthy and regenerated, being 185 years old and all. It was a miracle she hadn't started developing wrinkles with how irritated she had become.

Her fingers curled around her dark locks, digits slipping right through with how much grease that had accumulated over the past day. Her nails were long and black, a downside of being a ravenous cannibal. Her face dry and pale, she hadn't seen sunlight in 14 goddamn years.

As she slid her rough fingers over the orange jumpsuit that hung off her body, a loud clanging noise reverberated around the small cell she was imprisoned in. Her head snapped up from her shoulder and her eyes slowly focused on two people that stood in the doorway.

"Can I help you?" Her voice was flat and uncaring, inspecting her nails in a bored manner.

The sleek dark-skinned woman, who's flesh Alexis yearned for, stood stiffly as did the man next to her. "Actually, you can. And I can help you."

Alexis once again looked to the pair loitering by the door of her cell, and one of her overgrown eyebrows raised up her forehead. "And how are you going to do that? By feeding me the pretty boy standing next to you?"

A surprised cough involuntarily left the soldier's throat and Alexis laughed, raising herself from the floor. The woman once again opened her mouth to speak, although Alexis wasn't much more interested.

"No, the pretty boy isn't a meal." A small smile was on her face, seemingly amused by the cannibal's blunt question. "But I can get you a meal if you agree to join me."

Cold eyes stared at the woman and an equally cold pair stared back. "You're going to let me take a life so you can recruit me?"

The woman shrugged, glancing back at the male behind her before turning her eyes on Alexis once again. "A life not worth living for you to consume. I know you haven't got anything to lose."

Alexis only contemplated the woman's offer for a split second before pushing herself off the cold wall that she was once leaning on. "I'm in."


Having the choice of a meal was something Alexis hadn't experienced in a very long time. She stood in a room with the pair who had approached her, Amanda Waller and Rick Flag, standing nearby. They watched her closely as her eyes flickered between the two women stood in jumpsuits that were identical to hers.

She had been told about their crimes. The blonde on the right had drowned her two daughters in a bathtub because God had told her to. The redhead on the left had snorted a lot of cocaine and shot her husband point-blank in the face and had tried, but failed, to take her own life too. This was evident by the gaping hole in her cheek.

Alexis' fingers curled by her side, black nails scratching against the rough skin of her palm. As she felt the bloodlust grow too strong, her blue eyes turned a sickening yellow and she launched towards the inmates. Her body wrapped around the blonde's slim frame and it only took her second for her jaw to unhinge and the long fangs to sink straight into the woman's thin neck.

She didn't scream. They never did. It was always a dangerous amount of shock and adrenaline that kept them silent and it pleased Alexis. The blood coursed down her throat and her talons sunk into the female's throat, attempting to sever the connection between her head and body. She unraveled herself from the criminal and as she did, the blonde's head veered backwards and fell at the redhead's feet. The two bodies dropped shortly after, one from death and one from shock.

Blood dripping down her slender throat, Alexis felt so much more alive in that moment. Amanda and Rick noticed that her skin started to strengthen and so did her hair. The girl turned to the pair and they saw that she looked almost happy. She inhaled a deep breath before wiping the blood from her porcelain skin, staining the sleeve of her jumpsuit.

"Thanks." Alexis breathed heavily, moving strands of hair out of her face. "I really needed that."


published: september 4th 2016

i don't have much to say except i'm excited to
start this story and i hope you'll all enjoy it :)

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