1.● A Fading Love●

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Leaving the past behind and moving on towards the better future waiting for us, is the best decision one could make for themselves. Perhaps it's much easier said than done.

//vo afsana jise anjam tak laana na ho mumkin

use ek khubsurat mod de kar chhorna achcha hai//

(For that tale which cannot culminate in a conclusion,

it is best to give it a beautiful turn and leave it be.)

The past stays there, somewhere, somehow, nightmares refuse to leave, haunting us to no end. Once in a while reminding us of our deeds, mistakes, and lessons.
And what horrifies the whole scenario is the scared heart, which refuses to trust again, which refuses to be happy again, which refuses to fall again, all because somewhere it refuses to break again.

'Cause now all that's left is a broken heart, to protect.

Perhaps human hearts are fragile beings, it seeks home, anywhere, everywhere.
But somehow we have to let the past go. Past is past for a reason, it's not a part of the present for a reason.

Everyone deserves happiness, and Amaya Kareem surely does.

There is a thing, very weird about humans, we forgive everyone around us, other than our own selves. We are soft to everyone around, but too hard on ourselves, and thats what we did wrong.

And Amaya learnt it in a hard way. So after years of pain and suffering, she is back to herself. Trying to find herself. The one who knows to love herself first and then someone else.

The sky is the limit. And that's the thing Amaya Kareem have always believed in life. She was born to fly. It was her dream, passion even her life too. And she follow it.

They say even our dreams comes with a price, we all have to pay for them, sometimes more than we afford. But she did. Amaya Kareem paid a lot for her dreams. Her dreams cost her heartbreak. She almost died because of that. Almost.

No matter what, she always have the courage to stand again, to live again, to dream again, to fulfill her dreams and to fall in love, again. And she learnt it the hard way.

This is Amaya Kareem, co-pilot of Emirates. This is the dream job she wanted always. And now her dreams seems reality. A beautiful reality.

DREAM is not what you see in sleep, DREAM is something which doesn't let you sleep.

All those sleepless nights, all those sufferings, the pain, the taunts, the insults. All seems nothing now, as she holds her first pay check and her keys to the new penthouse.

Dubai is far from India, far from all her pain, bitter memories and her past. Today her happiness knows no bound.

Amaya is hardly twenty two years old, got done with her B.Sc in Aviation and flying license nearly one year back and did fly for a year. Since then she was looking for a stable job and today she got her first pay check from that.

Life of a commercial pilot is no less than an adventure itself, well paid job along with that lot more traveling, they do have a hectic life but that is all worth it. The way down the memory lane is not too pleasant for her.

Amaya Kareem belongs to a broken family, her father was pretty much abusive. But her mother, Prof. Shaziya Kareem has always been her soul support. So one day when her father beats a five year old Amaya for the first time, Shaziya left him the very next moment.

Humaid Khan, her father never divorced her though, but never interfered in their life too until last year when he was in his death bed, he asked for Amaya to met him. And she did fulfilling his last wish. And forgave him. It's been a year to that and now everything is going fine.

Shaziya always supported Amaya, in every point of her life. Never bothered with all the things society thinks about them. But for a better start they shifted to London two years ago when Amaya wanted.

And now when Amaya shifted here, Shaziya stayed back in London. She have her university there and now she wanted to live her life and wanted Amaya to live hers, on her own now.

Amaya knows Dubai is the new life she wanted so badly. And after every pain she has been through, she deserves happiness. Leaving Shaziya alone back in London is not something Amaya is much comfortable with but she knows her mother better.

Looking at the view outside, her minds goes back to the days she suffered.


Clad in the school uniform she enters the auditorium with her friends, barely friends but she can count on them for now.

Amaya Kareem has lived her thirteen summers of life back in London. And she was good there, Shaziya did everything she could. But with the sudden demise of her Father, Shaziya didn't have much better option other than coming back here, to India.

The extended family of hers never shared a good relation with Amaya, for them she has been the reason why Shaziya broke the marriage, and even after that never came back. And that made Shaziya admit Amaya to Doon School. A place far yet close to her native place, Delhi.

A sudden joke from her friend makes Amaya laugh a little loud, and she can feel eyes on her. As she looks around, her hazel brown orbs falls on a certain figure, and their eyes clashed

Brown against charcoal black. Smile against smile.

Little did she knew her life is going to take unacceptable turns in coming years.
These certain pairs of charcoal black eyes will soon be her happiest dream, perhaps later her worst nightmare too, maybe.

Nightmares still comes up once in a while, but since the moment she forgave him, her pain is much less than before. That's what love does to you. It leads you to forgive and forget.

While she stands on her balcony of her new penthouse, the view before is Serein. Something she loves a lot.

Today Amaya can say that she is not in love anymore, but she also agrees to the fact that, something will always remain there in her heart for him.

Now one can never forget the one they have loved before. Love is not something to forget about. It stays there, buried deep inside, not even letting you know about it's existence.

Honestly everyone knows that one can never un-love someone, maybe one will fall out of love, but not un-love. It's just that slowly one will find something more loving than the previous one. But a part of us dies and lives along with the last love, and that is okay, that is how we move on in our lives.

The ones who said , you only love once ,they are stupid morons. There's no way in hell that eternal love exist, but deep down we know it does.
A part of her heart will always miss Him, because she loved him once, not only that she had spent years with him, she was bound to him in so many ways, so it is impossible to forget him, that is eternal love what we call.

But Amaya have the courage to fall in love again, get her heart broken again because if anything, she don't want to stop in life. The idea of inactivity haunts her to no end.

And it's okay to fall in love again with someone, because that person will be better for her in some way or the other, than the previous one.

One can fall in love for as many times as they want, they just need the courage to fall again. And the best thing is every time one falls in love with someone, that's way too different from the previous love.

And one day we will find 'the one' for us , for whom we have been waiting since long, the one who will not have the things we don't want in them, because for messed up species like us, humans, we never know what we want but we do know what we don't.

That day, Amaya knows, she will be so in love that she will be feeling every good thing in the universe standing on the same plane in a moment of time.

// aur bhi dukh hain zamane mein mohabbat ke siva

Rahaten aur bhi hain vasl ki rahat ke siva //

"There are other pains in life than the pain of love,

There are other joys than the joy of reunion"

~Faiz Ahmed Faiz~

She closes her eyes and smile with satisfaction, watching her love for him fading away among the clouds and being buried deep inside her heart again.

Loving him was easy, leaving him was hard but staying would have been worst. So, leave. Towards the better future, that awaits ahead.

On the other side of the corridor someone just came back from a tiring day at office. Coming to Dubai away from family is something Zain Amir never thought he will ever do.

But guess this is what life is all about. Changes, sudden changes that will take place without any notice of arrival, and most of the time these are for good, for a better future.

It's been fifteen months Hadiya and Ayaan got married, eighteen months since Zain Amir let go of his first love, eighteen months he is missing something but still doesn't put into words what exactly it is. And if anything he realized over these past months that whatever he had for Hadiya, that was long gone, when, how and why, he cannot put a finger on those things.
But what he knows is that his feelings were long gone, a faded love.

Love makes one do things, crazy things and here he didn't even for once had the courage to confess his love to anyone, so he have no one to blame for. And he won't, because he knows there a bits and pieces missing in this tale. Maybe he just read a tale, first half from one book and second from a different one, without even realising it. Maybe.

The sudden ring of his cell puts a smile on his lips, Seher Appi. Someone he knows will always stand by him, for him, Seher Mirza.

"Zain? You reached home safely?" Seher is still the same for him. His sister never forgets to check on him, even after handling her twins, she never let him feel left out.

"I'm good Appi. Don't fret. And how are my champs doing."

He loves Zaman and Ruhana a lot, they are simply little versions of Seher and Arhaan, sending them gift every month, face timing every week. He even named some shares on their name too, of course Seher doesn't know. But he did.

"I was just asking Zain."

"Well Appi I'm good here."

"Are you happy Zain?" Her question makes him still for a second, is he? He sighed.

" I don't know that Appi, but I have a feeling I will be."

"You should be Zain, you will. Happiness is where your heart will find a home. And I know it will soon find it's adobe." Zain smiled listening to her, most of her words are not making any sense to him, but he knows one day it will.

Little did he know, it will soon be that day.

Leaving Delhi was not easy for him yet a necessity, he needs to find himself now. His reason for staying back in Delhi was Seher, and now that Arhaan is back, he somewhat can rely on him this time.

Life had never been easy for Zain Amir. Losing his parents at the mere age of ten. He was broken that time, but his tayi Maa ( Aunt) Saira never let him feel their absence.

Though Saira and Mirza Amir lived separately for years, but they maintain a good relation among themselves. Years of friendship gives you this. They are not happy in a marriage, but as friends they are pretty good, they both know they will stand next to each other when the time comes.

Seher and Zain grew up together. Zain used to be in boarding school, The Lawrence School, where he spent most of his childhood, mostly alone but during vacations Saira and Seher made him realise that he was not alone.

When he came here, Saira was ready to shift with him and somehow he managed to make her stay back in Delhi.

He never wanted this CEO title for himself, he was happy being the COO, but as Seher would say, it's not for her to do, after everything he can't be the CEO and she chose him to be one, which he simply cannot disagree with.

In first four months he realised he was not in love with Hadiya in general, he was in love with a girl who gave him her charm, he was in love with her words and that person is certainly not Hadiya. She can't be her, for some unknown reason his stupid heart screams this.

Life is certainly unpredictable. After shifting here, the first thing he liked about his penthouse is the absence of nosy neighbours. There are only two flats on his floor, one is his and another is assigned to someone else, whom he hadn't met till now.

That brown door, right in front of his seems welcoming to him, much welcoming than it should be. He fails to put reason why so, but he didn't even care much.

All he needs now is sleep. It's monthend now, and this time of the month he have to work extra hard, and with this shifting it's only worst.

That brown door can wait, for now,
so does the girl with brown hazel obs leaning against it, on the other side.
It can wait for now. Because sometimes heart and home finds it way to each other.

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