13. ●Felecity●

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Ishq nazuk-mizaj hai behad

Aql ka bojh utha nahin sakta

Akbar Allahabadi

Home. Love. Happiness. Things one wants in their life, things Amaya and Zain want for themselves.
And now when it's here, no way the world they are letting it go, it's here for them to cherish.

The starry night is gone with happy smiles and long call. No one is ready to hang up and let sleep embrace them, maybe both were too afraid that it would turn out to be a dream the moment they wake up with the next Sun.
But good thing is, it wasn't a dream, they are a reality.

The Park Lane residence is smelling delicious today, with warmth engulfing them with each passing minute, with smiles making their presence known.
Happiness is finally finding its way towards them. And this time, Prof. Shaziya hopes for it to stay, for it to last, for her Amaya and Zain.

As Shaziya opens the door, tears that were stored for decades came to surface. Hugging each other, they let their tears loss, years of agony, years of loss. Two friends finally met, after decades.

"I never thought to see you again, Rubina"

"I am so. sorry for everything, Shaziya"

"Please no. It was not your fault. Let the bygones be bygones."

Let the bygones be bygones, let it not affect the beautiful present they have now.

And this is what they decide to do. But every broken thing that mends, leaves a crack behind. A crack they both wants to never open.

Peeking from behind, Zain is losing his patient, with every passing second.
A sudden soothing feeling engulfs him, a known unknown essence in the air, as he tilts his head a little, and there stands, behind him, his source of happiness, his Amu.

Shy smiles lingering on their lips, and the love is no more hidden, it's here with them, between them. A step towards her, and he hugs her, a tight hug. She hides her face in his chest, shielding herself from the cold, his warmth is what she needs, and now is the time she welcomes it with open arms.

"I missed you, Amu"

"I missed this too."

"I love you." He whispers, lowly in her ears, to just let her know, he loves her, it's not a dream.

"Hmm., I love this too."

Smiles against smiles.
Happiness in air.

As they hold their hands, hearts sync with one another. The scene is witnessed by the two friends, finally, their children are finding happiness.

The lunch is another happy affair, with hands intertwined under the table, shy smiles on the lips, laughter echoing in the living room, as they catch up for all the lost years.

"Well, Zain what have you thought about marriage?" Shaziya asked in a teasing tone.

"What I have to think about marriage?"

It's not his part to think now, right.

"Zain, you are twenty-seven. Don't you think it's for you to settle down?"

"I think, there is plenty of time for it now."

"And what changed now?"

"I have her now, with me, for me."

He smiled at Amu, letting others know, about them loud and clear. Letting Amu know that, he is not going to hide it, anymore, from anyone.

"But I think, it's time."

"It's not Auntie. The right time will be when we want it to be. And now is not that"

As she looks at him, she can see the sincerity, the respect, the love, prominent there, for her, only her. What else she can ask for?

He knows. And he respects that.
The topic is closed now. And another begins.


"I have to go back, Amu"

Zain said as they sit next to each other. For the first time, London feels home today.
The evening sky in this cold December, Zain and Amaya are together, like any other year.

Past two years have truly turned out to be a blessing for these two. One found love, one found a home, both found happiness, in them, for them.

"Delhi?" She asked, if its Delhi, she is not ready to go there, not now at least.

"No, home." Home. And she knows what he is asking for.

"It's Christmas Eve today."

"I can book a flight for the next day of Christmas."

"Sounds good to me."

As she says, pressing her palms together, involuntarily, she leans a little towards him, he puts his hand over her shoulder, engulfing her in a side hug, tightening her jacket. He cares, and his actions speak.


".. And?"


"Zain, you can't really hide anything from me. You know, that right?"

"So, you knew about it?"

"About what?"

"About you know what?"

A sad smile is what he gives her now, he did have an idea that she knows but this is unexpectable, of her accepting the truth. But that's what Amaya is, she knows when to speak the truth, loud and clear.

"I read that in your eyes, but for the longest of time, I denied."

"And why so?"

She had taken a long time to address his love for her. He knows she needs another long time to address her love, but the reason he wants to know, he deserves to know.

"I was scared, Zain."

Scared. Of what? Falling in love, or getting her heart broken perhaps losing her home.

"You are not, now?"

"I am. But I can't run away always. You are my home Zain, and this time I really don't want to lose it."

She can't lose it, so as he.

"You won't. Because even if you can, I won't afford to lose you Amu. You are my love, my freaking world now."

She smiles, snuggling in his arms.

"About marriage."

"You don't have to think about it, baby. I know you are not ready, and honestly, we both are good the way we are. I don't need the validation of a relationship to be with you Amu, I am more than ready to wait."

"Marriage ruins, Zain."

"It doesn't. Situation does. But that is not what we need to talk about now. We are very new to this, and for now, I want to be with you, like this only."

"You don't have any problem with my past?"

"I don't. Why would I? I had a past too"

"That's different Zain. I was married once."

"And that has nothing to do with our present and I'm saying this for the last time baby."

He loves her, and there is nothing that can change this truth. With a little kiss on his cheek, she puts her head near his heart, letting their heart sync. And in that hug, at that moment, all they asked for is happiness.

In that hug, another long time is spent. Another long year being with each other, this time as a couple, not just best friends.


Another Christmas eve is here, two years have gone in each other's arms, love, essence and this time they are in Dubai. Clad in her red sweater, and blue jeans, she is waiting for Zain to come back. He will be late as he texted her, half an hour ago. A habit she loves about him, he always let her know everything, no secrets between them, another thing they had learnt together.

As she sits there by the window, lost in her thoughts, her phones rings.

An unknown number.
An unknown fear engulfs her. After years of pain, she had gotten a few years of happiness with Zain, and now she hopes to last it longer.


She waits for the other person to speak, but nothing came. For a second she is sure it's a wrong connection, but her heart knows, the truth as a sigh came to her as a reply.
Tears come to her eyes, the air choked her throat, even in her living room, she feels lost.

He can't call her. He can't come back to her.

A lump is formed which she keeps on swallowing, limbs turning cold with each passing second. As much as she wants to hang up the call, she can't.


Finally. What its been like? How long? Years, no eons. Of him calling her, of her listening to his voice. Silence is her reply. But silence can never be an answer.

"I really don't have any right to call you, I know that. But still, I think its time for you to marry him. It's been. it has been long, and."

Words fall short because he is putting his heart in pain. He loves her, still.

"Listen to your heart though, Zain is what you need, and it's time for you two to be together. I know namesake marriages is not what you asked for, we already had a failed one. But what you can't deny is the one month of happiness we had together. And for that happiness say yes to him. Bye."

A sigh with pools of tears comes to the surface as she walks to her couch. The pain was evident in his voice, but the hope too. He wants it for her, she needs Zain for herself.

Hours passed in a haze, sitting there, staring at the once known, now unknown number.

A smile slowly comes back, as the door opens, Zain is here, he is home.

"Hey baby"


"I am so sorry. I was stuck at. at something"

"You are still not good at hiding something from me."

"You had been crying"

"I was. Just don't ask for the reason though."

"I want to ask you something today, but I think now is not a good thing"

"Now is a perfect time, Zain."

"Baby, I love you."

"I know that."


A deep breath, a huge sigh later. He gets down to his knees, a ring in his hand.

"Marry me, Amu!"

Tears, smile, shock, and a reminder of words. So many emotions, the demons of the past, the chance happiness of future and the beautiful present troll in front of her.

"You will be the same?"

"Nothing will change, I promise." With that hope, with that promise, she hugged him.


Smiles, happiness. Life is beautiful for them.

The next chapter will be up tomorrow because I can't wait for you guys to read it. I wrote it back in August when I was still writing Intezaar...

Do let me know what you think about the story so far.

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