Italy - Pizza Dough

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There is a different kind of bliss in making your favourite food from scratch at home <3! Here's my recipe for making pizza dough at home and subsequently a pizza too!


1/4th Cup Warm Water (50 ml)
2 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Instant Dry Yeast
1 Cup All Purpose Flour (Maida) + A little more for kneading
1 Tablespoon Oil + A little extra for greasing
Salt to taste
Semolina Flour (Rava) for dusting


1. In a vessel first completely dissolve the sugar in warm water. The water should be body temperature warm and if you add your finger it doesn't feel hot or cold.
2. Add yeast to this water and stir a little to make sure all of yeast is hydrated. Keep aside for ten minutes to activate. Yeast can be temperamental and activating time can depend on your surrounding weather and temperatures.
3. In a different bowl mix the all purpose flour and salt.
4. Make a small hole in between of flour and on periphery of the flour drizzle the oil.
5. Add the activated yeast mixture in the hole in middle of the flour.
6. Now mix everything together and make a rough dough.
7. Dust a plain surface with little of all purpose flour, place the rough dough and start kneading.
8. Knead for a good 10-15 minutes depending on your hand strength. You need to knead till the dough doesn't stick to the surface kneading on. Dust with more flour as required.
9. Grease a different bowl with oil and place the dough in it. Grease the outer surface of dough as well.
10. Cover with cling film and place in warm place for proofing for 1-2 hour or until the dough doubles in size.
11. Dust a plain surface with all purpose flour and remove the proofed dough. Press into it firmly once to remove the air.
12. Now cut into equal sizes of small dough balls. Each dough ball will be used for one pizza base.
13. Place the dough balls at distance from each other on a tray and cover again. Place aside for rising (10 minutes).
14. Now take individual dough balls, dust the surface with semolina flour and spread it out making a pizza base.


1. Use a timer while kneading the dough. More hand strength than knead for 10 minutes and if poor hand strength then knead for 15 minutes.
2. Put a baking tray or wooden surface while pre-heating the oven. Place the pizza base on this heated surface will ensure even cooking.
3. Decorate the base with sauces and toppings of your choice!
4. You can easily make 2 pizza of 6 inch diameter.

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