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        Hi! It's Anastasia with a new story called "Take a Step Outside." I hope you enjoy it, I don't know how long I'll be writing this. But if you help support me in this story, I'll keep it going. If you want me to write Chapter 2, stick in a comment! I'll start writing when there are 5 comments and at least one vote. Thanks, and enjoy!

        I took a glance at my window, seeing the outside world. It was raining, a horrible storm. I could hear the thunder boom, the sound ringing in my ears. I held a small journal, it was my first day alone. I had just moved out of my parents house, and I just finished college. I was trying to write a list of jobs that I could do for the future. 


The list wasn't so long, I had only just started. But as I gaze at the jobs that I had wrote down, Librarian kinda stuck out to me. I do love to read, and I am an excellent writer. I circled it, and then turned the page in my journal. I began to write how my day went, my hair falling in my face as it usually did. It did annoy me, but I never would cut my hair. It seemed to be a characteristic thing about myself. When I was done writing, I shut my book and looked outside as the rain fell. I thought about crystals, the rain shining slightly in my view. Then I turned my head as I heard a small thump. "What was that?" I thought to myself. I put down my book, and got up from where I was sitting. I began to walk downstairs, the stairs creaking after every step I took. I put my hands on the railing as I snapped my head towards the noise. My door had swung open, and it was banging against the wall. I sighed, I thought it was a person and it scared me. I walked all the way down the stairs, and forced my door shut. Then I turned my gaze to a window beside the door, and gasped when I saw the outline of a persons face. It was a tall man, one with messy black hair and emerald green eyes. He wore a leather jacket, and he looked soaking wet. I opened the door again, and shouted. "Who are you! What are you doing here!" The man looked my way, and grasped my hand firmly. I struggled as he pulled me out into the rain, and into the storm. My door kept slamming from the wind, and all I heard was my heart beat in my head. The man shoved me into a car parked outside on a curb, and shut the door behind me. I struggled in the seat, until the man held a knife to my throat. "Don't move, or I'll slit your throat." he growled. I kept still after he had done that, but I panted in fear. "W-Where are you taking me?" I asked, still staring at the knife that was threateningly close to my throat. "To a mansion a few miles away from here." he answered, pulling the knife away. He closed my window, and then walked over to the drivers seat. He shut the door behind him, a large bang of thunder hitting. "W-Why d-do you want me?" I asked, still shivering as I kept sitll. "Because you are worth millions." he said, begining to start the car. "M-Millions? You must b-be mistaken, Im just a normal girl." I said, my voice trembling. "Oh, I'm not mistaken duchess. You aren't just some normal girl." he said, driving. I could hear the wheels squeak from the wet road everytime he turned. "D-Duthess?" I said, obviously surprised. "Im no duchess!" "Oh yes you are. Now shut up." he said. I stayed silent, knowing that he still had the knife that he could throw at me at any moment. I looked out the window. We were driving in a high way, loads and loads of cars passing by us. Then he took a turn, and I saw a huge open field, nothing but yellow grass swarming my vision. Then I looked forward, gasping in surprise as I saw a large mansion. It was huge, the windows stained in many dark colors and the gate as big as 2 or 3 cars stacked on top of each other. "Well here we are, duchess!"

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