Chapter 3

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I sprinted back to the camp and once at the ridge,I paused and glanced down, noticing what only a trained eye could make out a hidden camp of five thousand soldiers.
This was my home and while it was not nearly as posh or comfortable as Brice's, I loved it.
Once back in my tent, and in dry clothing I glanced at my watch. It was almost time for everyone to wake up. I smiled, this was one of my favorite things to do.
I put on my uniform, put my hair up in a bun, adjusted my holster and left my tent headed for the commons of the camp. With me I brought my small handheld radio.
I made my way to the center of the camp and connected my radio to the sound system that went throughout the camp. I then turned it on and found the most loud and obnoxious radio station that I could find and I turned the knob.
The loud music blared throughout the camp waking up from the deep dreamy slumber jolting the soldiers awake.
It only took a couple minutes, but soon enough even the deepest sleepers at the camp had waken up and were getting to work.
We currently had some soldiers going to the hidden village to build more houses and help out with farming and anything else. The village sustained us so we helped them in any way we could.
Then the rest of them today were going to be training and a couple groups of the elite forces would go out and find the King's soldiers and engage. Me on the other hand, I would be stuck in meetings.
I was with the higher ranking officers and at the moment, I just decided it was best to stay quiet and listen.
"The King is getting mad and we have to take him out while we can. His Queen is sick and we could take out the whole royal family with one careful mission." One officer said.
"But we also could lose our advantages we have on the royal family in that some mission." Someone else said.
"I say we kill the King and leave the Prince. The royal staff say he treats them well and we may want to give him a chance." An officer said.
"Just kill them all." Another officer muttered angrily.
A handful of other officers mumbled in agreement and the officers who didn't looked to me.
The royal family had harmed me more than any of the officers here in the room and they knew that.
I sighed and my mind drifted back to an old memory with the King. He would always tell me as Brice and I got older to stay away from him and, being the rebellious one I was, I didn't listen to him.
Brice and I were hanging out chatting during lunch and a guard came and whispered something in my ear.
"What's going on?" Brice asked.
"Just some work, um I have to go now, but maybe I'll see you later." I said.
The guard lead me to the throne room and I walked up to the King.
He waved his hand and the guards cleared out of the room.
"Stay away from my son. I don't want him getting attached to some girl without a penny to her name." He snarled.
"We're just friends." I hissed.
"I don't care, I don't want you looking at, talking with him or even going near to him. You're a good Captain but you need to listen to orders more." He said.
"You know what, that's it, I don't care what you say. I will do and talk to whoever I want. Leave me alone." I said.
Then before I knew it, the King grabbed me and before you knew it, I found a knife in my side and I found myself in immense pain.
I shook my head and tried not to think about the memory. This was one of the things that I hated about old memories. I then refocused and got back to work.
"Here's the deal, yes the King should be killed but not yet. We don't have the numbers or resources at the moment. The King is digging his own grave and it's not quite deep enough yet. Soon, we will make a move, but not yet. We all know that the Queen is a good soul and we're all in this mess because she got sick and couldn't keep the King sane. So she's out of the picture in my mind at least and we owe her enough to let her die in peace and not in cold blood. The Prince makes his own decisions and he is not his father. If he makes a mistake, we will still hold the upper hand." I said.
"You should be the Queen." Another officer said.
"I think we've had enough monarchs for the time being." I said.
The whole table rumbled with chuckles, laughter and mutterings in agreement.
Give me a target and gun any day and I would much rather shoot it instead of sit in a meeting.

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