Chapter Seven - I See Fire

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I was feeling extremely stupid, what have I done? I just did the biggest mistake of my life.

Channing was there just looking at me. He didn't have any expressions on his face. Maybe he was too shocked or he didn't expected this, well i don't know but I'm sure that he didn't see this coming. As he opened his mouth to say something, my phone rang.

"You should take that" he said with still no expressions or reactions in his face or voice.

Anyway I picked it.


"Hello, am I talking with Vanessa Katherine Spence?" I didn't recognize this voice, wasn't it weird that he used my full name?

"Y-yes you are."

"Ms. Spence, I'm officer Henry Colonel and I am calling from Berkeley Police Department."

"I-is something wrong officer?" This didn't feel right, am I shaking?

"You need to come to the Police Department as soon as possible, we need you to answer a few questions and we have news for you."

"Okay I'll be there in a few minutes."

This didn't feel right. Something is wrong. Something is definitely so wrong and I'm not ready to have that conversation.

"What was that?" Channing asked.

"I-It was the police department" okay I was shaking.

"Come on get in the car, I'll take you there."


"We will continue to our talk later." he said.

We were at the Police Department after 15 minutes. I rushed to Mr. Colonel's office.

"Hello Ms. Spence, have a seat."

I walked through that old chair and tried to sit on it without shaking.

"Coffee?" he asked

"Yes, please."

He passed me the coffee and started to talk.

"We finally had a report of your friend, Penny Olsen."

"Yes?" I've never heard my voice this nervous.

"She was brutally murdered, we call this first degree homicide."

Okay pause. I need a few minutes to let that information sink in.

"S-so somebody killed her?"

"Yes and I am afraid that "somebody" was not a thief."

"What else could he or she be?"

"Well as we searched the house, there weren't any missing objects, so we think it's something more personal."

Wait what? Hah no way. Penny couldn't have any enemies. That's so wrong in many ways.

"Ms. Spence, are you okay?"

Well I don't know Mr. Officer I just learned that my friend was BRUTALLY MURDERED IN HER OWN HOUSE!!

"I think I'm doing fine." I said then throw him a 'stupid' look.

"Well I don't think so because you are so shaking that you just spilled all of your coffee on your jacket." Then he got out of the room.

Umm no I didn't. Yes I did. Fuck. Great. What else? He returned with some paper in his hand.

"And unfortunately I have to say one more thing." Bring it on cowboy. How worse could it be?

"Yes?" I said.

"A few minutes ago your neighbors called us to report a fire."

"Okay?" I still didn't get what did this 'fire' issue had to do with me and why would anybody call a "Police Department" to report a 'fire'.

"It's coming from your house."
Okay fuck this.

Seriously is this a joke or something? Okay this is so much information for one day.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" I said. Well I may have overreacted

"Ms. Spence please calm down, we've called the fire department."


"They called us because they thought it might have a connection with the murder."

"Why would that 'somebody' set the house on fire after Penny's dead?"

"Well,maybe that 'somebody' was not just her enemy."

"Wait what do you mean?" This was getting out of hand.

"I'm saying that the person who murdered your friend might have an issue with you too. Maybe by setting the house on fire,he/she tried to give you a message."

"And you are not going to do anything about this?" Okay I was getting angry now. You are the police. You are the fucking police. This is not my problem. I don't have time for this 'game'.

"Can you think about any names?"

Okay this question makes sense. But I still can't think of a name.

"But I barely talk with anyone, I don't talk much or communicate much, I just take my goddamn classes then leave."

"Okay, I'll call you if we get any reports or news. Thank you for your help."

"Yeah yeah,sure" I said with the most mocking voice ever. Is this guy kidding me? He says that somebody might have an issue with me and he is totally okay with that. Too much action for such a little neighborhood.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay? How did it go?" said Channing while giving me a big big hug.
I hugged him back because I definitely needed a hug.

"I'll tell you everything in the way to your place." he nodded and I started to tell everything.

"Wait we came to the police department 15 minutes later, so you're saying that the house just started to burn after we left? You could be dead Vanessa." He said looking at me, worried.

"Well it started to burn after 15 minutes" I said

"You don't know that."
He was right. Maybe the house was burning after we just left. Or this was a message as Colonel said. Okay things are getting out of hand. I need to rest. We've finally arrived to his place.

"Come upstairs with me." he said

"Okay." I said then followed him.
We walked through his bedroom.

"You're sleeping here tonight." Is he joking? well actually I'm okay with it but no Vanessa play the hard girl


"I can't let you sleep alone." awwwwh sweetie

"Where are you going to sleep?" Next to me pls pls pls

"In the bed. Duh." Okay Vanessa don't look excited.


"Don't be such a pussy Van, I don't bite." he said than laughed and I laughed too.

He took his shirt off then get in to the bed

"Are you coming?" he said while looking so fucking sexy.

"I still think this is not an good idea tho."

I was in bed with my best friend who was half naked. Eh,it could be worse asdfgh.

As I get into the bed I started overthinking as usual. I still didn't know what to do. I don't even know what's going on.

"Maybe you should stop overthinking and sleep." yeah that makes sense.

"Okay" I said.
Tomorrow I'm going to act like nothing happened, I will go to school, take my classes then do my term work. A typical normal day. Just like I wanted.

I woke up to a great sunshine day. Perfect! everything is normal. Okay. I take a bath, changed my clothes then put on some perfumes. Okay I'm still doing great, no anxiety, no stress, just a normal day.

I went down an yelled

"JONAH COME ON WE'RE ALREADY LATE" but Jonah didn't respond back.

Channing left earlier as usual, so I knocked Jonah's room but he wasn't there either. Okay this is weird.
Don't think about bad things Vanessa, what could happen? He probably went earlier to school.
As I opened the front door,there was a paper. I picked it up and it had a note on it.

"You're next."
Well okay then. I am next for what? You're going to brutally murder me too?Okay I am sick of this game. I'm not even scared. Duh.

It was 7pm and I was going to home. Nothing strange happened besides that note, I still didn't knew where Jonah was tho. I opened the door then I got a text

"I thought we were meeting today"
From Chris. Okay I totally forgot that.

"Sorry :( , I have a lot of issues to deal."

I text him back then I went upstairs and saw Channing.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said

"Jonah is missing."

Do you still think it's a normal day Vanessa? You are next. And you are damaging everybody with you.

I started to cry because this was just too much.

"Hey hey hey , don't cry. Please."

He give me one of those big hugs but I still couldn't stop crying.

"C-Channing, I don't want to lose you too. You're the only one I have. I can't live while knowing you're damaged."

He turned my face to him and looked me in the eye.

"We will take care of each other, okay?"

Then he leaned on me and we started kissing. I only felt safe when I was with him. My lips were responding to his lips. He was kissing so deep, and so tough. He hold my back and pulled me to him. My hands were on his chest. He was now kissing my neck and he went through my ear and whispered.

"I'll take care of you."





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