Chapter 13

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Jamie and I told almost everyone we knew that we were having a boy. The press was last in line. Otherwise, we couldn't contain ourselves. It was the greatest news we'd been given. All of our loved ones were equally ecstatic. Jess was already coordinating with Emily on what they would get him. Our parents had a conversation without us and decided who would purchase which of the big gifts. Jim and Samina wanted to buy the crib, and my parents were fine with buying the stroller and car seat combo. My mom was going to refurbish her old rocking chair passed down from my grandma to a gray fabric, matching the nursery.

We'd decided to go with a nature theme. We picked out a cream-colored paint with gray and white accents. I wanted to keep everything light and soothing. Jamie helped me choose a wall stencil of trees and birds to paint on the main wall where the crib would go.

"Doing okay?" he asked.

"Fine." I smiled up at him from my spot on the floor, painting the bottom of the tree. "Having fun."

"Don't overdo it."

I looked away, rolling my eyes. "I won't. Promise."

We'd both been cautious about painting the nursery, but a phone call to Jim assured us. He said there was no risk as long as we kept the room ventilated, I took breaks, and bought a mask to wear just in case. Per his instructions, the window was open, we had a fan blowing, and I had the mask resting around my neck if needed.

"I feel like you rolled your eyes, but I don't want to assume."

I giggled. "Oh I did, baby. Don't act surprised."

He laughed, rolling the cream paint onto the wall beside me. We went about our tasks, enjoying the project together. There was a lot I couldn't help with or lift, so to be able to do something our baby would look at every day was important. I wanted my hands in as much as I was allowed. Jamie hummed along to the Aerosmith song playing on the radio, and I got lost in his sexy voice when he sang part of it out loud.

"You stand in the front just a shakin' your ass." He wiggled his hips, causing me to erupt in laughter.

"I'll take you backstage, you can drink from my glass." He held up his fingers, mimicking a shot.

"I love this song," I said, using my small brush as a mic and swaying back-and-forth.

"Here," he said, dropping his roller as he reached for my hand. "Dance with me."

"To Sweet Emotion?" I furrowed my eyebrows. He pulled me up from the floor without an answer.

I laughed as he spun me away then back into him before dipping me backward. His smile was bright as he lifted me to meet his gaze. I reached behind him to turn up the volume as the guitar solo screeched.

We both played air guitar, laughing above the music. We'd be lucky if someone didn't call the police for a disturbance. Then I felt it.

"Jamie," I said.

He had his eyes closed, still going to town with the music.

"Jamie, the baby!"

That got his attention. His gaze widened as he stopped in his tracks. He slammed his thumb against the power button, silencing the noise.

"What's wrong?"

"I can feel him," I said. "Oh my god, Jamie he's moving!"

His eyes glistened as his hand met my bump. I held mine over it as we both waited. He watched me closely, my tears stinging.

"I swear," I said. "He moved. I've never felt that before."

"Shh," he cooed. "Give it a minute."

I shifted onto the other leg. "Come on, baby," I whispered, willing him to do it again.

Jamie kept his hand in place as I swayed my hips. His smile grew wider the longer I did so.

"Maybe he likes the movement?"

"I like the movement." He winked.

"Perv." I tried a different approach. "Spin me."

"He'll move when he wants."

"Just do it, please."

He took my hand to appease my hormones and spun me out at arm's length. I began singing to see if I could trigger him.

"Sweeeet emotionnn."

Jamie pulled me in and the sensation returned.


He pressed his palm into my tummy. The fluttering started.

"Can you feel that?" I asked.

His face fell. "Not really."

I slid his hand across to where I sensed the strongest movement. "What about here?"

He stood silent for a moment then the baby flopped again.

"There!" he said. "I felt it."

The tears fell without effort. He let go to wrap his warm arms around me. I melted into the loving embrace, crying against his chest.

He kissed my hair. "Amazing."

"Our baby," I sobbed.

He chuckled, pushing me back to look at him. "I love experiencing this with you."

"Is it still exciting?" I sniffled, wiping my eyes.

He wrinkled his forehead. "Of course it is. But it means something entirely different now. There is no comparison."

I nodded. "Okay."

"Believe me," he said, tucking a hair behind my ear. "This is everything I've ever wanted, and you're the one I want it with."

"I love you."

He kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"Can you believe he's moving? It feels so weird."

"I can't imagine. I'm glad it happened now."

I smiled. "Me too. Just us, at home, getting his room ready."

"Maybe he'll be a rock star. Steven Tyler woke him up."

We laughed.

"It can be his lullaby."

"Poor kid is doomed," he said.

"Or we are. I can see him now with his band in the garage, tearing up the guitar."

Jamie smirked. "We'll be the next Partridge family."

I wrinkled my nose. "Your age is showing."

"Shut up and kiss me."

He leaned in, pressing his soft lips against mine. He massaged them sweetly before the kiss became urgent. He held me in place, sucking on my bottom lip. I tangled my fingers in his hair, relishing in the attention my body craved. His free hand trailed down my back, but I swatted him away when my phone began ringing.

"I should get that," I said into his mouth.

"They'll call again if it's important."

I giggled, shoving him from me. "I need a break anyway."

He sighed as I left him behind. "Slow please."

I eased my pace as I rushed down the stairs to where the device sat charging on the counter. It stopped going off before I reached it, and by the time I did, I got the notification for a voicemail. I didn't recognize the number, but played the message anyway.

"Hey Kelsey, this is Evan. Just wanted to see if you needed anything from my end, and check your availability about coming to New York. Call me when you're free."

I deleted the voicemail, and since Jamie hadn't joined me downstairs, I figured now was better than ever to return his call. The line rang a few times before connecting.

"Hello?" His voice wasn't as deep as it was in the interviews I'd watched.

"Hi Evan, it's Kelsey."

"Oh hi. That was quick." He chuckled.

"Yeah, didn't get to the phone fast enough."

"No problem. I won't keep you, I'm sure you're busy getting ready for the baby."

He was sweet.

"I am. We're painting in the nursery today."

"Sounds awesome. Listen, we might wrap up the film a little early. We've been lucky to get ahead of schedule, which is rare in this industry."

I shared a laugh with him even though I had no knowledge on the subject. Except that my husband's project got switched from October to May.

"Okay," I said, "what do you need me to do?"

"Do you think you can come to New York for a few days in the near future? You can hang on set, see how I work then we can chat between breaks or grab food."

My husband was not going to approve of that final suggestion unless he was also invited. But I didn't envision that happening, given their past.

"Actually, I think my schedule is better now than it will be, so I don't see there being an issue."

"Great. Your agent said you live part-time in the city? I hope your visit won't be an inconvenience."

"Not at all. My husband and I still have our apartment there, and it's a quick flight from Ohio."

Might as well drop Jamie into the convo and establish dominance. Plus, it wouldn't hurt if he was eavesdropping to know I brought him up on my own.

"Sounds like a plan then. Looking forward to it."

"How's next week? I can fly in over the weekend and come to set on Monday?"

"That should work, no problem."

"Wonderful. Thanks again for the opportunity. We've never spoken on the phone, so I wanted to verbalize it."

He chuckled. "I love what you already have, and know I made the right decision. No need to thank me, I'll be thanking you when my fans get their hands on this book."

"I'm excited. See you Monday!"

"See ya, Kelsey. Good luck with the paint job."

I laughed before hanging up. Jamie came walking through the kitchen as I set the phone down.

"Was it urgent?"

Great. What a question for me to answer. If I told him Evan's call was urgent, that would give him importance. If I said it wasn't, he'd ask why I had to rush to the call then.

"Not entirely."

He eyed me. "Who was it?"


He broke our gaze, looking at my dimmed phone on the counter.

"I cleaned up the paint," he said. "I think we've done enough the last couple of days. We'll let that coat dry and can finish up this weekend."

I swallowed hard. "I wanted to talk to you about that."

"About what, baby?" His eyes were back on mine.

"Evan's movie is almost done filming, and he wants me to come to New York to do an in-person interview for the memoir."

"I thought he emailed you what you needed?"

I tried to keep my cool. "He emailed me a lot, but I told you we would eventually meet up so I can get a good feel of his personality and watch him at work. Stupid little details I need for the chapters."

He huffed. "Get a good feel of him. Nice choice."

"Please don't," I said. "You know that's not what I meant."

"What do you have to do?"

"We can fly there this weekend and I'll work with him on Monday. Once I see how it goes and how much we get done, I may or may not have to go back."

"Go back where?"

"To New York. To set. Anywhere."

"Well, I have stuff to do here." He shrugged.

"We have stuff to do here. I'm well aware. You were also well aware when I took this job I had requirements expected of me."

"And you're well aware of how I feel about said project."

"Jamie, honestly. We've done this already."

"Right," he said, crossing his arms. "I forgot that didn't matter."

"I don't want to go there. Why are we fighting over someone irrelevant?"

He laughed sardonically. "I think he's pretty relevant to you, is he not? He came after you and you accepted."

"No one came after me Jamie, that's creepy. Why say it like that?"

"Because you care about him, admit it. You've read all the bullshit he sent you and now you think he's Superman."

"I care about this project. That includes me reading whatever he wants included in the book, and us meeting to plan everything else. It's just a simple set visit, nothing to get up in arms over."

"So you're gonna go hang with this loser on set, but you've never visited your husband on set? Gee thanks."

"Really? Is that what you're upset about? Sorry my morning sickness kept me from joining you in LA. I didn't want to burden you for a quick two-week trip, but apparently staying behind was a bad idea, too. Even though I had my scare. Should've gone to LA."

I rolled my eyes and he shook his head.

"Don't turn this into a pregnancy argument. I'd never guilt trip you over something you can't control."

"You literally just said I didn't visit you on set! Christ, what subject do you want to fight about?"

His face was red. "I don't want to fight at all, but you're determined to be close to that fucker."

"For my job! I haven't said shit about the beautiful women you've worked with, and shared intimate scenes with. Because I know you're not interested."

"Oh, you admit he's attractive then?"

That's all he got from that? My blood was boiling as the fluttering in my stomach returned. Everyone was upset.

"I don't fucking care what he looks like. You're my husband, and the only man I love. You really think I'd blatantly take this job and involve you in the details only to cheat on you anyway?"

He cringed, and I knew me verbalizing his fears stung.

"I know you won't fucking cheat, okay? He's the problem. I don't trust his ass as far as I can throw him!"

"I know, but you need to get over it. I've accepted the project and have zero interest in him beyond the work. This is a great opportunity for me to gain recognition since my last release. That's all."

"You're married to me, how much recognition do you need?"

My breath hitched at his words. "You're kidding? Surely that was a joke, Jamie."

He went to respond, but closed his mouth, which was the smartest thing he'd done since he opened it. I didn't want to hear any more irrelevant shit. He wasn't even staying on topic with his frustration.

I stormed off toward the dirty dishes to distract myself from my raging anger. I turned on the hot water and let it fill the sink. I clamored the dishes into the suds, hoping the noise was as annoying as he was being about the whole thing.

He walked my way, but I ignored him. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. The déjà vu hit me in full force. We'd had this argument what felt like yesterday, even down to him flipping on a dime when he'd been so sweet a moment prior. Why did he continue to fight me on it? He knew I wouldn't back down. I cleared my throat and he stopped in his path toward the living room. He turned to face me.

"Go with me. It'll be fun." I tried a different angle.

He narrowed his eyes. "To New York?"

"Yes," I answered. "Maybe the three of us can go to dinner. Be photographed out together, and shut down any rumors before they begin."

"No thanks."

I closed my eyes briefly. "No to New York or no to dinner?"

He took a deep breath. "I'm not going to follow you like a jealous puppy, so no to both. And I'd rather you not do dinner with him alone either."

"What part of we are married do you not get? That means I'm off limits and don't want anyone else but you."

"And when he doesn't respect that?"

"He will. I won't tolerate any passes. I'll leave."

"Before or after you get to know each other over dinner?"

I was done. He was exhausting and we were only going in circles. His insecurities were suffocating, and because the baby had begun moving, I wasn't in the mood to soothe a grown man. I wanted him to drop it, because we were getting nowhere.

"You're so fucking stubborn, Jamie! I swear!"

I tossed a spoon in the sink and took off through the living room for the stairs.

"Yeah, running solves everything," he yelled, following after me.

"It gets me the hell away from your attitude!" I snapped.

I turned my head defiantly and stomped up the stairs like a scorned toddler. He knew he'd gotten under my skin, but he wasn't sorry. So I wasn't sorry for storming off.

"Real mature," he rebutted.

I slammed our bedroom door and it rattled the picture on the wall, but it didn't fall. Instead, I fell on top of the comforter, covering my face with my hands. He was severely frustrating when he was stuck in his ways. I never knew a man not to budge like Jamie wouldn't.

Despite my anger, I needed to calm down. I could feel the baby twisting again, and I knew it was because we'd been yelling. If it upset me, I couldn't imagine how it sounded inside. Not the way I wanted our son to ever witness us behave, but we were going to get under each other's skin, whether intended or not. Unfortunately, Jamie intended it. That's what pissed me off the most.

I rubbed my belly gently and began talking to the peanut inside. "Mommy's sorry she was loud. I didn't mean to scare you. Hope you'll forgive me and not make me pay a visit to the toilet half the night."

Talking to my tiny human had already calmed the anger. I was going to be someone's Mommy. A little boy was going to trust me with his life, and I didn't want him to fear my voice. Or well not until his teenage years.

Jamie barreled through the door when I went to continue my conversation.

"Done with the attitude?" he asked, his hands on his hips.

The gesture alone ignited a new burning inside me. "No Jamie, I'm not. You're not exactly pleasant yourself. You started this shit, so don't go pointing fingers."

"Fine." He stripped off his shirt and headed toward the bathroom.

I huffed at his attempt to distract me with his delicious body. The one I'd left turned on in the other room to answer Evan's call.

"Fine," I replied, tossing his pillow at him.

He turned in time to catch it. "Am I sleeping downstairs? Is that what this is for?"

"I don't know what it's for, okay? Jesus. Just get your shower and leave me and peanut alone, you rudely interrupted our conversation."

I pulled my shirt up over my abs to show him two could play that game. For a brief moment I thought I saw a hint of a smile appear on his lips, but before I could decipher, he disappeared into the bathroom to start the water.

I sighed, trying to reel in my hormones. "Mommy loves Daddy very much, but sometimes he can be stubborn. Please don't be stubborn like him. Mommy can't handle two of you!"

I twirled circles over my belly while I talked and I felt him twist inside, causing me to giggle. I continued my lazy patterns and the more I swirled, the more active he became.

"I've never loved anyone as much as I love your Daddy. So it hurts Mommy that he thinks I'd be unfaithful. He doesn't realize how amazing he is, and how I'd be the dumbest woman alive to leave someone as wonderful as him. You'll see. He's going to love you beyond measure. He already does, as do I. We're sorry for scaring you, baby."

Jamie rolled onto the bed, covering my legs with his naked torso as he rested his hands on either side of my bump. I noticed then the water had stopped, and suspected he'd been watching me from the doorway.

"Daddy is very stubborn, she's right," he said. "But Mummy loves me anyway. Daddy can also be pretty stupid and say things he doesn't mean. He knows Mummy would never hurt him or leave him. Please be smart like her."

His eyes met mine and I tried not to let him effect me, but I melted under his gaze. He pressed a sweet kiss to my stomach. I moved my hands to his hair and he closed his eyes, resting his warm cheek against my skin.

He kept talking to my bump. "Just because two people argue doesn't mean they stop loving each other. Remember that when you're out here in the real world."

I scratched his scalp. "I can be mad at you and still love you, you know?"

He lifted his head. "I'd rather you not be mad at all, but at least if it's with me I can fix it."

"With sex?" I raised my eyebrow. "Because you being up here half naked isn't an accident."

"There are worse ways to fix problems. Especially ones I created." He winked.

"I suppose. But that's how I ended up like this." I pointed to my belly. "Hormonal and feisty."

He laughed, kissing my bump again. "You're making Mummy feisty."

"Yes, that's my excuse, but he's not making Daddy stubborn. Daddy is doing that himself."

He rolled his eyes. "Of course. How about we ride out those frustrations in the shower? I could use an attitude adjustment."

I laughed. "Insatiable. Even when I feel like a blimp. For you I will."

"What a trooper," he joked. "But definitely not a blimp. Beautiful and all mine."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up with him. I stumbled as he rushed me to the bathroom. Stopping in front of the vanity, he leaned in toward my lips, and I went to meet him for a kiss, but he left me hanging. I glared at the back of his head as he turned the water on once more.

"Wearing your clothes?" he asked.

I pouted. He wasn't going to undress me either. I lifted my tank over my head and he eyed my naked breasts. I shimmied my yoga pants over my hips, bending to take them all the way off. I stood upright as his eyes fell over my frame.

"Are you wearing yours?" I asked, pointing to his sweats.

He swallowed. "No."

It was my turn to gaze at him while he sprang from beneath the black material. He was already turned on and all I'd done was take my clothes off. And yell at him a lot.

"I seem to yield a lot of power," I said, knowing the comment would snap him back.

"I'm such a sucker," he said, finally smirking. "Join me, Mrs. Dornan?"

I giggled. "Gladly."

I pinched his ass as I followed him into the shower. He quickly pinned me to the wall, the coldness causing me to gasp.

"That's the problem, baby," he said.

I panted as I felt his whole body pressed against mine, his hardened length between us. I ran my fingers through his dampening hair.

"You have the power to leave me a helpless man."

His lips were so close to mine I could practically taste him.

"You're the man I chose to spend my life with. I love you."

He closed his eyes, sighing. "I love you too, and don't want another man to touch you. I won't apologize for being protective. My job is to keep you and our little one safe."

"There's nothing to protect us against. I'm yours. This is your baby."

I moved his hand to rest atop my abdomen. "No one is going to touch me except you. And that's all I want you to do right now. Please."

He gripped my thigh and raised it to wrap around his waist.

"I'll go," he breathed.

I smiled. "Thank you. I'd rather not be alone in such a big city."

"But I'm going so I can be there for you and our son. Not to meet up with him, faking my tolerance."


I crushed his lips, melting into him and tasting his delectable flavor; mine. He reached between us to help himself inside me. I panted against his mouth as he entered slowly. I clawed at his shoulders when he began to move.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into the kiss as his hips rolled.

I moaned, gripping his body tightly as the water made our skin slippery.

"Me too. I didn't mean to yell. I love you so much, babe."

He moved at a sensual pace, and I was already spiraling.

"You. Are. Perfect." He kissed his way down my neck. "I love you. And you." He caressed my stomach, his eyes meeting mine.

I laughed as a nervous reflex. "We made a baby."

He smiled, his whole face lighting up. "Yes, we did."

I matched his thrusts, crying out as I leaned against the wall and lost myself in our connection. "Jamie."

He moved in and out leisurely. "Say it again."

I bit my lip. "Mmm, Jamie it feels so good."

"Yes, you do." He panted as his hips sped up into an unforgiving rhythm.

"Give it to me."

He licked a line up my neck. "What do you want, baby?"

"All of you." I held his face in my hands, forcing his eye contact. "I want everything you're holding back."

He growled as he hit my sweet spot relentlessly. My knees grew weaker, and if he didn't meet my release soon, we'd have to finish on the floor.

"You're mine," he said as my orgasm exploded. "You. Own. Me." He continued thrusting as I throbbed around him.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair and it caused him to unravel, filling me.

"Ah!" he yelped. "Fuck, baby."

I held him against my wet chest as we both came down from our high. Make-up sex was always mind blowing. There was something about using our bodies to release our frustrations.

"Forgiven?" he asked, trying to catch his breath.

"Yes. Please let it go."

He kissed me quickly. "I'm done. You don't deserve that side of me."

"Thank you." I kissed him back.

"Let me clean you up. I owe you."

I bit my lip, nodding as he picked up the loofa. "Pamper your pregnant wife."

He chuckled. "Mummy is silly."

The goosebumps ignited across my skin. "And she loves Daddy."

He kissed me, his lips lingering a little longer. "He loves you."

I smiled, watching my husband take gentle care in cleansing my body. Of our paint, of our fight, and of our steamy sex.


Who's ready to meet Evan? The reunion Jamie has been least looking forward to... What will it bring? In the meantime, please don't forget to vote for this chapter and/or leave feedback. You guys are the ones who help this story get ranked and noticed on Wattpad, and it means the world to me! Xo

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