Chapter 30

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A/N: Miami part two! Hope you love this one :) I sure enjoyed writing it, haha!! Thanks for your love and support of my babies <3


My sister had been right—neither of us was concerned with seeing Miami as we spent the entire evening and night after arrival in bed. We took breaks for room service, dessert, and a sensual shower, but other than that it was as if we were on our second honeymoon, constantly wrapped around each other, finally reconnected in all ways. I'd had a passing moment of insecurity yesterday when we were first intimate, but that lifted after the way Jamie worshipped me the rest of the night. Today—today I felt sexy in the dress I wore, and especially what was underneath it that I'd questioned even bringing. But my husband had been incredible, and I packed it because he deserved his hot wife's return.

I smacked my lips together at my reflection before heading out into the bedroom. Jamie was standing on the balcony, dressed and ready. I watched him as he basked in the warm salty air, the wind blowing the few places of his hair that he hadn't slicked back. He was in a black dress shirt, sleeves rolled up for my weakness, and he wore light grey slacks. It was amazing what a nice outfit for a dinner date could do to our mood. Plus the multiple orgasms we'd had since arriving didn't hurt.

I cleared my throat and he turned. I gauged his reaction as his jaw fell slack and his eyes fell to my feet, taking in a long graze all the way to meet my eyes. I wore a floor length, flowery peach off-the-shoulder dress with nude heels. And I never tired of the way my husband admired me.

He slowly walked in my direction. "Baby, look at you. You blow me away."

"I could say the same, handsome." I gripped his solid biceps when he approached, his hands falling to my waist. He would always be my greatest weakness.

"We could order room service."

I giggled. "You're always wanting to have your cake and eat it too."

He bit his lip. "That's a very fair assessment."

"I'm making you take me out. Let's be husband and wife for a night. Keep me distracted from missing our baby."

"Well, like I said, we can order room service and I'll distract you."

I shook my head. "I put in too much effort. Show me off."

He stepped back to look at me again, twirling his finger. I blushed and followed suit, spinning in my dress. He slapped my ass then pulled me flush against him, my back to his front. I shivered when his lips brushed my ear.

"I would be honored."

"So let's go." I could feel my stomach knotting as his warmth and the scent of his intoxicating cologne distracted me.

"I can't wait to fuck you in these heels. They lift you up just right." He ran his fingers down the outside of my thigh and I squirmed in his embrace.

"Jamie, dinner, please."

He chuckled and the feel of his hot breath across my neck almost made me collapse. God, he never ceased to tantalize me. It was like the first time every time.

"I'm trying to seduce my wife." He kissed my bare shoulder.

"Consider her successfully seduced and wet. Now feed her so we can come back and play."

I managed to twist out of his hold and turn. He was surprised when I attacked his mouth, stumbling backwards, but catching us both. He grinned as I licked at him, letting him have a small taste of what later would bring.

I pulled back, catching my breath. "To hold you over."

He wiped my lip-gloss from his chin. "I'm looking forward to tonight's dessert."


I stood at the bar in the beachside restaurant to fetch another drink for us while Jamie went to the men's room.

The bartender held up his finger to signal he saw me, but was caught with another customer opposite the bar. I nodded my understanding.

I felt a presence beside me and heard a man clear his throat. However, I knew it wasn't my man.

"Evening," he said. He looked to be late thirties and was well kept by my quick glance at him.

"Hello." I offered him a smile, keeping my focus on the bartender and willing him to come over so I could get back to our table before my husband.

"What are you drinking?" he went on, and I knew where this was headed.

I decided to let him down easy since he hadn't been disrespectful. "Not sure. You?"

He chuckled. "I'm a whiskey kind of guy. May I buy your next round?"

He wasn't taking the hint. "If you don't mind buying my husband's as well."

It was then that he noticed my glistening diamond ring resting purposefully on the cool bar surface.

"Ah." He tilted his chin. "Beautiful rock. Hard to miss, but I managed to."

His gaze was light, a playful smile tugged at his lips. We shared a genuine laugh. But without further adieu, a warm familiar palm gripped my waist. I looked over and came eye-to-eye with my husband's chiseled jawline twitching.

"Hey mate," Jamie said, extending his hand. "We haven't met."

The stranger smirked and shook it. "We haven't. You must be the husband?"

Jamie's chest managed to puff out further at the realization I'd already claimed him. He stood a few inches ahead of me, his grip tightening. This was his protective stance.

"The one and only. Can I buy you a drink?"

The guy shook his head. "Thanks man, I'm good. Offered to buy your lady one until she politely declined."

I could hear Jamie's heartbeat and was somehow grateful I didn't have EJ with me. Not that a stranger would've still hit on me with a baby, but because my husband's protectiveness was on obvious display. It'd only be amplified if his son were near.

"She's pretty fantastic." Jamie flashed me a wide smile and I chuckled awkwardly.

"At any rate," the man added. "Hope you both enjoy your evening."

He walked to the other end of the bar and took a seat. I gave him a brief nod before my husband looked back at me.

"Why don't you head to our table, baby? I'll take care of it."

I grinned in an attempt to calm his anxiety. "Thank you for not causing a scene. He was really nice."

Jamie tried to read my eyes before responding. "Seemed to be."

I leaned in to peck his lips, a show of gratitude that he didn't lose his cool. I'd seen it with Brad, who absolutely deserved it, and I'd seen it with Evan, who absolutely didn't. I was glad to know he wasn't going to ruin our vacation over an honest mistake.

I ambled to the table, but kept a close eye on both men just in case. The bartender got to my husband first and Jamie leaned in to give him our order.

I watched the bartender grab two shot glasses. What the hell? I didn't want a shot. He knew that. I almost interrupted as he poured the amber liquid, but then he took one over to the man and gave Jamie the other. My husband cheered him in the air and both swallowed down their shots. He looked at me and winked once he finished, and I knew that was his peace offering to both the stranger and me.

A moment later he returned with our real drinks. He sighed as he sat down across from me.

"That was sweet of you," I said.

He shrugged. "I'm always sweet, baby."

"Yes, you are. And I love you so much."

That seemed to stroke his ego and bring him completely down from the edge.

"Mmm, I love you too. I also see you're capable of defending yourself against bar dwellers."

I snorted. "He wasn't a creep, but I told him I was married. Blinded him with my gorgeous diamond. He took the hint."

That ego stroke worked as well as Jamie radiated his satisfaction. "My wife can take care of herself it seems."

"Yes, but I know my husband would've protected me had it been warranted. So once again, we make a great team. Husband and Wife or Mommy and Daddy."

Jamie took a swig of his beer. "I miss our little man."

That warmed my heart. Being able to make love to my husband again, after how turned on it made me to see him in Daddy mode for seven weeks, was the real gift this Valentine's Day. "There's an obvious piece of us missing."

He nodded. "Good way to put it. He's our completed puzzle."

I sipped my martini before smirking. "So the puzzle is complete? I thought you wanted like a dozen kids?"

His eyes were jovial as they greeted mine. "We may have made one or two last night."

I snorted. I always reveled in the lighthearted banter between us. But he was right. I'd thought when we got married that I'd been missing a puzzle piece all my life, and while he still completed me, I hadn't felt like my truest self until I had EJ. He was the perfect addition to our already wonderful marriage. And I was comforted by the thought that even when we argued, Jamie and I were better together as parents than we'd ever been prior. Our marriage strengthened, which gave me immeasurable hope for however many other pieces to our puzzle we made in the bedroom.

"You know I'm back on the pill, but last night was...magnificent. To put it mildly."

"I didn't realize how much I missed that," he said.

I smiled. "You're a man, of course you missed the sex."

He rolled his eyes. "Not what I meant. A few weeks ago when you told me how it was more than an orgasm to you, that you missed our connection—that's what I felt. It's always been more than an orgasm for us."

"Always." I nodded, not meaning to make light of his feelings with my previous comment. "Jamie, the intimacy and passion between us is unrivaled. It's the one thing I guarantee will never change, because it never has. It's not the attraction or infatuation they warned would fade after a few months of marriage; it's us. And so yeah, when I said I missed our connection what I really meant was I missed you and me." I motioned between us. "We're romantic, we're funny, and we can talk about the silliest and most serious subjects. Together. I wanted this back. I didn't feel like your spunky wife anymore, and prior to EJ's reflux scare I didn't feel like his mom. But all that has dissipated. You've helped bridge that gap. By bringing me here. By being an incredible father and husband. Forgive me if I don't tell you enough how vital you are to my sanity."

He sniffled, and I realized the alcohol had given me the courage to pour myself on the table to him in a way he needed reassured of. It made him emotional because, I knew by the look in his eyes, he'd taken in every single word.

I went on. "You're always the one being sweet and romantic. But you deserved to hear that, and maybe it's the fact that I haven't had an adult beverage since last March—"

He cut me off. "Stop talking you beautiful, perfect, incredible woman."

I was going to cry by his simple interruption. "Baby—"

"Finish your drink," he commanded. There was a hint of seduction in his request that made my stomach flip in excitement.

I shook my head. "I don't want it anymore. I want you, and this is only clouding up everything I feel."

"Then I think we're done here." He gulped down a bit more of his beer before setting it on the table and standing. He reached for my hand and I stood with him as he gripped it tight and led me toward the exit.

It was only a two block journey back to our hotel, and my heels clacked against the cement as I tried to keep up with my husband's determined pace.

"Slow down," I begged.

He stopped abruptly and turned. "Do you need me to carry you?"

Visions of my bachelorette night came flooding in, when he carried me through the streets of Manhattan on his back. That night was filled with some of the hottest sex we've ever had, and I felt the tingle between my legs at the memory.

"No, just slow down. I don't want to rush anything."

There was an understanding in his gaze that I wanted tonight to be special and not over too soon. After all, we were celebrating Valentine's Day. I needed romance. I needed the sensual, emotional connection with him we hadn't been allowed to have since December, but that we'd had over and over last night.

"Of course." He unlocked our fingers to move his hand to my hip, which forced him to meet my pace.

We passed other couples like us, enjoying their weekend by the beach. Some of them holding hands, others with their arms draped around their loved one's shoulder, and more than one couple making out in the shadows between buildings. I always hated Valentine's Day until I met Jamie. He made it special, and I was grateful to have someone to love and celebrate.

I looked up at him to notice he'd been watching me watch everyone else. He smirked, and I knew he was anxious, but was letting me control the speed.

We made it to our hotel and onto the elevator without anyone joining. The elevator rose to the top floor where our penthouse suite was, because Jamie never gave me anything basic. I grinned to myself, but was caught off guard by my husband's lips.

He pressed me into the corner of the elevator as it ascended. I met his passion, gripping the hair at the nape of his neck to keep him pressed against me. His hips pushed up into mine and I moaned, feeling him growing beneath the fabric. Our tongues intertwined as his hands gripped my ass so he could continue to rub himself on my now very wet center. God he was deliciously sexy.

The elevator dinged on its arrival and we pulled apart both panting like we'd run a marathon. He stepped back, his warmth disappearing as he pulled me down the hall.

"That was hot," I said, waiting for him to let us into our room.

He chuckled. "I saw you eyeing the couple making out in the alley. Didn't want you to get jealous and think I couldn't deliver on the PDA."

I followed him through the doorway as he locked it behind us. "I never doubt your abilities."

"Besides, making out with my wife in an elevator will never get old."

I smirked. "Reminds me of—"

He interrupted again. "The night you took me up to your apartment."

He always knew what I was thinking before I even thought it. I nodded. "See what I mean? It's who we are. We haven't changed in that department."

"What about..." he trailed off, tugging me closer to his frame so he could hold me tight. "When I convinced you to fly all the way to London because we couldn't stand to be apart, and we'd only met a few days before."

"So you've always made me crazy is what you're trying to say?" I bit my lip as I combed my fingers up through his soft hair.

He nodded. "I'm trying to say we've always been this in love."

I felt a blush creep across my cheeks. "The trip where we admitted our love. Will forever be special to me despite—"

He kissed me quickly, he was on an interrupting phase tonight. But I knew it was because he didn't want to relive the rest of that trip, which wasn't near as happy or romantic.

"Dance with me," he whispered. "Like we did that night."

I tried to read his gaze, the sweetness in his request was impossible to resist. "I thought you wanted hot dessert?"

He thumbed my cheek. "I changed my mind. There's nothing I want more than to slowly make love to my wife. Remind her how much she means to me. Let her feel every...last...ounce of desire I've been holding onto for many weeks."

"Pick a song, Romeo. Before I cry."

He laughed, letting go to retrieve his phone and set it on the bedside dock. I stood in the middle of the room, awaiting his choice. I took the opportunity to dim the lights and he smirked up at me before standing.

Frank Sinatra began crooning about the way I look tonight as Jamie reached for my hand. "May I have this dance?"

He was the master of wooing me. I nodded, sliding into his frame effortlessly. Our bodies melded together like they were made for one another's, but I knew they were. That was no accident.

"My romantic husband." I smiled into his stunning eyes. He looked so much younger than he had in weeks, and I realized I probably did as well.

"Anything for my beautiful wife."

I tightened my grip around his neck as our lips met. We kissed slowly, taking our time to get reacquainted while we swayed to the song. I relished in his attention and imprinted the moment in my brain. Even when we argued or disagreed, it always came back to this. The real us was never far below the surface, and I was grateful he'd planned this trip. We'd needed it more than ever.

I let go of his lips. "Thank you for a perfect Valentine vacation."

He shot me his shy smile. "I hope you're enjoying it half as much as I am."

"I'll enjoy it more once you get me out of this dress."

His eyes darkened and I saw the flame ignite over my words. He spun me out away from him and I giggled as the peach fabric twirled around my legs. I gasped when he dipped me backwards, pulling me upright ever so slowly.

"No time like the present," he said as his lips fell to my neck.

I dropped my head to the side, giving him the access we both craved. He held my cheek while he went to work, sucking a line down to my shoulder. He nipped the skin there before giving the other side equal treatment and leaning me in that direction.

"Undress me," I whispered.

He kissed my lips quickly before linking his fingers on either side of the top. "Like this?"

I thought he was merely being seductive, but it registered with me he really didn't know what to do with a dress that didn't have a zipper. I giggled with a nod, and watched him drag it down my frame, revealing inch by inch the lingerie I wore beneath.

He dropped his head once the fabric pooled at my feet. I heard him take a deep breath. "Wow."

I ran my fingers through his hair. "You like?"

He leaned in to kiss my thigh, working his way up to my stomach, but avoiding where I wanted to feel him most. His eyes wandered over the pink garter belt and matching panty set.

"Maybe we'll keep this on." He stood to meet me face-to-face and licked his lips.

"For now." I didn't give him time to respond as I began unbuttoning his shirt. He never took his eyes off mine while I focused on my task, my hands trembling in anticipation.

I let the shirt hang open, exposing his gloriously toned abs and happy trail. I ran my fingertips down, tugging the hair there and he gasped. I chuckled, undoing his belt while I was at it. I could already see the imprint of him through his slacks, so I made quick work of the button and zipper on them as they fell off of his hips.

He eyed me, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side. I began kissing a path from his neck, down his sternum where his chest hair tickled my nose, and I nipped each ab-muscle on my way to his boxers.

"Careful," he warned when I kissed his length through the fabric.

"We have all night," I rebutted, wanting nothing more than to let him unravel in my mouth.

"I need you." His voice was hoarse as he said it, and it was obvious I'd stirred up his emotions.

I pulled his boxers off and nodded. "Okay." I couldn't resist licking the tip of him before standing.

He grinned, brushing my hair out of my face. "I told you what I want. What do you want?"

I swallowed my nerves over his intense gaze. Every fiber of my being was on fire. "I want you to finish undressing me."

He paused. "So it really has to go?"

I laughed. "Yes, baby. I don't want a quick, half-dressed fuck. I want my husband to make love to me like he said he would."

"I'll make you a deal," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "You're ruining the moment."

He snorted. "Why don't you let me play a little longer with this on then I'll do whatever you want the rest of the night?"

He was truly shattered because of this outfit. Maybe I should let him have me hard and fast then we can have soft and slow.

"Fine," I conceded.

"Good. Now lay down."

I followed direction, leaning back into the mattress as I awaited his game. He crawled between my legs and unsnapped my nude stockings. I watched while he pulled them at a languid pace down to my ankles before pulling off my heels to remove both entirely. He pushed my feet back into the shoes and looked up with a grin.

"I haven't changed my mind about the heels."

I giggled while he kissed a smooth line up either side of my calves to my thighs where the garter straps lay free. His finger ran under my panties as he pushed them to the side and I took a deep breath.

"My favorite dessert," he muttered before his tongue met my folds.

I arched on the bed, reaching for his hair to grip my fingers in it. He licked and sucked at my flesh and I writhed over the torture.

"Mmm," he hummed, and the vibration sent a shockwave straight to the fire inside my stomach.

"God, Jamie, please."

He kept my panties pulled to the side as he added a finger from his free hand. "I've missed you."

"Fuck, I've missed you so much." I panted while he continued his torture, my orgasm on the brink.

He let go of my panties to pull one of my breasts loose from the strapless bra, gripping it in his strong hand as he thumbed my nipple.

"Don't let me come," I begged.

He chuckled. "Then don't come, baby."

I couldn't handle it. I was on sensory overload. "Stop. Please stop."

And he did instantly before I fell apart. I lay there with sweat on my forehead while he pulled off the garter belt and my panties. I let him sit me up so he could unclasp my bra. His lips sucked on each nipple while he waited for me to give the go ahead.

"You okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "Take me. Gently."

"You're sore?" His forehead wrinkled and I was worried that he'd hold back at this knowledge.

"I'm fine. I want it all."

He nodded, kissing me softly. "Of course."

I brought my knees up as I spread my legs for him. He held my hip in one hand, helping press himself into me with the other. I clawed at his shoulders when he sank down and I took every inch despite the aching I felt from last night's escapades. His warm torso covered mine and I gripped him tight.

"I love you," I said when he began thrusting at a slow pace, letting me feel him entirely.

"Baby, you have no idea." He sat back, reaching for my legs.

I gave him my ankles with a giggle as he set one on each shoulder, never faltering his hips.

He turned to kiss the top of my foot. "These are sexy."

"You're sexy." I lay my arms above my head, meeting his blue eyes as he thrust in and out, the discomfort turning into pleasure quite rapidly.

His hands were everywhere and he lost himself to me. He gripped my breasts as they bounced, my throat, my hips, as we became all breaths and moans.

"Let go," he said.

And when his thumb skimmed my clit, it was all she wrote. I cried out as my orgasm erupted from deep within.

"Jamie, yesss." It went on and on as I milked him.

A second later he grunted, filling me with his own. "Baby, you feel...ah fuck."

I released my legs from his shoulders as he collapsed onto my chest. I tightened them around his waist instead, holding him close while we both came back to reality.

He left breathy kisses to my skin. "Mmm, I can't get enough. You're like an addiction I've gone too long without."

I gripped his hair as I came down from said high. "Sex with a newborn will be interesting."

"Easy," he said. "He goes to bed so do we."

I laughed, embracing him against my dewy chest. My phone beeped from the nightstand and Jamie rolled away so I could check it. The loss and discomfort causing me to groan. It was a text from my mom.

I opened it and read aloud, "Baby boy was restless all day. I drove over to your house to see if he'd do better in his own bed. Didn't help. Finally broke down and found one of your shirts beside your bed and put it in his crib. Little fella went right to sleep when he smelled Mommy. I'm sleeping in the spare room. Hope you're enjoying Miami. All my love, Mom."

I showed Jamie the picture she'd attached and we both laughed. He was snuggled up with Jamie's old Manchester United tee.

"My pregnancy shirt," I said, beaming at my husband.

"He loves his mummy." Jamie kissed my forehead.

"Well it's Daddy's shirt and he cuddled Mommy in it. Think it's safe to say he misses us."

Jamie smirked. "I miss him. A lot."

"Cuddle time as soon as we get home."

"Of course, baby." He pecked my lips. "My perfect little family."

I nodded, latching onto him again but deepening the kiss this time. "Love me."

"Endlessly." He ran his hand down to cup my rear, snaking it around to lift my leg.

My perfect little family was right. I couldn't wait to be reunited with both my babies. I was ready to take EJ to see his sister—this trip had been the easiest way to prepare me for international travel. We'd be fine, Jamie would make sure of it.


Was their intimate reunion worth the wait? ;) Please don't forget to vote and/or comment, your support has kept me going all this time and pushes me to the end. Love you guys! Xo

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