Chapter 32

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A/N: More family time, a little sexy time, you know how I roll ;) love you guys!! Xo


I was attempting to clean up around our London house from the disaster that was Dulcie, while Jamie let the baby stretch out on the floor. We'd recently started doing tummy time with him, which he despised. I couldn't believe he wasn't screaming now, but I could hear his little whimpers as I emptied the trash and walked it to the garage.

"It's okay, buddy," Jamie said when I returned.

Dulcie was sitting on the edge of EJ's mat, pressing the buttons to distract him with music. She was a sweet big sister when she wanted to be. She definitely fought for our attention away from him though, and I was doing my best to give it to her. Not only did we live thousands of miles from her normally, but she wasn't used to sharing our attention when she did see us.

My phone rang from the kitchen counter, and I dashed to get it. It was my agent, Tess. "Hey," I answered.

"Kelsey, how are you, darling? Heard you're in town?" Her British accent was thick, and it made me smile.

"I am, yes. Hanging with the little ones. Everything is good."

"Glad to hear it, can't wait to see that handsome baby in person. Wanted to check in because I spoke with Evan's publicist earlier."

Evan's book I'd ghost written was approved for publication and would be releasing at the end of the month. I was super excited for him. "Oh yeah? I bet he's pumped to get his story out there."

"Yes, and actually, he's asked if you're free to attend a book signing in New York next week?"

Jamie's eyes were glued to me as he listened to my one-sided conversation.

"Why would he want me there?" I laughed.

"Funny enough, he's asked if before his signing you'll read your short story we published. He's proud of your work, and wants to give you a boost with his audience."

"Wow." I didn't know what to say. "That's very kind, but Tess I've never read one of my pieces aloud to a group. Much less the type of crowd he will attract. This is his moment, let him shine."

"He was insistent," she said. "He raved about how wonderful it had been working with you, and how happy he was with the result of his memoir."

I took a deep breath. "It would be a great opportunity to get my name out there even more."

"I agree," Tess said. "He's giving you credits in his foreword, so your name is already attached with the project. Your story is fabulous, I think we'll get you picked up for another publication that day."

I had abandoned my writing over recent months—I didn't have anything prepared for future opportunities. But I missed it dearly. I'd had some boosts of inspiration since having EJ, and jotted some notes on my phone. Maybe it was time to pick things back up and get on the ball. Being a writer had been a dream Jamie helped me achieve, and it was a dream I wanted to keep going so I could be home with EJ and our future kids.

"Okay. Then I shouldn't pass up the opportunity that's literally knocking on my door."

"Perfect. I'll let his people know, and I'll fly out to attend with you, and do some networking."

"Thanks, Tess. You're the best there is."

"I've only got your interests in mind, darling. Give the family a kiss for me."

We hung up and I met Jamie's gaze.

"Evan wants me to read my published short story before his book signing in New York next week."

He raised his eyebrows. "Baby, that's great news."

"Thanks, it's weird, but also exciting. I've never done anything like it before."

"You'll do great, I don't doubt it."

"No, EJ don't!" Dulcie yelled.

"Hey, be nice," Jamie scolded.

That hadn't gone over well because she instantly started wailing. I set my phone down and headed to the rescue.

"Mama!" she cried, attacking my leg.

"What's the issue, princess?"

"EJ put my dolly in his mouth and now there's slobber all over it."

"Sweetie, it's okay. He doesn't know any better."

"Daddy didn't help me," she whined.

Jamie was lifting EJ off the floor when I looked up and the little dude joined Dulcie in the wailing.

"Oh my goodness, guys," I said. "Why are we having a sad party?"

"Dulcie, come here please." Jamie wiggled his finger and she shook her head.

"Yes, now." EJ was squirming in his arms.

She ambled over with her chin tucked to her chest. Jamie patted EJ, trying to soothe him.

"You need to be nice," he told her.

"Daddy, I am!"

"You're not being. You interrupted our conversation and yelled at your brother. He's just a baby. He doesn't know your toy from his. He's learning and you need to help him."

"He's gross." She crossed her arms and I took a deep breath, knowing that would set Jamie off.

"He's your brother. You won't talk about him like that." Jamie's voice was stern as EJ kicked in his embrace.

"I don't want a brother anymore."

"Dulcie!" Jamie snapped.

"Hey, hey," I intervened. "Let's all clam down please."

"You're going to timeout," Jamie said to her, ignoring me.

"I didn't do anything, Daddy! You're mean."

He tugged her closer to him, forcing her to meet his gaze. "This behavior is not okay, do you hear me?"

She nodded.

"You need to choose your words wisely."

He released her and she sniffled.

I jumped in again. "I think you need a nap."

"Mama, no, please! I'll be good!"

"We're all taking a nap," I said.

"You say that every day," she argued.

Lord she was sassy, and Jamie was not in the mood. "And every day Daddy and I lay down with your brother. Time to go."

"I don't want to, Mama. I'm sorry, I'll be nice."

"Come on, babe. We need to nap."


Jamie cut her off. "Enough! Stop arguing with Mama. Get upstairs right now or you'll spend the rest of the day in your room with no toys."

Dulcie of course cried even harder.

I sighed. "You don't have to be so harsh."

"Yes, I do." He narrowed his gaze. "She's done talking back. I'm not in the mood after barely sleeping last night to hear her whining, being hateful, and upsetting her brother in the process."

"Then give him to me if you're so tired."

He closed his eyes briefly. "Stop. I don't want it from you, too."

I looked down at Dulcie who was watching our exchange with tear-filled eyes. I did not want her to see us fussing, considering she was already mad at her daddy. "Upstairs," I said. "Mama's right behind you."

She crossed her arms and stomped off toward the stairs. I reached out for the baby.

"Give him to me."

Jamie furrowed his eyebrows. "He's fine. I can't deal with both of them being fussy."

"Well, that's what we signed up for. We have two kids. So if you don't want to deal with them then I will."

"Don't act like I'm saying I don't want to. For fucks sake, I'm tired is all."

"And I'm not? Right, Jamie. You're in this alone."

"I'm not playing the pity card. He's fine. If you want to nap with her then go. I can handle him."

"No baby, I'll get him since you're too tired to manage."

"Stop it, Kels. You're not helping my mood."

I huffed. "I don't care. You want to be grumpy then you can be grumpy alone. I've got enough dealing with a pouty toddler much less you acting like one too."

"Oh Christ, fine. Take him. Bloody annoying."

I laughed, lifting our whiny baby from his hold. "Yes, you are."

I ignored his glare as I took our son upstairs to calm him and his sister down somehow.


Dulcie wasn't in her room after I laid EJ in his crib. It didn't take long for him to pass out, and I was grateful he was tired. At least someone was going to sleep it off.

Our bedroom door was cracked so I walked toward it, opening it quietly. Dulcie was sitting up on my side of the bed. She looked over when I walked in.

"Hi, princess," I said.

"I'm sorry, Mama." Her bottom lip quivered.

I rushed to her side, sitting in front of her on the bed. "I know you are. Daddy knows too. Sometimes we get worked up and say things we don't mean, right?"

She nodded. "I love my brudder. He's not gross."

I caressed her cheek with my knuckle. "It's okay, sweetheart. We know you love him."

"Daddy's grumpy," she said.

I tucked a soft blonde curl behind her ear. "Daddy's tired, and that makes him a little grumpy. Mama gets that way too sometimes."

"Why is he tired?"

"Your brother gets us up a few times every night." I brushed her tears away with my thumb.

"I can get up with him."

I smiled. "Oh, baby girl, how I wish you could. But someday when you're both older you'll be able to help us more with him. Just not right now, okay? That's not your fault, he's too little still."

She played with my wedding ring, spinning it around my finger. "Is Daddy mad at us?"

My heart clenched. She'd heard us bickering after I sent her upstairs. "No sweet pea, he's not mad. He was frustrated, but he loves you more than anything else in the world. Don't ever forget that."

"He loves you too, and EJ."

She was so damn smart—she blew me away. "Yes he does love all of us. Very much. We love him back, because he takes care of us, keeps us safe, and makes sure we're always happy."

"And he's funny." She giggled.

"He is pretty silly, huh?" I winked and pulled her in for a hug.

She embraced me tight, nuzzling my chest. "I love you, Mama. I want you to stay."

I kissed the top of her head. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'll love you forever and ever."

I rocked us back and forth as I hummed her a lullaby. A few minutes passed and I noticed she was fast asleep in my arms.

I gently lifted her, and carried her down the hall to her room. I stood back to look at her angelic face as she snoozed. I'd inherited the sweetest, most loving little girl. She had the best parts of her daddy. I leaned down to kiss her cheek before heading back to our room to take a nap of my own, letting my husband stew in peace.


I woke to a familiar scent and touch leaving feather light kisses to my forehead.

"Wake up, baby," Jamie whispered.

I groaned, our tiff lingering in my subconscious. I rolled away from him.

That didn't do the trick, because he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his warm frame. He smelled like mine, and I took a deep breath despite my resurfaced annoyance.

"I'm sorry." He kissed the soft spot behind my ear, causing me to squirm.

"Are you?" I gripped one of his hands. "Or are you mad I'm working with Evan again?"

"Kels, please, of course not. I'm proud of you. But I was a dick for no reason, and I didn't mean to take my exhaustion out on you or the kids. I know you're the one doing it all."

"I'm fucking tired, too."

"And I'm glad you had a nap. You deserve it."

"Don't kiss my ass, Jamie. Not how this works."

He trailed his free hand down to cup said ass. "I'll absolutely kiss it if you want."

I giggled even if I didn't want to cave that easily. He was hard to resist and he knew how to backpedal like an expert.

I shook my head. "Good thing you're sexy and I always want you even when I'm mad."

He laughed, his hot breath across my neck gave me goosebumps, dammit. "They're both still asleep if you want a quick piece of Daddy."

I snorted. "I think that's what Daddy needs to adjust his attitude."

"Wouldn't hurt to try." He kissed my shoulder before sinking his teeth into the skin.

"Couldn't make us any grumpier, right?" I rolled back over, meeting him face-to-face.

He kissed my lips. "Exactly. Worth a shot."

I nodded, latching onto his mouth again as I moved his hand to cup my breast. He released it effortlessly from the fabric of my tank.

"I'm such a perv," he said, moving to kiss the swollen mound. "Because I love how full these still are."

My chuckle turned into a gasp when he tugged my hardened nipple.

"Your son ate from these. They're not sexy anymore."

"Wrong answer, baby. Every inch of you is sexy."

I gripped a fistful of his hair as he paid equal attention to both. The sexual sensation was a stark contrast to when our son fed from them. My body didn't know how to react.

"Jamie," I breathed his name as he trailed a greedy hand to my leggings. He snaked his wrist beneath the fabric of both them and my panties.

I arched into him as he ran his finger over my hot core. He smirked against my neck, sucking a line up its side.

"Always wet for me," he mumbled.

"Mmm, yes." I tried to slide the clothes out of his way when he dipped a long finger inside me. I groaned.

"You want to come like this?" he asked.

Dear God he was dirty when he wanted forgiveness. Our make up sex was the greatest.

"No," I shook my head, kissing at his jaw.

"Then what do you want?" He crushed my lips with his, his tongue sliding in and mimicking the languid pace of his hand.

I rolled him onto his back and he didn't resist, removing his hand to hold my waist. "I want this," I said, sitting up to unbuckle his belt and jeans.

He lifted his hips so I could slide them off enough for his erection to spring free. I stroked him in my palm and he grunted.

"Pretty please?" I teased, leaning down to kiss the tip of him.

"Baby," he moaned and I took that as my cue to swirl my tongue around his length. I sucked him into my mouth, but his hand soon found my hair, tugging me away.

"You don't fight fair," I said with double meaning.

"I want to bury myself in you, baby. Not your mouth."

"Then take me."

He growled, shoving me onto my back. He hovered above me again before reaching between us to push my leggings and panties down. I maneuvered them the rest of the way off.

"Naked," he said.

He pulled me up briefly to drag my shirt off. So I returned the favor and slid his over his muscular frame.

"Pants," I instructed.

He stepped back to remove the last barrier that stood between us. He was such a beautiful man when he stood naked before me. And it was all mine all the time. The thought made me wetter.

"You want this?" he asked as he caught me eyeing him. He stroked his length and I spread my legs wide.

"I do."

"Pick a position."

"Is the door locked?" I asked in a sudden motherly moment.

He nodded, so I flipped over on all fours, gripping the sheets in front of me. He slapped one ass cheek at a time before plunging into me.

I gasped, sliding up the bed as I dropped to my elbows. "Fuck, Jamie."

He stilled for a moment to let me adjust. "You okay?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes."

He gripped my hips in his strong hands and began thrusting in long slow paces. I could feel every inch each time he bottomed out. God it was glorious to get my fix. My husband was the sexiest man on the planet and he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

"I love you," I spit out.

He trailed his hand up my spine to my shoulder, and squeezed it. "I love you more, baby. Now come for me."

I cried out when he began slamming into me. Each thrust getting us closer. He was so thick and so deep and I needed him so much. A few more deep thrusts and I fell apart.

"Jamie, oh God, yes." My orgasm milked his from him.

He grunted as I felt him fill me, our mixed fluids running down the back of my thigh. I collapsed on the mattress and he was right behind me, pulling me into his sweaty embrace.

"I heard what you told Dulcie," he said through his panting.

I opened my eyes into his blue grey ones. "What do you mean?"

He smirked, kissing me softly. "I came up to check on you guys, and from the hallway I heard what you told her. I dipped into the baby's room to kiss him, letting you guys all sleep."

He amazed me even at his grumpiest. "Dulcie's okay. She just wants her daddy's forgiveness." I cupped his cheek.

"You're such an amazing mummy. I will tell you every single day until you realize it. She adores you. EJ adores you. I couldn't have picked a woman more better suited to be their mum than you, baby."

My eyes brimmed with tears. He could be so moody, but so damn romantic. He drove me crazy in the best ways.

"I'm only a good mom because you're an equally incredible dad. We make a dream team, handsome. I never imagined the day we met how quickly we'd fall in love and find ourselves here. You're my meant to be, and that's why it works. And it'll always work even when we're mad. Because there's nobody else I'd rather fight with or fall asleep with or wake up with except you."

"Plus we have the best make up sex known to mankind," he said.

I laughed. "The only benefit of arguing with you. The hot sex."

"Thanks for keeping me grounded." He kissed my lips.

"Thanks for being in this with me. Highs and lows."

He smiled and I let him make out with me in our afterglow. His hands caressed my skin gently, and I reveled in how amazing of a lover, friend, husband, and father Jamie was.


"Here, buddy," Dulcie said, handing her teddy to EJ.

He was on the floor doing tummy time again—he was going to hate us for this torture. Dulcie was sitting beside him, patting his back to keep him calm. A completely different scene than the one earlier. It was almost as if life had given us a redo after our naps.

"You're an amazing sister," I said, returning to the living room with a glass of wine for Jamie and me.

"Can I lay beside him?" she asked.

"Of course," Jamie answered. "Just be careful with kicking your feet."

I went to sit beside my husband on the couch, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled, holding his arms tightly around me.

He kissed the side of my neck, and I giggled. "Mama's ticklish."

I squirmed in his embrace as he pecked light kisses over my sensitive spots.

Dulcie laughed. "Where are you ticklish, Mama?"

"Everywhere," I said.

Her eyes were shining as she looked up at us. She and Jamie had a private moment while I fed EJ, and they both came back in excellent moods. Whatever he told must've her put her on track.

Jamie nuzzled my shoulder while we watched Dulcie gaze at her brother, tickling him with the teddy bear. He wiggled but didn't fuss. She kissed his hair, and I felt Jamie smile against my skin.

"Our babies," he whispered.

"They're beautiful." I interlaced our fingers over my stomach.

"Let's make more."

The butterflies ignited beneath his palm. "Soon."

"Can we watch Dory?" Dulcie asked. "I don't think EJ's seen it."

Jamie and I shared a laugh.

"Sure we can," he said.

I slid off of his lap so he could help her get the movie started. I bent down to pick up the little guy and sat him on my knees.

"Hi, handsome," I cooed.

He gazed at me, a small smile spreading across his face once he recognized who'd lifted him.

"Let Mommy see your gummy grin."

I chuckled as he lit up. He garbled and wiggled in my hold.

"Did you enjoy tummy time?"

Jamie sat back down beside me, looking proudly at our son.

"He never does, do you, bud?" He tickled his belly and EJ squealed.

Dulcie crawled up on the couch on my other side. She rubbed her brother's soft little hand.

"Tummy time is fun," she said.

"I'm glad you think so. You'll have to teach him to like it." I kissed the top of her head as she rested her cheek on my arm to watch Dory.

Jamie lifted his to wrap it around my shoulders, encompassing as many of us as he could.

"I love my little family," he mumbled.

"We love you."

I laid EJ on my chest, and Jamie leaned in to kiss him a dozen times. I patted his bottom as he began to doze, sucking on my skin.

Dulcie was soon snoring beside me, completely zonked from dinner and playtime. I looked over at Jamie who of course was watching us and not the movie.

I grinned. "I'm glad everyone is happy again. Soothes my soul."

"Mine too."

I met his lips for a sweet kiss.

"I love you, beautiful. So much it hurts. This is my dream come true right here in this room."

"Same. And I didn't even know how bad I wanted or needed it. The loves of my life."

I rested my head on Jamie's shoulder as I pretended to watch Dory, but instead remembered all those times I swore off kids. Now I had one sleeping against my arm and another sleeping against my chest. Surprisingly it was the greatest feeling in the world. I never would've known it if the adorable man kissing my hair hadn't shown me what true love meant.


What did you think? Only have a couple more things planned for this story, and it breaks my heart! I want to hold onto them like they're real people, lol. Please don't forget to vote and/or comment with your thoughts! Thanks for your support, xoxo!

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