Chapter 7

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I stretched my limbs above my head as I woke from a peaceful dream of Jamie putting our baby to sleep. In it, I had watched from the doorway as he sang a song to him or her. I walked up behind him curious to know its sex, but when he turned around it ended. Looking beside me, I was greeted with an empty bed even though he was finally home from LA. I couldn't contain my giddy smile as I felt aching in all the right places. God I had missed him, but he'd made up for lost time.

My parents had driven me to the airport to pick him up; they were still being overprotective, even though I'd been given the all clear. It took everything in me not to cause a scene as I ran from the car straight into his arms, and instantly latched onto his lips. The drive home was pure torture. I couldn't keep my hands to myself as I resisted making out with him in the backseat like hungry teenagers. His fingertips stroked my knee as we tried to hold a conversation with my parents. I was so lost in his gaze that I didn't realize when we arrived at the house. I knew they both felt awkward and probably regretted not letting me go on my own, but they smiled politely as we collected Jamie's things and bolted inside.

Once through the door we were all hands and mouths, clothes ripping and flying. We were both naked by the time we made it to our bedroom, and I don't think either of us lasted but a couple of minutes once we reconnected. It had been pure bliss. The entire night was spent in each other's arms, slowly and gently getting reacquainted. We hadn't been apart that long since we'd met, and it was the sweetest and sexiest reunion. The last time I checked the clock had been at 3 A.M. and I stopped keeping track of orgasms after number five. Absolute heaven on earth was being wrapped up in my husband. But sadly that wasn't how I'd woken up.

Rolling over I noticed it was past eleven in the morning. I never slept that late. He certainly had worked my body to exhaustion. The bathroom light was out, meaning he was long gone.

I forced my tired limbs to move from their spot as I stood, searching for something to toss on. His Manchester shirt was in the wash, so I'd have to settle for one of my old tank tops. I bit my lip as a seductive idea came to mind and I rummaged through his top drawer, pulling out a pair of plaid boxers. Slipping them on I rolled my hair into a bun, and practically skipped out of our room.

When I came down the stairs, I was greeted with Jamie watching ESPN on the couch. It was so damn good to have him home. His feet were crossed and propped up on the coffee table in front of him, one arm resting over the back.

I quietly walked across the floor, sneaking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He briefly jumped then relaxed with a smile as he turned his head. I kissed him sideways.

"Morning, baby," he said.

I stood upright to walk around the couch and join him.

"Morning, handsome."

He muted the TV as I sat down on his lap, resting my hands on his shoulders.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"Yes we are." I grinned.

His face lit up as he moved one of his hands from my hip to rest on my belly. I had finally developed a teeny tiny bump since he'd been gone. It may have been water weight, but it was there, making our baby visible and even more real to me.

"What do you both want?"

"For you to shave," I said, scratching at his long beard. He'd needed it for his role, but I was ready to see it go. It was thicker and messier than I was used to. "What is this?"

He laughed. "Going for the caveman look. It gets cold here in winter, gotta stay warm."

"Oh, I can keep you warm," I mumbled.

He leaned in to kiss me sweetly. "You always do."

I rested my forehead against his, rubbing my thumb across his chin scruff. "Seriously babe, it's summer and you look like a grizzly."

He stuck out his bottom lip. "You don't think I'm sexy?"

I chuckled, leaning back to roll my eyes. "You're the sexiest man alive, but you're also a little lazy."

He feigned shock, gasping and holding his chest.

"Plus beard burn down there is not sexy," I added. "So I'll have to cut off oral if you keep it this long."

"Is that so?" he asked, biting his lip.

I yelped when he lifted me and tossed me back on the couch. He rubbed his face back-and-forth on my shoulder before moving south.

I couldn't contain my laughter as his facial hair tickled. He pulled up my tank top and kissed my stomach sweetly. My hands knotted in his hair as he continued, spreading my legs and teasing the inside of my thigh with his beard. A moan escaped as he replaced the roughness with a soft kiss.

"Sure you want me to shave?" he asked, lowering his boxers I wore.

He slowly ran his chin across the top of the band. I gasped when he nipped at the sensitive skin.

"Mmm, Jamie." I squirmed. He'd managed to turn my nagging into a sexual game.

"Answer the question, baby." He kissed me lower as he moved the boxers down a little more.

"I don't care," I managed to say.

"You do," he argued. "You're worried about beard burn, so let me show you how gentle I can be."

I gripped the back of the couch as he raised my hips to remove the boxers.

"Shit," I hissed when he lowered his mouth on me.

I ran my fingers through his soft locks as he slowly lapped at my sensitive flesh, coming undone rapidly. Maybe the beard wasn't so bad after all; it was adding a new kind of stimulation. He hummed as he sucked my bud, causing me to arch my back.

"God," I moaned. "Yes, baby."

"Still want me to shave?" He replaced his mouth with two fingers and I yelled out his name.

"No," I panted.

"Didn't think so," he said with a smirk.

His fingers pumped in and out of me as he licked at my skin. My orgasm raced to the forefront and I writhed beneath his delicious torture.

"Fuck, please." I exploded around him, not able to hold back any longer.

He stilled his fingers as I throbbed against them, my release causing me to see stars.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, kissing my navel. "My pregnant wife."

My heart beat wildly inside my chest. How could he go from sexy to sweet in a millisecond?

"My naughty husband," I replied.

He moved up my body, pressing his mouth against mine. I held him there, biting his bottom lip.

"Now, what do you want for breakfast?" he asked.

I had to laugh at our ability to be distracted by each other easily and constantly.

"Anything, I can't think straight."

He grinned. "Careful what you wish for."

"I wished for you to be mine and now you are."

"Forever," he agreed. He kissed my forehead before jumping up.

"Breakfast," he added. "I'm the only one who's eaten."

I covered my face as he laughed. "Perv!"

"And all yours."


Jamie and I spent the afternoon going over house renovation plans, catching up on everything that had happened while he was away, and merely enjoying each other's company. We sat for the longest time on the porch swing as he moved us back-and-forth, my legs across his lap and head on his shoulder. We silently watched the young and old alike frolic in the lake, skidding over its surface on a tube, or tossing a line toward the shore.

He was desperate to use the new hot tub, and I hadn't considered when installing it that I wasn't allowed getting in while pregnant. My surprise for him had backfired on me, but I promised him I'd sit on its edge while he enjoyed.

I felt him behind me before he spoke, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. "Don't you look edible?"

I smiled, feeling his bare torso against my bikini clad skin. He'd asked me to wear one even if I couldn't join him. "For now."

He spun me out at arm's length before pulling me into him. "For always."

I chuckled. "Mama ain't gonna be strutting around in no bikini looking like a watermelon."

He laughed. "Good, I prefer you naked anyway."

I kissed him quickly. "Thank you for trimming."

He released one arm to rub his thinned out beard. "It was a little much, you were right."

"Of course I was," I said. "When was this up for question?"

He grinned. "Never, baby. Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it."

"Thank you, Journey. How romantic."

"I missed your smart mouth." He pressed his lips to mine and I melted.

It felt beyond amazing to be flesh to flesh. My hormones were raging for him and as long as they were sexual, I wouldn't try to tame them. He was more than willing to meet my desire. Our tongues tangled as I ran my hand down his naked back, feeling his muscles beneath my fingers. I playfully tapped his butt and he released me.

"Hot tub," I breathed.

"We could skip it." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's relax for a minute. You're going to kill me if we don't slow down."

"There are worse ways to die."

"Okay true."

We laughed together as he stepped out of our embrace to grab my hand and lead me downstairs toward the deck. I giggled as we walked, his pace hurried as if trying to douse the flames he'd created.

"Technically," he said, looking back, "you're the one who can't slow down."

"Beg your pardon? I'm trying to keep up with you."

He laughed. "I don't think so, your hormones are through the roof."

We stopped at the edge of the hot tub while he removed the cover. I crossed my arms over my sensitive breasts.

"Can you not say that?" I asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he turned on the jets. "Wait, what?"

"Don't call me hormonal."

He stood there frozen. "Darlin', I didn't. I meant your hormones have turned you into a sex machine."

"Well, I enjoyed last night," I said quietly.

He closed his eyes before moving to me. "That's not what I'm saying. You were amazing last night; so sexy and on fire. I wanted you like you couldn't imagine."

"Maybe I wanted the same. It's not always hormones."

"Okay," he sighed, "I'll try to be more careful with how I word things."

I shook my head. "Forget it. Just get in. Enjoy your surprise."

I walked over to the side, sitting on the cool ledge of the hot tub as it changed colors from blue to purple to red. The heat rose in waves from the bubbles and I wished I could sink more than my feet into it and relax my overworked muscles.

Jamie stepped into the liquid and it swished around his legs as he walked to mine, spreading them to stand between. "I don't want to do this, baby. I missed you and love you. What can I do to make it better?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," I said, looking down into his worried blues. "I love and missed you also. That's all."

"I wasn't suggesting last night was a bad thing, you have to know that."

I huffed. "I do, I'm sorry. I am super hormonal, you're right."

"No, no," he rubbed my thighs, "for once I don't want to be right."

I laughed. "Hopefully they even out. Maybe I won't be an emotional, pissy, sex monster for long."

He tried to mask his laugh, causing him to snort instead. "I'm pleading the fifth, because I really want to get to know that sex monster better tonight, and I'm already playing the wrong cards."

"You're not." I ran my fingers through his silky hair. "It's me. You're perfect."

"Far from it. Thank fuck you love me anyway."

I bit my bottom lip as it started quivering unexpectedly. "Dammit," I breathed.

"Please don't." He stood up taller and held my face in his hands. "What's wrong?"

"Your body is perfect," I cried.

He half-laughed and I knew it was because he was reeling, trying to keep up with my instant mood swings. "Why does that make you sad?"

I giggled and continued crying. I felt absolutely ridiculous and it was frustrating that I couldn't help it. "Because mine isn't anymore."

"Yes it is." He pulled my head down to kiss my hair. "You're immaculate. An absolute stunner."

I closed my teary eyes. "I'm never going to look the same after this. Everything will be stretched and pulled in all different directions. You're always going to be sexy."

"Okay look," he said, cupping both of my hands in one of his and kissing my ring. He wiped away the wetness as I gazed at him. "Two things. First, I didn't marry you because you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. I wanted to spend my life with you because I love you and you're perfect for me."

I grinned as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

"Secondly, you're going to be a mum. Do you know how incredible you are? You're carrying a life we created inside of you and every stretch and pull it does to your body is beautiful to me. I'm mystified watching you turn into this amazingly strong woman. My body is useless in comparison. Every reminder will be worth it, I promise."

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked.

"Baby, I wish you knew how lucky I am. I want to spend every day proving my love to you. We can talk through any and every fear you have, but I will still be here at the end of it all."

"I love you too fucking much. You're the most perfect husband and daddy, and you're completely mine."

His smile lit up the darkness of the humid night. "Proudly."

"I'm done," I said. "Swear. No more hormonal outbursts. I just want you."

"You can have me." He kissed me quickly before trailing his lips over my collarbone and down between my breasts. His eyes looked up into mine as he licked and sucked the fabric of my bikini, my nipple hardening at his torture.

I hummed my satisfaction, gripping the nape of his neck as he paid equal attention to the other one. "You're supposed to be relaxing."

"I am," he said, kissing a path down my torso.

I giggled, his beard still tickling as he sank lower into the water. He lifted one of my legs, moving his lips to the inside, starting at my ankle. He trailed light pecks and licks up my calf to my thigh, stopping right where I ached to feel him the most.

He gently set it back down into the warm water before lifting the other. Naturally, my phone began ringing from the house. I groaned, pulling myself from his mouth.

"Let it go to voicemail," he whispered at my knee.

"I can't, it could be urgent."

He sighed, stepping back to let me go. I carefully ran across the deck and inside, trying not to slip on the various surfaces my wet feet came into contact with. It rang loudly the closer I got, and I saw it was my agent, Tess Romero. I swiped before it stopped.

"Hello, hi," I said breathless.

"Kelsey, is that you?" Her British accent filled my ear.

"Yeah, sorry. I was away from my phone. Had to run to it."

"I apologize for the late call, but I have an offer that just came through from someone on the West Coast who'd like to meet you on the East Coast. I couldn't wait to discuss it with you."

I wrinkled my forehead. "It's no problem. But what do you mean someone wants to meet me? Because of my book or...?"

"Not exactly," she replied. "A proposition of sorts. Don't hate me for it."

I sat down at one of our stools, the air conditioning blowing on my wet legs causing me to shiver. "I'm listening."

"Does the name Evan Shaw sound familiar?"

I ran it through my mind, looking for a quick connection, but came up short. "I don't think so. Should it?"

"Your husband will know him, surely. He's up and coming, but his fame has recently skyrocketed."

"What does that have to do with me or Jamie?"

"Ever considered ghostwriting?"

I tapped my fingers on the counter. "Not really."

"It sounds like a trap," she said. "I get it. You write this amazing piece for someone else and they take the credit. Your name doesn't necessarily get out there, but it's good to have on a resume for behind-the-scenes. Well, he's looking for someone to write his memoir. He wants to release it alongside the movie he's getting ready to star in."

"Do you think it's a good idea?" I trusted her knowledge and guidance.

"I didn't at first, but he really pressed on and wanted you specifically. He's read your work and appreciates your sense of humor. He thinks you would mesh well and be able to justify his life story."

"Wow," I said. "I'm honored. I just don't want to jeopardize the name I've started to give myself after my first release."

"That's why he's willing to offer you a large advance if you agree. He also said he wasn't opposed to recommending you within Hollywood if all goes well."

My husband was famous; I didn't need a boost in that department, but the dude's flattery was going a long way.

"I have to say, I never thought I'd want to ghostwrite, but he runs a tough bargain."

"It truly is a hard-to-say-no-to deal. I do believe it's in your best interest, which is why I had to call as soon as we hung up. He wants to meet you in person and is hoping you'll also hang with him on set a bit during his upcoming film in New York."

"Oh nice, New York. That's much easier for us versus out west."

"I agree and know you have some readings lined up there anyway. If you're interested, I'll get a contract written and sent to both of you tonight. You can read it over and return it at your convenience. I'm only rushing because he said if you don't want to, there's an author in New York he'd be willing to consider as second best."

"No," I said quickly. "I trust that if you think this is a good idea to boost my accolades, then I can't deny the opportunity that has knocked on the door."

It seemed almost too ideal, but I was willing to give it a chance. I could back out with creative rights if I changed my mind.

"Great, I'll send your response and contract to Mr. Shaw and we'll make further plans in the near future."

"Awesome. I'm excited. Thanks so much for being on top of your game."

"Thank you for being a wonderful client. Your husband picked a talented woman to call his wife."

I felt myself blush. "I can't wait to tell him about this. He'll be thrilled."

"Sorry again for interrupting your night. We can chat more later."

I said my goodbyes, hanging up the phone and setting it down just as Jamie walked through the kitchen with a towel around his waist.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yes! You'll never guess who that was."

"The governor of Ohio?" He removed the towel and wrapped it around my shoulders. It was warm from his body heat and I snuggled into it.

I rolled my eyes. "No, smart ass, Tess."

He laughed. "What's she planning for you this time of night?"

It was only eight for us, but was after one in London.

"An...interesting opportunity."

"Oh?" he opened the fridge to grab a beer. I watched him twist its top before focusing on me again.

"An actor wants me to ghostwrite his memoir."

He sat beside me, taking a swig of the drink and I envied him. Not that I craved alcohol, but enjoying a brew with my husband was always relaxing.

"Yeah? Who?"

"Evan Shaw."

His eyes widened as he stopped mid-swallow. "Absolutely not."

"Um, what?"

"I hope you told her no. That's not happening."

I narrowed my gaze at him, but he was unaffected by it. "I don't think that's your decision to make. Besides, I already said yes."

It was his turn to glare at me. "Without discussing it with me?"

"Why are you being like this? I let you make your own career decisions."

He shook his head. "I've never taken a role without telling you first."

"But it's not my job! Who am I to refuse to let you do something you love?"

He laughed, and my anger shot through the roof. "You know, you say all the time we should meet each other halfway and talk things out and we're a team. Then you go and take a job with some airhead without asking me first. We're married, Kels. What you do affects me and our lives."

I closed my eyes, trying to calm my temper. "Why is this so personal for you? I get a great offer and you're not even happy. Instead you criticize my decision to take on a new task."

"Because you don't know this dude! You jumped right into something without any knowledge, and are mad at me for not approving of your risk."

"Where is the risk? Are you saying I'm stupid for wanting an opportunity to write again and make more money before our baby comes?"

"Is that what it is?" he asked.

I wrinkled my forehead.

"You want to make your own money and I'm standing in your way?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, Jamie?" I stood from the stool and turned away.

"Why do you want it then? You want to ghostwrite for someone you don't know and won't get credit for?"

I snapped around, glaring at him. "You won't stop being an asshole long enough to tell you the conditions or maybe you'd understand this is a good thing for my career."

"Fine, who am I to tell you otherwise? You and your hormones know best."

He also stood, chugging the rest of his beer before tossing it in the trashcan. The sound reverberated through the room as the glass broke against the other items inside. For the first time in my life, I wanted to slap someone. I was boiling mad and my fingernails dug into my palm to stop me from overreacting.

"I can't believe you!" I spat. "What happened to the romantic man from ten minutes ago? You missed me, you love me, you want to fuck me all night. Bullshit. This is how you really feel."

"You know that's not true, don't even go there."

"Then what is it? What's your problem?"

"He's fucking trash, okay? And I don't want you associated with him."

I shrugged, which was returned with a glare. "He requested me specifically. So if he's trash, what does that make me?"

He threw his hands up. "Of course he did. What a piece of shit."

I huffed, at an utter loss for words. "What makes him so awful you'd treat me like a child over my decision to work with him?"

He pinched the top of his nose right where it was bent from being broken years ago. "He has a bad reputation. We've been up for the same role multiple times and he's taken all but one. He's a playboy and will fuck anything with a pulse. Now he's after my wife. I don't want you near that; I don't trust him."

"So I'm dealing with your jealousy, not my career decisions. Nice, thanks for the support. You know, I never say a damn thing about who you work with, all those beautiful actresses that get to kiss you and have fake sex with you. No big deal, Kelsey. He loves YOU! He comes home to YOU! That's what I tell myself; it's work. I've learned to face my insecurities and tuck them away, because I know you better than the gossip magazines that try to pin you with your costars. Amazing you can't do the same. You're unwilling to even give me a chance."

He stared at me, the fire burning between both of us. Each set off for different reasons, and his defiance to face someone from his past for my sake. The very woman he loved and cherished and wanted to make happy, above all else.

"This isn't about me and my career, don't turn the tables," he said. "Do you need me to say it louder? I. Do. Not. Trust. Him. Why can't you get that? This is a game to him and you're a pawn in the middle. He knows getting close to you will get under my skin. Why do you think he asked for you? He found an opportunity and you walked right into his trap."

My determination to prove him wrong was suddenly more prominent than my anger. "Well, this pawn already agreed. Trap or not, I can back out anytime I want. But for now, we're going to meet and start discussing his memoir. Nothing more. It's work and I want it, so I'm going to do it. Fine you don't trust him, but if you trust me and know I'm strong enough to stand up for myself, you'll let me have this."

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Enjoy your time with him, baby. When he proves me right, I don't want to hear about it. That's your decision, not mine. You've made that perfectly clear, fuck my feelings. Rest assured if he makes a move on you, I'll kill him with my bare hands. Our baby can visit me in jail."

"With the way you're acting, you'll be lucky if we do."

If I didn't leave I was going to lunge. Our conversation was over. I stormed off, but not before tossing the towel at him as hard as I could. He caught it without flinching. Two whole weeks we'd been apart and one stupid phone call had turned our reunion sour. I no longer wanted to touch him or talk to him.


Oops...sorry I scared away the rainbows and butterflies! Please don't forget to vote and/or comment with your thoughts, reactions, etc. I truly appreciate all the love and support you guys continue to send my way! Xo

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