Chapter 9

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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day to all the lovebirds out there! Celebrate your love every day, just like Jamie and Kelsey ;) My gift to you is a new chapter! Enjoy, xo


Dulcie quickly forgave Jamie for scaring her. Although they never formally talked about it again, she'd done exactly as I'd told him and was distracted to the point of forgetting. The first time he made her laugh she was over it, and it comforted me because it made the rest of our time together enjoyable. We only got to see her every six weeks, so I wanted our time as a family to count. The fourteen days with her had already diminished, and we were down to only one remaining.

"I like this one, Mama." Dulcie pointed at a bed set covered with Jasmine and Aladdin riding on their magic carpet.

We were out shopping for her bedroom like I'd promised. Jamie went to the country club with our dads for eighteen holes, and my mom pushed the cart beside us. Dulcie pulled my hand to sit down on the display bed with her.

"Have you seen Aladdin?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Don't fink so."

I chuckled. "Then why do you want this one and not Frozen or Dory?"

"Dey look like you and Daddy."

My mom's breath hitched, her hand coming to her chest, and I had to stop myself from a similar reaction.

"Do they?" I winked, kissing the top of her blonde curls. "If you want this one, it's yours."

"Will Daddy like it?" She swung her feet back and forth, her heels causing a thud every time they hit the bedframe.

"I'm sure he will."

"Yay! Let's get it."

"Okay, check the rack for number 3-1. Think you can find it?"

"Yes, Mama."

She hopped down and ran to the shelf where the various display comforters were neatly folded in their plastic cases. My mom occupied her seat, clasping my hand.

"She loves you so much," she said.

"I love her."

She nodded. "I know you do. I also know you're doing a lot to please her at every turn. Your relationship is rare, very rare Kels. Most stepmothers try to be friends for years with their new children and may never succeed."

"You're right. My bond with her and Jamie is once in a lifetime. I couldn't be more grateful. I've known it from the start."

She smiled. "Just promise me you'll remember to love her equally when the baby comes. Or if her mommy has another baby. She'll need lots of attention. She's still young, there are many milestones left in your lives together. I would hate to see anything come between the three of you."

"Mama is this 3-1?" Dulcie held up a set that was almost as big as she was, and I could see the image on the front.

"That's it. Good job, Princess."

I redirected my attention to my mom. "I appreciate your concern, but Jamie and I are handling this new life the best way we know how. I'm not worried. I will always love her like my own."

She lowered her voice as Dulcie approached. "Remember to share your attention. That's all."

I rolled my eyes. "I got it, thanks for the advice." Looking at Dulcie I asked, "Ready?"

She danced around with her new bedroom suit. "Ready!"

I helped her put the package into the cart before lifting her in my arms. We walked silently toward the check out, my mom following behind. Dulcie helped me get everything out of the basket and set it on the counter for the woman to ring up. My mom caught my gaze and I could see her apology without hearing it. Her advice wasn't unwarranted, and she wasn't wrong. I just didn't want to let anyone into the bubble Jamie and I had built around us. I needed to protect what I shared with him and Dulcie, but opening up and taking others' advice would lead me down a path of endless voices clouding my judgment. I wasn't afraid of our future, so I didn't want to hear anyone tell me to be. Jamie and I would cross those bridges when we came to them.

We headed out into the humid Ohio air. Dulcie swung my hand in hers as we made our way to the car. I helped her into her seat, buckling her in tight.

"We have snacks?"

I grinned. "You should ask 'do we have any snacks?' That's how big girls talk."

She eyed me. "Do we have any snacks?"

"Good girl. And yes, I think we do. I'll get you something from the back." Shutting her in I met my mom at the trunk.

"I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries," she whispered.

I sighed. "You didn't. I'm hormonal and tired. I always appreciate your words and support."

"I love all three of you," she said. "You gave me a son-in-law and granddaughter at the same time."

I hugged her tight. "We love you more. Thank you for being there for us."


We laughed at our sappy moment before retreating to the car. I reached back to hand Dulcie her snack.

"Tank you," she said.

"Hmm." I watched her open the lid to her squeezable yogurt. "Do you think you could try something for me?"

She nodded, sucking down the contents.

"Can you sound out thank you? Try it. Say th."

"Th," she repeated.

"Okay, now anks."

She giggled. "Anks."

"Put it together. Th-anks. Thanks."


"Awesome job, sweetie. You did it."

"I can say th-ank you."

I smiled while my mom drove, chuckling at our exchange.

"What about my name? Think you can say that?"

"Mama," she deadpanned.

I snorted.

"She's technically right," my mom said.

"Yes, I am Mama. Do you remember Mama's other name?"


"That's me. But how about we try to sound it out? Say kel."


"Now sey."


"And what does it sound like together?"

"Kel-sey," she said, with only a slight lisp.

"Like your name. Dul-cie."

"Dulcie, dat's me!"

I held up my finger. "'Thank you' and 'that' both start with T-H. Try saying th-at."

She wrinkled her nose, drinking the rest of her yogurt. "Thhhhh-at. That."

"Perfect job. I am so proud of you."

"Am I smart?"

"You're very smart. The smartest princess in the land."

She laughed loudly. "What's Daddy's other name?"

I looked over at my mom, not expecting such a question. In all honesty, I wasn't even sure if he wanted her to know it or how she hadn't heard me use it before.

"Well?" I whispered so only she could hear me.

"It can't hurt, right?" my mom said.

"You don't remember me calling him by his other name?"

She shook her head.

I let out a deep breath. "Daddy's name is Jamie."

She kicked her feet in circles as she thought about it. I watched her carefully to gauge her reaction.

"Ja-mie," she said. "Kel-sey. Dul-cie."

I bit my lip to stifle my humor. "Notice a pattern?"

"Yep. We all have E's."

"We do have E's in our names. Your and Daddy's name actually ends in I-E. Mine ends in a Y, but someday when you're older I'll explain why that one letter sounds like the other two."

She stared at me like a deer in headlights.

I winked. "It's complicated."

"You are super duper smart," she said.

"Thanks, but you will be soon enough. Don't worry."

"Your little lesson was adorable," my mom said.

I turned around to face the front. "Can't let this English degree go to waste, right?"



Dulcie and I spent the rest of our afternoon reading various books and sounding out words. She thought it was a fun game, and as long as she was learning, I'd play it with her all hours of the day. She laughed at my funny drawings when I tried to associate certain letters with pictures. I enjoyed teaching her something so fundamental to her education. If at any chance she'd remember someday that I'd helped her learn to read, then my mission would be accomplished. All I wanted was to equip my children with the knowledge they'd need to stay ahead in life. And although she was only five, she'd be going into a new grade in the fall and I wanted her to start off strong.

She was reading a line from her favorite book when the garage door opened and the men came barreling in. Jim and my dad were laughing as they kicked off their shoes, noticing us in the middle of the floor.

"Hi girls," Jim said.

I smiled up at him.

"We reading!" Dulcie said.

"Wait, try that sentence again."

Her eyes searched mine for the answer.

"We are..." I helped her along.

"Oh. We are reading."

Jim snickered. "Wonderful to hear. Keep it up."

"Want a beer?" my dad asked from the fridge.

"Help yourself." I laughed. "Drink my share."

"Sorry, sweetie. Do you care?"

"No, it's fine."

"Yeah, I'll take one then," Jim said.

My husband finally came through the door, shutting it firmly. He took off his PGA hat and tossed it on the counter before looking in my direction. His ruffled hair was adorable even if his expression was not.

"Hey babe," I said with a wide smile.

"Hey." He walked toward us.

"We are reading," Dulcie repeated.

"Are you? Great." He knelt down to kiss her hair and then leaned in to kiss me briefly.

"How was golf?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm going to shower."

"Jamie, wait." I grabbed his hand.

"Jamie!" Dulcie screeched. "You called him Jamie. That's Daddy's other name."

Everyone in the room collectively choked when she said it. He narrowed his eyes.

"Um, I'll explain later," I said.

He looked at her. "That is my other name, but you call me Daddy, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay."

He walked off and I met Jim's gaze. He shrugged, taking a sip of the beer my dad had given him.

"Something happen I need to know about?" I asked.

"Bad game," he said. "Sore loser, always has been."

I cleared my throat. "If you'll excuse me."

"Where are you going?" Dulcie asked.

"That was a perfect sentence," I said. "And I'm going to help Daddy with something. Stay here. Maybe you can put on a movie and take a quick nap."

"Yes," my mom said, helping me out. "I haven't seen Dory. Will you please watch Dory with me?"

I stood, hearing Dulcie agree as I walked up the stairs toward our room. I quietly entered, and was greeted with Jamie removing his shirt.

"That view never gets old," I said.

His eyes met mine, but his smile didn't meet his.

"You okay?"


I shut the door, moving to him. "You don't sound fine."

"Just a shitty game is all. I'll hop in the shower and be out in a few." He pecked my lips.

"Can I join you?"

He wrinkled his forehead. "Didn't you shower this morning?"

I sighed. "You're right. Forget it." I turned to leave when he grabbed my wrist and led me to the bathroom.

"You can always join." He pulled my dress over my head and helped me out of my panties.

I returned the favor, undressing him the rest of the way. I took his hand and stepped onto the cold tile with him, switching the water on as we moved away from the droplets until it warmed.

He wrapped his muscular arms around my bare body. "What did my daughter mean by me having another name?"

I giggled. "I was teaching her how to sound out words. One of them was my name, then her name, and you guessed it, she wanted to know Daddy's real name."

He shook his head. "I like being Daddy. To her and you."

I gasped when he tapped my ass. "I thought you weren't into Daddy kink?"

"Mmm, I kinda like hearing you say it."

I crushed him in a deep kiss, our lips smacking, and tongues colliding.

"Teaching her to read?" he said against my mouth.

"Mmhmm. She's so smart."

"You're so sexy."

I moaned as his lips found their way to my neck. I gripped his hair, pushing him backward under the water. The warmth overwhelmed me from the inside out.

"Why are you worked up?" I asked.

"Bad game. Hot wife." He kissed the mounds of both breasts.

"That's it?"

"Our parents are downstairs. You want to make this quick or stand here and talk?"

"You can't multitask?" I bit my lip, grinning like a loon.

"I'd rather focus on you."

I reached between us to stroke him slowly. He groaned, tossing his wet head back.

"Talk to me."

"I can't now."

"You can. Tell me why you're frustrated then release your frustrations," I leaned up to his ear, "inside me."

His eyes were blazing when they greeted mine. He growled, shoving me against the cold tile and lifting my leg. "As you wish."

I hummed as he pushed himself in, taking every thick inch. We could both be ready at the drop of a hat, and the passion between us blew my mind every single time.

"I golfed like shit," he said, moving his hips.

"So? Big deal." I gripped his wet shoulders.

"Dad made jokes at every hole. He always does."

He bottomed out before pulling away again and repeating the movement. I moaned as I wrapped my leg tighter around his waist.

"That's where you get your competitiveness from."

I winked and he attacked my lips, biting the bottom one before kissing across my chin to the sweet spot behind my ear.

"Not funny." He nipped my neck.

"Jamie," I felt myself getting closer. "He embarrassed you."

"Yesss." I didn't know if he was answering my question or losing himself in my body.

I clenched with each thrust, trying to get us both there.

"Mom told me to make sure I—" He rolled his hips. "P-pay attention to Dulcie when the baby comes."

He wrinkled his forehead, pecking my mouth. "Why wouldn't you?"

My orgasm was on the brink, my nails digging into his hot flesh. "I don't know, she's worrying for me."

"Don't worry then."

I threw my head back as I finally felt my release hit me like a freight train. "Fuck, I won't baby. Don't stop."

He rode me through it until his own took over. He moaned my name, panting in my arms as he exploded.

I sucked on his bottom lip, his hot breath caressing my sweaty face. We held each other for a long moment, leaving sweet kisses all over one another's skin before he eventually stepped away. I sighed at the emptiness.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"I wasn't the grumpy one." I pinched his ass.

He laughed. "You're the best cure."

"Good. I want to be." I reached for the shampoo and after squeezing some out, began massaging it into his scalp.

He closed his eyes as he held onto my hips, enjoying the special attention. I moved him under the water and rinsed all the suds.

"My turn," he said.

I shook my head. "Already had a shower, remember?"

He smirked. "Little minx. I love you."

I hugged him close. "And I love you." I handed him the body wash. "Here, I need to go dry my hair so we don't look suspicious."

"Too late, baby. I believe we already do."

I giggled. "Whatever. Hurry."

I stepped out, but not without a final smack from him. I yelped, grabbing a towel and moving away from his feisty hands.

I turned the blow dryer on while he finished showering. I saw him exit from the corner of my eye as he wrapped a towel around his waist. The water clung to his chest, running smooth paths toward his perfect V.

"Hungry?" he asked.

My eyes widened as he dried off. "Yes, actually. I could do that again."

He laughed. "I meant literally. Like food. Did you eat?"

"Oh." I blushed. "Earlier. Dulcie will be hungry when she wakes up though, so we should probably figure something out."

He stood behind me at the counter and I turned the dryer toward his hair. We both chuckled as he shook his head back and forth to dry it. He gripped a strong arm around my waist, watching me finish my task. He kissed the top of my shoulder and moved to let me brush the tangles from my long locks.

"I can feed you what you want later." He winked at my reflection.

"Get dressed, you're distracting."

He jerked the towel from my frame. "I could say the same."

"Jamie, please. I'm not kidding. I already want you again and you're not helping."

He reached his hand down between my legs, causing me to gasp. "I can be quick."

I pushed it away. "No, not that. I can wait for the real thing."

I turned in his arms to kiss him roughly. His tongue danced with mine as we momentarily got lost again.

"Hormones," he whispered.

"Stop!" I bumped his hip to get him out of the bathroom.

He snickered. "Okay, okay. I forgot. Sorry."

He walked on to the closet to find something to wear. I quickly changed back into the dress I'd had on, skipping the panties. Would make it easier later.

"Do you want to go out?" he asked, pulling his jeans on.

I met him in the bedroom. "We can. Invite everyone?"

He shrugged. "If you want. Although I'd rather not hear my dad boast about his golf swing anymore today."

"Baby he's staying with us, we can't not invite him to dinner."

"I was only halfway kidding." He slipped on a polo.

"Come on, it'll be nice. Your dad can make fun of your game and my mom can tell me how to be a stepmother."

"Yeah, you okay?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I made it a bigger deal than what it was. She was being genuine."

He nodded. "It's not about them, remember?"

"I know, and I basically told her that. I think she knows. She just doesn't want me to get hurt by future events."

He met me in the middle of the room, gripping my arm. "I don't want you to either, but how can we know what's going to happen tomorrow even? Let alone five or ten years from now."

"Exactly. We're on the same page. I'm not letting anyone in. We decide what works for us, no one else."

He kissed my forehead. "Love to hear it."

"Are you okay?"

"Much better now. Thanks to my insatiable wife."

"We've really been gone a long time." I laughed. "We need to go."

"After you." He ushered me out, and back downstairs to our family.

I smiled when I saw Dulcie sleeping across my mom's lap with Dory playing quietly in the background. My dad and Jim weren't around.

"Where did—?" I whispered.

"Outside," she said.

I nodded, looking at Jamie.

"Let's join," he said.

He opened the door for me when we reached the deck and I stepped out into the humid air once again. It was stifling hot without the help of my hormones.

"There they are," my dad said with a grin.

"Thought you took a nap," Jim added.

"Not quite," Jamie said with a proud smile.

I almost slapped him for being obvious, but neither dad reacted so it must've been lost on them.

"Jim's going to come over to the house," my dad said. "Wanted to show him that old '67 Chevy I've been working on. We can grill out for dinner. Interested?"

Jamie's eyes met mine and I knew he'd realized we'd been handed an opportunity to back out.

"Actually," I began, "we were thinking of going somewhere. You know, pregnancy cravings and stuff."

"You're more than welcome to come," Jamie said, covering for me.

"Nah," Jim said. "You guys enjoy, I'll go with Eric and Karen."

Jamie bit his bottom lip to stop his satisfied grin and I had to laugh.

"Sounds good."

"Dulcie can come too," my dad said.

Jamie shook his head. "Appreciate the offer, but we only have one more day together. Would like to take her somewhere."

"Good idea, son," Jim said. "Take your girls on a date. You deserve it."

"Well?" Jamie looked at me.

"Sounds wonderful."


"I want dessert," Dulcie said after setting her fork down.

She'd gone with her usual, mac and cheese and hot dogs. Jamie and I split a pizza, because I was craving something greasy. I wished I could crave fruits and vegetables instead, but of course not. I had a troublemaker growing inside.

"You need to finish your plate then," Jamie said.

"I don't want it."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Guess you don't want dessert either."

She pouted. "Pwease?"

"Dulcie," I said and her eyes shot to mine. "Say puh."

She stared at me for the longest time. I figured she was over our learning session for the day.

"Puh," she said.

"Now lease."


"Great, and together that makes puh-lease. Please."


Jamie chuckled. "My smart girl."

"Can I have ice cream now, puh-lease?"

"Nice try," he said. "But until those pieces of food disappear into your mouth the answer is still no."

"Mama, I want ice cream." Her big blue eyes made me melt.

I felt my husband's gaze and when I looked over he was shaking his head. My mom's words flooded back to me. I also know you're doing a lot to please her at every turn.

"Princess, Daddy said no. So finish your food and then we can get something else."

She crossed her arms, slouching in her seat. I hated feeling like the bad guy, but my mom had been right after all. I couldn't overrule Jamie just to make her happy. We were a team, and she couldn't get everything she wanted, from either of us.

I took a deep breath, playing with the piece of crust left on my plate. Jamie reached for my hand and interlocked our fingers.

He leaned into my ear. "It's not easy, but you're doing great."

I lowered my voice as Dulcie carved circles into her kids' menu with a red crayon. "It feels weird."

His eyebrows furrowed.

"She's not mi—"

His lips cut me off. I pulled away, searching his eyes.

"Doesn't matter."

I nodded. "Okay."

When we both looked to her after our exchange, Dulcie was scooping up the rest of her pieces and eating them quietly. We remained silent, knowing she'd caved to our mutual parenting. I gripped his hand and felt a sense of confidence rush through me. We were going to make an amazing team.

She dropped her fork and smiled up at us. "All done."

I giggled. "See, that wasn't too hard."

"Ice cream?" she asked.

"Ice cream," Jamie said. "Thank you for finishing your food."

"You are welcome."

Jamie and I gazed at each other with proud smiles.

"Exactly right," I said. "I think you earned yourself two scoops. What do you say, Daddy?"

"Why don't we make it three and share?"

Dulcie nodded. "Okay! But I get the biggest one."

"You're so silly," I said. "I love you."

Jamie rubbed his thumb across my knuckles.

"I love you too, Mama."

I ran my fingers through her messy curls, feeling my husband kiss the top of my hair. I settled against his side in our circular booth while Dulcie sounded out the flavor options. My heart and tummy were full, in more ways than one.


Hope you enjoyed another family oriented chapter! Please don't forget to vote and/or comment before departing. I appreciate your support of this story and my writing :) Xo

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