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Tom has never been one to take an interest in other people's lives.

Abraxas and Orion are alright, as far as company goes. They're much more tolerable than the other students in his house.

Avery and Mulciber are constantly sucking up to Grindelwald — their parents are in his inner circle, so they think torturing muggleborn students at school will help win his praise.

He doesn't care much for the others, only that that they are loyal to him, and are just as willing to his cause as he is. He knows they're scared of him, but he doesn't mind. Fear may not be unwavering loyalty, but fear is power. Control.

Hadrian Peverell does not fear Tom Riddle.

And that's what scares him the most.

Ever since Hadrian Peverell arrived at Hogwarts out of the blue, half-dead and shaken, Tom has been desperate to know everything about him.

Hadrian radiates with power, and Tom is too intrigued to back down.

Hadrian treats Tom as if he has a personal vendetta against him, yet is civilized with everyone else. He comes from a noble pureblood line but refuses to talk about his family. He was homeschooled until now — why? And what's all this about him being tortured for two months?

Yes, Tom is intrigued.

Because even after all of this, Hadrian still keeps up a mask. He has so many secrets.

Tom is determined to find out.

There are too many gaps in his story, much too vague to be true. Tom could've sworn that he saw an auror leaving the hospital wing the day Hadrian arrived.

Tom sits in the Slytherin common room, waiting for Hadrian to come back from his last class. Tom had used his free period to try and plan what he is going to ask Hadrian.

Now, he holds a bottle of Veritaserum in his hand. He's always kept a few vials of the potion in his trunk, in case any of his followe— 'friends' were keeping things from him. He knows the ministry deems Veritaserum illegal to use, especially on a student, but Tom is certain that this instance won't be harmful to anyone.

The green-eyed boy enters the room and Tom sits up taller.

"Hadrian," Tom smiles pleasantly. "Sit. Let's chat."

"Hell no, Riddle," Hadrian growls, turning the corner towards the stairs.

Tom's eyes flicker with irritation and he stands abruptly, grabbing Hadrian's arm.

Hadrian shrinks back, frantic. "Don't fucking touch me," he snarls.

Tom blocks his path to the stairs. "Sit," he repeats firmly.

Hadrian grits his teeth but sits in the green velvet chair across from Tom's.

Tom takes his seat once again and takes a deep breath. "So, Hadrian Peverell. I have some.. questions for you."

Tom thinks he sees something similar to fear flash across Hadrian's face, though only for a split second.

"Okay, then. What do you want to know?" Hadrian sighs.

"Why were you homeschooled until now?" Tom raises an eyebrow.

"My aunt and uncle taught me magic. We lived in the country. They didn't want me at any magic schools. I don't know why," Hadrian recites all of this as if he's practiced it a thousand times.

It's specific. Too specific.

"So why Hogwarts, why now?"

"They died," Hadrian deadpans. "Dark wizards, I think."

"And your injuries?"

Hadrian stiffens. "I was... held captive for a few months by the same dark wizards."

Tom narrows his eyes. "I don't believe you."

Hadrian scowls. "That I was kidnapped? Because believe me, I have the scars to prove it."

"No, that seems... believable. About your aunt and uncle. They kept you away from all magic schools, yet taught you magic anyway?" Tom leans in and puts his elbows on his thighs, his fingertips touching slightly.

"I don't know. I don't care. Are you done?" Hadrian snaps.

"No. Why can you brew a perfect Draught of Living Death?"

"My aunt taught me," Hadrian rolls his eyes.

"What happened to your parents?"

Hadrian seems to turn rigid at this. "They're dead."

Tom frowns. "How?"

Hadrian gets up, for some reason angry. "We're done," he answers hollowly. "See you at dinner, Tom."

Tom whips out his wand and conjures restraints faster than Hadrian can make it to the stairs. His feet are bound together with vines and he's knocked to the ground. Hadrian's wrists are bound to legs of the coffee table, leaving him no choice but to lay on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.

"What the fuck, Tom?" Hadrian hisses. He keeps fighting against his restraints, but they proceed to get tighter.

"Just answer some more questions for me, Hadrian," Tom nudges Hadrian's head with his shoe.

"I'm not telling you another word," Hadrian spats.

Tom pulls out the Veritaserum and Hadrian's eyes bulge.

"No," he pales. "You wouldn't."

"So you're familiar with Veritaserum? Good to know," Tom crouches down to Harry's level.

It's now that he can see more of Hadrian's injuries. His neck is covered in bruises, angry and purple. His throat is red, as though it's been strangled or choked. Tom doesn't want to know how the rest of him looks.

"Tom," Hadrian glares. "Don't do this. It's illegal. It's—"

Tom smirks. "When has illegal ever stopped me? I think you're a spy for Grindelwald. And I'll find out soon enough."

Hadrian squints. "A spy for... Grindelwald?! No, I—"

Tom takes this opportunity to let three drops of the Veritaserum slide into Hadrian's mouth.

His eyes glaze over and he stops fighting his restraints.

Tom's eyes glint. "What's your name?"

"Harr— Hadrian Peverell," Hadrian chokes out. His eyes look unfocused, as if he's not aware of the words coming out of his mouth.

Tom hums. He doesn't know what he expected, but figures that an easy question is a nice way to warm up.

"Were you really held captive for two months straight?"

Hadrian's face goes slack. "Yes," he says, monotone.

"Are your parents dead?"

"Yes." Hadrian shifts uncomfortably.

"What happened to you while you were held captive?"

"I- I was tortured," Hadrian voices, his words clearly betraying his thoughts.

"By?" Tom prompts.

"Dark wizards," Hadrian grits his teeth.

Tom sighs. So he isn't a spy for Grindelwald.

"What did they torture you with? When you were held captive?" Tom's eyes narrow. It might help him figure out who kidnapped Hadrian.

Hadrian's pupils suddenly enlarge, as if he's coming to his senses. Still, the effects of the Veritaserum are clear.

"The Cruciatus curse. The Imperius curse. The Draught of Living Death. Rape. Kni—"

"A lot, then." Tom tries to swallow the bike rising in his throat.

"Okay, last question. Who kidnapped you?"

Hadrian presses his lips together, forehead crinkled, trying to resist the truth potion.

"Hadrian, you wouldn't want me to give you a little more, would you?" Tom shakes the bottle of Veritaserum slightly before returning it to his pocket.

Something akin to hate fills Hadrian's eyes. Then a laugh bubbles up inside of him.

Tom frowns. "Who kidnapped you, Hadrian?"

Hadrian grins. His next words are enough to give Tom a literal heart attack.  "You did."

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