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After years and years of loneliness and torture, High School was finally over. The actual school part I was okay with, like tests and studying. But having to share my oxygen and space with people who didn't know the difference between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings was awful.

Stupid jocks and dumb blonde bitches were the people I spent the last four years of my life with. All of those years being bullied just because I didn't have the perfect muscular body and dumb brains everyone adores. Straight A's and 'fat' as they called it, didn't bring anything good in my life.  Not to mention the 'being a fag' part. I'm now only a shell of the person I was before, personality-wise and well... let's move on from that. 

I was fine with it in the beginning. Of course, I had a wonderful but slightly homophobic mom at my side, a beautiful dog and a nice house. But after being thrown out because I liked boys, I lost it. Living with my Uncle was okay as he lived near the school I was in so it wasn't bad, but the trauma of being screamed at by my mother and my things being thrown out of the windows was still there and is still here.

Now college was on its way and I know not much is going to change, but it's always worth a shot beliving on the "bright side of life". I have faith that moving to the dorms of Harvard is going to somehow bring back that forgotten part of me that's been lost for a long time. 


The only thing that was holding me up was reading and my loving Uncle, which I considered as a father once I didn't meet my real one. As for the books, I already liked reading but once all the drama in my life started I began to read even more. 

Reading was like a refuge from the shit that was going on in real life, I read to escape reality and enter a new world, full of wonders and hot men, a new universe that would take me far away from where I was some hours before. 

Even with my uncle Mike, I still felt like I was alone and that nobody would ever want to be with or around me but that was BS because there are people, even if the crazed ones, for everything. But amidst all that, I found the strength to keep going and hope for a better life filled with love and friends.

In all my years of high school, I wanted to do Medicine but I don't think that's it for me so I chose Engineering as I always loved maths and numbers and shit. 

Now I can only wait to see what's going to happen in the future, hopefully, it's not going to be that horrible. 

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