Chapter 10: Going Home

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Gwen helped David into the car, his wrapped side limiting his movement. made sure he was comfortable before shutting the door and she got into the driver seat, started the engine, and pulled out onto the main road.

It wasn't too far from the house, but it would be another 30 minutes or so before they got home. Max had stayed home that morning to get everything ready for them.

"What did you and Max do last night?" David asked excitedly. "And this morning, what did you guys do this morning?"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Relax, David. Last night we ate Thai food and watched horror movies and this morning we had toast and eggs and then I came to get you."

"And he was okay being left home alone?" David asked. "I don't want him to feel like-"

"David, really. It's fine. He wanted to shower and whatever." Gwen watched David out of the corner of her eye. She didn't want him to guess what was happening at home. Max was under strict instructions to only put up some streamers and to not let Nikki near the stove. As of yet, though, David seemed totally in the dark about the whole thing.


David threw a blanket over Nikki, Neil, and Max, who were all passed out on the couch. The rest of the campers were all passed out around the living room and Gwen had gone along and thrown blankets over all of them as well.

It was nice to see them all again, especially after everything at the hospital. David had no idea Max and Gwen had planned the welcome home party, so coming back to all the campers, the decorations, and Max hugging David's legs tightly had been one of the best feelings David had ever felt.

David stooped low to place a kiss on Max's forehead, Gwen following closely behind. The two watched as Max snuggled into the blanket and smiled when he felt the two kisses.

"Come on," David whispered, his hand finding Gwen's. "We should go up to bed."

Gwen followed behind David as they both headed upstairs. It was late - not too late, but it was getting there - and they were both more than excited to fall into bed. Gwen changed into pajamas while David brushed his teeth, then she took her turn in front of the sink as David changed. David flipped off the bathroom lights as Gwen crawled into bed.

David's heart pounded. His ears were practically ringing, but he forced it down and out of his mind.

"Hey, Gwen?"

Gwen looked up, her eyes shining in the low light of the lamp on the bedside table. "Yeah?"

"You know how we haven't talked about it and..." David's eyes watered hard again and then he was swallowing down a lump in the back of his throat. "I was just saying- you make me feel- well, I just think-"

Gwen put a hand on David's arm. "You're panicking. Calm down and take some deep breaths."

David smiled at her. He hated how emotional he could be. How he couldn't keep it together when things were... complicated. Nevertheless, Gwen was his rock. She grounded him, and that was exactly what he needed to say.

"Gwen, you're my best friend. You know me better than anyone else, you are always there for me. I love you, and I want to spend my life with you. I do." David was holding Gwen's hand tightly then, looking down at her as he squeezed a little. "Gwen, please. Will you marry me?"

Gwen's mouth fell open, but nothing came out. There were tears, then, falling down her cheeks softly, and she shook her head up and down. "Ye- yes," she finally choked out. "Yes, David, yes."

David let a smile tear his face in two and he was suddenly on the bed with her and pulling her into a hug. He was careful to favor his side, but still held Gwen fast. "The ring is in the bedside table."

Gwen didn't pull away. "It can wait, I just... I just want to be here with you."

David and Gwen held each other for a while - neither one of them were keeping track of time. They just wanted to be together.

The door creaked open and Gwen pulled her face away from David's neck. It was Max, stumbling over the doorway. "Mom? Dad?"

"Hey, Max, what's up?" Gwen asked. David marched over to the door and scooped Max up in his arms to carry him to bed.

"Woke up and we were all downstairs. I didn't know where you guys went."

Gwen smiled at him. "We thought it would be best to let you sleep," she explained as David climbed into bed behind Max. "Want to hear some good news?"

Max nodded, but didn't say anything. He was too busy yawning anyways.

"We're going to get married," David said quietly as he pulled Max down into the blankets. Max came willingly, burying his face in the corner of David's pillow and snuggling into the blankets. Gwen slid down into the bed herself and scooted closer so she and David were sandwiching Max as close as possible.

"Really? It took you this long to ask her?" Max slurred a little, but David and Gwen just laughed a little at his sleepy response. He'd be more excited in the morning.

David peered over Max's curls to meet Gwen's eye. There was a look there, something halfway between love and trust, that made his heart swell and his face flush. Max clutched at David's shirt and the man felt a rush of warmth in his chest as well. "Good night, Max."

"G' night, Dad," Max murmured. "G' night, Mom. Love you."

Gwen leaned in over Max's hair to whisper to David. "That never gets old."

David shook his head. "No, it really doesn't. Just wait till I get to call you my wife. Now there's a heart-stopping rush."

Gwen had to bite her cheek to not laugh too loudly for fear of waking Max up. "I'm so happy you called the lawyers before telling me," she said honestly despite the joking tone she took. "I mean it. You and Max - you two are the best things to have ever happened to me."

David leaned in closer and kissed Gwen one more time before he slunk down in the covers and burying his face in Max's hair. He was home, Max was safe, Gwen was going to marry him.

The three misfits had found each other, against all odds, and now, they were going to make this house a home. Their home.

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