Chapter 3: His Room

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David and Gwen were in the front seat with Max in the back, his backpack nestled next to him. Gwen and David had put their bags in the trunk so they wouldn't crowd Max. At first, Max had been surprised when Gwen got into the car, but he figured they would just drop her off before David drove Max home.

David had put on the farmer's almanac when they first got on the road, but Gwen had quickly put an end to that and put on her own music. It wasn't all bad, actually, Max had recognized a few of the songs.

A hard drum line suddenly blasted from the speakers, making everyone jump a little. Max's eyes narrowed. "Is this Fall Out Boy?"

"Yeah," Gwen said, checking her phone. "From one of their first albums."

Max hummed along. It was almost like he was a whole new person once he was away from camp and his parents. It was David who started singing first.

"So hum hallelujah, just off the key of reason," he started, his voice low.

Gwen joined in, making David smile and pick up the volume. "I said I loved you."

"But it's just how you looked in the light!" Max joined in. The three sang loudly, as if nothing else in the world mattered. When the final notes finally rang through the car speakers, Max sighed contentedly. "I love Fall Out Boy."

"Really?" Gwen asked, twisting in the passenger seat to look at Max.

"Yeah, duh," Max said. "You have it on your playlist, you must like it, too. You can't fool me, Gwen."

Gwen snorted. "Hold it right there, short stack. I like it just fine, but I actually only have it on my playlist because David loves them."

Max raised an eyebrow. "David. Mr. Camp-tastic fuck-face himself likes Fall Out Boy?"

David decided it was best to ignore the foul language and just adjusted the mirror so he could see Max in it. "Sure do! I like them, and Panic, and My Chemical Romance!"

Max was a little stunned to be honest. It was always a shock to him to hear that David liked those kinds of things, but then he would think back to the story David told once. Max didn't fully believe it yet, but David apparently had a potty mouth as a kid, with an attitude to match. Until Max got some proof, he was doubtful.


Max fell asleep at some point, his head lulling against the car window. The car's engine turned off with a splutter, which woke him, and he jumped up.

"Where are we?" he asked as he wiped drool away from his face.

Gwen and David were unpacking the car and they both looked up. "You're up!" David said happily.

"Come on, squirt, get your bag."

Max grabbed his backpack and watched as Gwen went up to the door and unlocked it for David, who was carrying a large stack of bags and boxes. The two adults each put their things down on the couch in the main living room, then flicked on the lights. Max took a look around, noting the pictures on the wall of David and Gwen, a dog running through a field, Gwen posing as she feeds elephants.

"You two live together?" he asked finally.

"Yeah," Gwen said simply. David was already headed upstairs to put their clothes in the washer. "We've been dating for a few years now, we moved in together three months before camp started."

Max looked around a bit more, shuffling on his feet as he debated where to put his things. Gwen seemed to notice and she jerked her thumb up the stairs. "Head on up, Max. David can show you the your room. We'll go out tomorrow to get you some more stuff that you can pick out, okay?"

Max nodded and scurried up the stairs. David was just starting the washer, but he stopped everything to show Max to a room down the hall and flipped on the light. It wasn't anything fancy - a simple dresser and bed. The walls were a pale blue to contrast the natural wood and white sheets.

"We can go tomorrow to get you some things for the room, like a new desk and we can get whatever else you want. We could get new linen!"

"Gwen said that, too," Max grumbled. "You really don't need to do all that for me. I know you didn't ask for this."

David didn't say anything, but he did drop down to a knee and put his hands on Max's shoulders. "Max. Just because this wasn't planned doesn't mean it isn't wanted. Gwen and I care about you, Max. We car a lot, we just want you to be happy."

David's eyes were wide and sincere. Max decided in that moment to trust him.


"Are we almost done?" Max asked. He was perched in the cart as David pushed it down the aisle. 

Gwen looked over at him as she looked over the desk lamps. "Just need a few other things. Why don't you and David go look at the sheets and stuff, okay?"

Max grumbled a little as Gwen put a desk lamp in the cart next to him, kissed David's cheek, and headed down the next aisle. David pushed the cart over to the area for sheets and other linen stuff, grabbing some towels as he went. There were never enough towels as is, and having another person in the house would only mean more shortages.

"Okay, so what color do you want?" David asked. Max just shrugged. "Dark blue to match everything else?"

Max shrugged again. David took it upon himself to grab some soft, dark blue sheets and pillow cases, and a duvet.

"Okay, kiddo, Gwen is getting all the other stuff, but she's gonna need that spot in the cart where you're sitting." David motioned for Max to stand up and he put his hands under the boy's arms. Max expected David to just drop him down on the floor, but instead, he swung Max up over his head and settled him on David's shoulders. Max was stunned for a second, but David was moving again so he just wrapped small hands around David's chin and held on. He'd never ridden on someone's shoulders before, certainly never his biological father's.

Gwen's eyebrows rose when she saw David and Max come around the corner, but she didn't comment on it. Instead, she dumped some more desk stuff, like book ends and a stationary organizer, an alarm clock, some cute bathroom stuff, and a whole stack of school supplies.

"Why are we getting school stuff?" Max asked from atop David's shoulders.

David tried to look up over his eyebrows, but he couldn't quite see Max. "You start school soon."

"Ugh," Max groaned and fell backwards off David's shoulders. The man held his ankles firmly, though, so he just dangled down David's back and swung from side to side. A little giggle escaped his lips. It was an unheard of sound - Max never giggled.

Max snapped his lips closed, but he couldn't help but smile. He was happier than he'd been in years, swinging on the back of his father while his mom picked out a new toothbrush.

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